Chapter Twenty

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Maggie came over to Ty and replaced his food.
"You don't need to do that Maggie"
"Yes I do, I must thank Amy about the camera idea inside the dinner, I asked the same chap if he could do it that day and he had it all finished by about 6pm, he's coming back next week to put one in the Tack section".
Ty looked up and smirked to himself realising what Amy said about it being in hand, he was marrying a very smart young woman.
Ty finished and thanked Maggie and Soraya and went back to the Clinic with Scott's food.
He told Scott what happened and how Ashley was arrested .

Val Stanton came into the station but slower and quieter this time after being shown up last time.
" I'm here to see Chief Adams ".
"Ahh we meet again Mrs Stanton ".
"Tell me about it, What's my daughter done".
"Come through Mrs Stanton and let's watch a video shall we".
"You'll like this one, plenty of action".
They sat in Jim's office,
"So before we watch the show, what's the charges".
" Let me check, ah yes Sexual assault and Soliciting , don't say anything until you've watched what
happened ".
Jim puts the video on and they watch, Vals hand goes to her mouth watching her daughter embarrassing herself and the Stanton name.
"So as you see, she attacked Mr Borden who was minding his own business eating Lunch and you heard the things she said to him. Your children seem to have a thing regarding Amy and Ty don't they".
"She wasn't Soliciting Chief Adams ".
"Well maybe you should tell her that looking like a Hooker is not a good thing for her, You or your business".
"Can I take her home".
"Well , Mr Borden is pressing charges so for now she's been charged , but whether Mr Borden will drop those charges is up to him you could appeal to his better nature".
"You mean beg".
"That may help".

Ty met Amy outside the doctors and pulled her in for a meaningful kiss.
"Wow Ty, that was some kiss". With a big smile on her face.
"Thank you for having my back with Ashley".
"No problem, did it work ".
"Yes, she was arrested for Sexual assault and Soliciting ".
"Soliciting, never thought of that one, although she does dress like one".
Both Laughed and headed in for the Scan.
Amy told Ty about the visitor this morning and Ty explained how he had heard of him and what he does as they had to help a horse he accidentally caught with his Chainsaw. Amy was furious.
The scan was fine, and baby borden was healthy and they had new photos.

"What are you doing now Ty".
"I'm Finished, You".
"Same, shall we drive home, I don't feel to good ".
"Good Idea ".


They both came down the Drive and parked outside the Ranch house.
As Amy got out she saw that Powers bloke was back with his face on the side of his truck.
"You want me to".
"No Ty, thank you, I'm Just going to ignore him and if necessary get Grampa to deal with him instead, he's not going to listen to me even though I told him I'm pregnant and can't work with his horse and if you go he may start something which I really don't want, let's go cuddle on the bed Ty ".
"That sounds nice".
They entered the house and saw Lou was in a great mood for a change.
Jack was back from looking at the Cattle and reading his newspaper.
"Hey grampa I'm going to have a rest and me and Ty need to chit chat, if that idiot turns up at the door would you tell him I've already said No, I can't work with his horse because of the pregnancy and I'm not putting our babies life in danger because he wants it fixed".
"Leave him to me n Lou love, you go rest are you okay, you look pale and very tired".
"Just need a rest Grampa.".
Amy and Ty headed to their bedroom, but what Jack said made Ty a little worried, could be nothing and she's just tired.
At dinnertime Lou called Amy and Ty, Ty went to wake Amy but she was burning up and he could see sweat on her face, he rushed out the house to his truck and came back with his Vet Box, Lou looked worried when she saw Ty's face and followed him.
When Lou saw Amy she knew why he was worried, Ty put his gloves on and got some tissue then carefully moved his hand down between her legs and waited, he pulled out the tissue which was thankfully clean.
"Babys Fine Lou".
Ty then brought out his Ear thermometer and took her temperature which was far to high, then he checked her breathing using the stethoscope she bought him a long time ago, "Lou, can you go round the other side and roll her to you so I can hear her lungs from the back".
Ty checked then looked at Lou.
"Hospital right now, can you grab my bag Lou ".
Jack and Peter were sat waiting at the dinner table when they saw Ty carrying Amy and Lou with his bag.
"What's wrong Ty".
"Amy's sick could be Phunomia were off to Hudson General".
"Okay we'll follow ".
Lou drove while Ty held on to Amy, her temperature was climbing and Ty was worried for both, mother and Baby.
When they got to Hospital the doctors were waiting as Jack got peter to phone to say they were on there way.
Ty carried Amy in and put her on the gurney that was waiting for her.
Amy was taken straight in to emergency while Ty explained his findings.
Lou phoned Soraya to let her know what's happened and she was there in 10 minutes.
"Amy didn't look to good yesterday Lou, but Amy said she was just tired".

The Doctor came out and asked for Amy Fleming's family, they all stood up.
"Please take a seat, right we've got her on IV Fluids and IV Antibiotics which won't hurt baby, we've also given her something to clear the fluid from her lungs. Amy does have Phunomia
Now were running some blood tests also.
She and the baby will be fine, but for now she's very poorly and rest and sleep are what she needs. We expect her Temperature to start dropping as the Antibiotics do their Job, but for now its stable and hasn't gone any higher.
You can go and see her but she is asleep and we'd like her to stay asleep.
Come back tomorrow about 11 am and we have your numbers if needed, Are you her fiance sir, "Yes I am" okay and do we have your number, "Yes, under Ty Borden". Okay that's all we need and don't worry we will look after her for you, room 21 down that corridor on the right".
At that the doctor left and they all went to say goodnight to Amy.

To be continued

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