Chapter Nineteen

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"Good morning handsome".
"Good morning beautiful, did you sleep well".
"Yes thank you, Jesse is on his way back to Florida".
"Last night".
"How did you pull that off".
"Remember what I said about beating them at their own game, well that night I couldn't sleep so phoned Soraya who thankfully was still up, so I told her what happened after I left Maggie's and she sort of informed me about a camera her Mum had fitted at the back of Maggie's including sound because she's had problems with fights out the back and someone tried to break in the Tack section door.
Well it caught everything, the way he was Stalking me and Jumped out which made Duke almost have him and the threats he made about me and how he would set you up.
Yesterday morning Val went to see Jim, apparently Jesse told her I pulled a gun on him and threatened to set Duke on him. He got her to watch and listen to the video. Jim told her that he never wants to see Jesse in Hudson again".
"See, I said you were clever but what about Ashley".
"That's in hand and I want some lovin".
"Yes Ma'am ".

"Good Morning Amy, Ty."
"Morning Grampa "
"Morning Jack ".
"Something smells good Grampa"
"A good breakfast always smells good"

"What's on for Today Amy".
"Err what date is it Ty"
"23rd why"
"Shoot, I've got my scan at 2pm"
"Well I've got to pick up some supplies from Maggie's this morning ".
"That's okay Grampa you get the supplies ".
"What time do you start your shift Ty"
"9 am today, I can meet you at Dr Virani's for the scan Just before 2"
"Okay sounds good"
Lou comes in the kitchen and see's Amy and Ty in the same chair both eating breakfast with Amy on Ty's Lap.
"There's plenty of chairs Amy "
"Yep, your right Lou, except this one is much more comfy than the others".
Lou gives a disgusted look at Jack who Just smiles and laughs, gets up and heads for the door.
"Right, I'm off to Maggie's for the supply run, see ya later".
"Do you have to do this at the Table Amy"
"Do what , were having breakfast Lou"
"Sitting on Ty's Lap ".
"Someone's grouchy this morning, Hi Peter, your wife's grouchy , think she needs some Lovin"
"Well you certainly look happy and Hungry by the looks of it".
"Thanks Peter, it's amazing what a little bit of Lovin can do in the morning".
"Hey Lou maybe".
Amy finished and went to swill her plate and put it in the Dish Washer, then walked over to Ty, kissed him .
"I'll see you at 2pm"  "okay love".
Amy sat to put her boots on and heard  Ty's voice.
"You know Lou, you should really lighten up,  your wound up tighter than a Ducks Arse".
Peter started choking on his coffee, Amy had fell off the mudroom bench trying to put her boots on and eventually Lou's face cracked as she started laughing.
Amy went to feed the horses, they got fed a little later nowadays with Amy being pregnant and Ty working at the Clinic,  Ty went off for his shift, tooting his horn as he passed the Barn and saw Amy waving.

"Maybe there's something in this mornin lovin thing".
Peter looked surprised at Lou's comment.
"Race ya to the bedroom " and Lou was gone.
Amy had fed the horses as she limited her clients to three at a time and depending upon what there problem was,  anything to drastic and she apologised that for now she had to be careful.  Amy saddled Spartan as Dr Varani said she could carry on riding but only at a walk or canter if it was necessary in an emergency and went for a quiet walk while the horses got fresh air in the Paddock she needed to clean out the stalls later but the Barn was empty.

Amy was thinking that she needed to see about a Ranch Hand,  infact one that could help her with morning chores and  then help her Grampa,  they could split the wages between them,  and her and Ty needed a house preferably on Heartland.
About an hour later Amy was coming home when in the distance she saw a Truck and very large horse Trailer similar to her own driving down Heartlands drive.
'Who the hells this she thought to herself   she could see all the Livery on the side but couldn't make it out. Whoever it was had there face plastered on the side, not a good indicator.
When she got back there was some bloke with a cheesy smile all over his face which gave Amy a bout of nausea.
"Can I help you".
"Okay , well that's your name obviously,  but you didn't answer the question   what can I do for you".
"My horse wont let me get on him and as your the Miracle Girl ".
"Well Mr Powers ".
"Please call me Chase".
"Mr Powers is quite sufficient,  especially as I don't know you, but I'm  restricted to the  types of problems a horse has for the foreseeable future and your horse is one I can't work with ".
"Oh, injury".
"No, Pregnancy ".
"Well I'm sure you could make an exception for me".
"No, My child is more important than your horse  I'm sorry you had a wasted journey,  but you should have phoned as it's appointment only, it does say so on my web site, Sorry".
Amy walked past him to take Spartan to the rear Paddock.
"So, who's the lucky man who's gonna marry you".
"You don't give up do you, it's none of your business, as I said I don't know who you are, now if you don't mind I have things to do  like a Doctors appointment ".
Amy walked past him and straight to the house.

"What a cheesy ass he is".
Lou looked around at Amy,
"Chase Powers  I've heard about him and the things he does when supposedly training horses, thinks he's a Ladys man".
"Ha ha ha,  that's funny lou,  he actually made me feel like puking".

Back at the Clinic .
"Scott I'm going over to Maggie's,  you want anything   I need to eat now cus of Amy's Scan".
I'll have the same as usual thanks Ty".
"I'll have mine over there".
"Okay,  It'll be at least 30 minutes before I'm ready to eat, that reporters put me behind".
Ty went over to Maggie's and ordered for himself and Scott to take out.
Ty was looking around and saw the reporter they had an interview with about local businesses,  he'd Just finished with Maggie and Soraya,  he saw an RCMP officer with his daughter picking out a new Saddle and then Ashley with her friends.
" Oh Great, she's all I need ".
Ashley got up and slowly walked passed the table of the reporter who noticed her long Legs, high Heels and her skirt, a very short skirt you could see her panties . He noticed where she was heading and being a reporter he started filming, Just in case.
Ty was eating his dinner when she threw herself at him, Liplocked and her arms wrapped around him, he thought of Amy and what she said to him. He was trying to get her off but to no avail so bit her Lip which caused her to pull back, Ty then pushed her away and Ashley fell to the floor knees bent so everyone could see what she was wearing,  Ty was spitting out the food he had in his mouth.
"Urgh  my God Ashley,  I don't need to pay for something like that,  I have a beautiful Fiancee and don't need your help thank you very much. Earn your money somewhere else.".
"You bit me".
"Well you didn't leave me much choice ".
"But I know you want me, Ty".
"Err, No chance".
The Officer had watched with interest as he Knew The Stanton's were back in town usually to cause Trouble, and his Chief had quickly got rid of Jesse.
He walked over looking down at Ashley as he approached Ty.
"You okay there Sir".
"Err, not really, I've just been assaulted, sexually ". Ty added for effect.
"Yes I noticed, I saw everything, do you wish to press charges sir".
Thinking back to what Amy did to Jesse he said "Yes please ".
"Get up please young Lady, your under arrest for assault ".
He phoned for help and looked at Soraya who was making sure he saw her looking up at the CCTV.
"Is that working miss".
"Oh definitely officer would you like a copy".
"Yes please ".
Soraya grabbed two USB pens on key rings they sold and went out the back.
When she came back she handed a copy to the officer as an on duty constable came through the door,
"What's she under arrest for".
"Sexual Assault and Soliciting".
"WHAT!!!! your kidding me" Ashley cried out.
"Here's the footage.".
Ashley was taken away and Ty thanked the officer.
Soraya walked back to collect dishes and put the other USB in the reporters hand with a wink".

To be continued

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