Chapter Ten

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Ty went out to feed the horse's and Jack sat down at the kitchen Table.
Lisa walks in. "I was listening, sorry, what are we going to do Jack, we need to help her, he's caused all this, if he'd Just stayed away".
"I know Lise , but back then we didn't know what we know now if you get my drift".
"Yeah, I know, he's so good to her isn't he, he loves her so much, Ty I'm on about".
"I thought that's probably who you were talking about. I think we need to keep her busy with what she loves to do and pray a certain person stays away. Thankfully he's not at big river anymore so he probably has to find a Ranch Job with lodgings".
"I'm going to see if my source can find out where he is, at least then we'll know where ".
"That's a good Idea Lisa".

Amy walks into the kitchen and pours herself a coffee, "Wow this is good coffee grandpa, sorry, morning all".
"Morning sweetheart, you can thank your Fiance, he was up before me and had the coffee made".

Amy went out to give Ty a hand before Uni , then got to work with her client's horses, trying to get back to some form of normality.
This carried on for months and everyone noticed how Amy was back to normal, she was making great progress with the horse's as they turned up, fixed them and sent them home.
Amy had found that using Liberty Training with them gave her a quicker start on helping them.
Even Spartan was doing tricks and dancing with her, she was getting Spartan to do a new trick with a large Log in her private place where she trained away from Being watched. They could see her from the Ranch House but not what she was actually doing.
Amy had just finished when she heard clapping, she turned round to see Pierre standing there watching her.
"You have come a long way Amy ,that was excellent".
"Thank you Pierre, what are you doing here".
"I was in the Area and thought I'd visit and see if you were still using Liberty work, which you obviously are".
Oh, thank you, I use it in the work I do with Troubled and Abused horses, I find that getting that trust first makes it easier to help them and it doesn't take me as long to find the problem".
"Well as I said it was Just a quick visit, I have somewhere else I should be very soon, I will be in touch Amy, well done".
Time rolled on and in two weeks it would be her 20th Birthday, Amy had been thinking about her and Ty's relationship and decided to make an appointment with Dr Virani, she also asked Ty to go with her to buy her own Truck as she was so busy she couldn't keep relying on Ty or using Jacks Truck.
Amy checked her account and was very surprised at how much she had earned, she could buy her own Ranch but knew Heartland was her true home.


" So what are you looking for Amy , second hand".
"No, I think I'm going to get a new one that will hopefully last me a long time and I want the Hitch in the back of the Truck bed which I understand to be much safer than a towing ball".
"Yes, they are safer".
"Also I saw a 6 Horse rig and need to see how much it is, Grampa's Trailer's are small and old.
Later on that day Amy was driving her new Truck and parked it in front of the Quonset hut because it was so big and Long and Ty parked along side her.
When they entered the house, Jack wolf whistled at Amy's Truck & Trailer.
"That looks pretty awesome Amy".
"Thanks grandpa, I can't rely on using Ty and you for transportation, especially as business has been picking up, plus it's strong and Safer".
"That it certainly is, and Black always looks so professional".

A couple of days ago while Ty was at Uni Amy went to see Dr Virani, afterwards she went to Maggie's for Lunch and was talking to Soraya who she hadn't seen in a while, they tried to see each other once a week, But Soraya was at University in Calgary at the same place as Ty. While they were talking she introduced Amy to a guy named Jeremy who had a problem with his horse, Amy asked him what the problem was and suggested he speak with Scott Cardinal as it sounded like only an operation could fix his problem. Amy didn't know why but she didn't like or Trust him.
Two days later Amy was coming back from a supply run.
On her way down Heartlands Drive she noticed a Large Semi Horse Trailer coming down the drive behind her, she parked outside the house then walked back to the Barn where the Truck was, suddenly the driver emerged out from the back with a beautiful Back Horse Identical to Spartan.
Amy looked at the name on the side of the truck and recognized the name immediately ' Dark Horse '.
"Why may I ask are you delivering a horse to me".
"Well Pierre wanted you to borrow Zeypher and gave me a letter for you".
Amy took hold of his reins and the Letter as the Truck pulled away.
"Wow that's a lot of horse Amy, who's he from".
"Pierre, grandpa. You know, I mentioned him about two years ago dancing with those white Stallions".
"Oh yes I remember, what's this chap for".
"Not sure yet, I'II just put him away in a stall and I will see you in a minute for coffee".
"Okay, I'II pour you a cup"
"Thank you grandpa".
Amy walked in and sat at the table with her coffee, then opened the Letter.
Jack could see Amy scratching her head.
"May I ask what this chap wants Amy".
"Err yes, he says " I'd like you to show Zeypher something new, and in return he may show you something".
It's Liberty Training grandpa".
"I didn't know you were doing that".
"Well I've been training Spartan for about the last 18 months and using it when working with clients horse's and it does help them to trust me".

Later on everyone was sat down for dinner and Amy was explaining to Ty about what happened with Zeypher being dropped off. She also mentioned about this Jeremy chap and that her intuition was that he was trouble and kept going on about if he didn't survive the operation he was well insured, she suggested that he leave that horse to Scott or Cass as she had a bad feeling about him and didn't want Ty to get the blame for something he didn't do.
Ty trusted Amy as she been right before and he hadn't listened.

To be continued

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