Chapter Thirty Nine

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It was nearly the end of the first week,
Amy woke in the morning feeling much better than the first few days. Doctor Harris had been in to see her and check on the incision where she performed surgery, everything was fine.
"So Amy, how are you feeling today, and I don't mean the surgery".
"Honestly I feel really good".
"Well I've been thinking Amy, if your Okay after some routine tests, you can go home, PROVIDING  you stay in or near the House and rest for another week.".
"Yesss yesssss , Thank you so much Doctor Harris".
"Well I know your daughter has been to see you but I also know your missing her and Ty of course  I think you'll get better even quicker if your at home ".
Amy was laying there dozing and for no reason she thought back to when her Grampa and Lou walked in after she'd called for them via Ty.
She recalled how they came in looking very sheepish and she'd decided to read them the riot act and tell them how they made her feel. Amy hadn't held back either and when Lou asked about what news she had Amy just laughed and told Lou she'd find out eventually.  Of course Amy was going to tell her but not until she was home.
Later in the day Ty turned up with a bag and clothes,  Dr Harris had phoned him to say she was discharging Amy and how she wanted her to take it easy and to bring her some clothes.

Ty and Amy eventually park outside the Ranch house  suddenly out of the door comes Lyndy like a rocket, she can't get to Amy fast enough. Amy goes down to a croutch position as she expects the incoming missile is not going to stop until contact.
"Mommy your home". Now Amy's being crushed by her daughter as she holds on tight, and Amy's holding Lyndy tight too.
They walk into the kitchen and everyone was surprised to see her home, they all sit at the main Table and Ty goes through the chat Dr Harris had with him.
" Right, now that everyone seems in a better mood we have an announcement   We weren't going to do one but as everyone is here why not,  We're Pregnant.".
Everyone was truly pleased for them, Jack had a smile as big as the Grand Canyon on his face, there were hugs and kisses and more apologies from Lou and Jack. Lyndy was very excited to be having a little brother or sister.


Two months had flown by and Amy was now 5 months pregnant, she was enjoying this pregnancy and nugget no 2 was also having a great time too, baby was very active and sometimes Amy thought nugget was trying to get out.
Amy had one week left before she closed down the business until baby was born, she used the same procedure for Lyndy and while working, there was a strict code she used as to which  horses she worked with and those to avoid which she stuck to this time as well.
Amy had made sure she was ready for a second pregnancy when it happened by opening a savings account which she paid a set amount into every week ever since she got back to work after Lyndy was born, by having savings she wouldn't get stressed about money or stupid ideas of trying to do a clinic like last time.
This time when she closed down she could relax and concentrate on nugget  and Lyndy. Her plan was to spend time with Lyndy and continue teaching her to ride, special Mother Daughter Time.

As the week was moving along and with just two days to go Amy made the decision that as she had no more client's this week she would close now, after all what could she do in two days. While Lyndy was at school she got out the sign she used last time and drove up to the main gate.
Amy put up the sign,  secured it and then closed the main gate. She phoned  Ty, Jack, Lisa and Lou and Peter telling them Heartland was now closed and to use the Rear Entrance which just skirted the Dude Ranch.
There was a list of Jobs that Amy wanted doing , the ideal time to get them done was over the next Four months, to Jack's relief there was only 6 on the list although 2 were big Jobs, one being the repainting of the Barn and the 6 stables behind the Barn so they all matched.
Amy checked her watch and drove up to the main gate to meet Lyndy and Katie off the School Bus.
By the side of the main gate was a Stile gate which allowed someone to get through on foot without having to open the larger gate.
So Lyndy and Katie used it and got in the truck.

Two days later and Amy was officially on Maternity leave,  she got up kissing  Ty on her way leaving him moaning for more, "Thought you'd of got enough last night you sexy hunk" laughing as she went to the bathroom.
Lyndy was riding really well and Amy had the Horse on a rope as she rode around the Arena, she was learning how to use her legs to get her horse moving and turning.  After an hour Amy called time, she needed a break.
Lyndy was very pleased with herself and as Amy thought,  her daughter sucked up everything just like a sponge.
Later they were having Lunch when the sound of a large Semi caught her and Jack's ears.
"I'm not expecting anything,  are you Grampa ".
" Nope".  Jack stood up and knew by the Emblem who it was but had no idea why she was here.
"Spose I'd better see what she wants".
"No, you stay here with Lyndy,  I'm not letting you get stressed out because of Val Stanton ".
"How did she get in, the gates locked".

To be continued

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