Chapter Thirty Two

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Ty had spent 3 days with Amy, he informed Scott he was taking extended leave of absence and Scott was not happy about it, Jack found out and decided he would put Scott in the picture of what's happened,  he may be single but his business partner isn't.

Ahmed wasn't sure which way to go as regards the beautiful Amy, the contract idea fell through,  trying to split her and her husband up failed, he needed another idea apart from just showing up. There was a knock on the door and one of his Security team walked in saying that someone needed to speak to him.
"Well show them in".
In walked a refined gentleman in a suit, "Prince Ahmed I assume".
They shook hands,he explained he was a Lawyer acting on behalf of Amy Fleming Borden and had something for him. He opened his case and took out a large Brown Envelope,  the exact envelope he gave to Amy with the contract inside. He closed his case and stood up shaking Ahmeds hand ready to go, "Oh sorry I need to give you this".  He handed it over and simply said 'You've been Served Sir' turned and walked out.
Ahmed was confused, but he wanted to see the signed contract so opened  the envelope and only found a smaller envelope.
Ahmed opened it and started reading the official letter which was a restraining order, he wasn't aloud on Heartland property , unable to contact Mrs Borden by any means, verbally,  Text message, Email, Post, fax, or by Phone, land or mobile. He also had to stay 500 ft away from her.
He was cut off completely .
Ahmed was furious and started throwing things around his office .
"That little bitch".

Ty was sitting by Amy again on day four, the breathing Tube was gone, she was doing everything on her own.
He was holding her hand as usual but noticed small movements, slowly they increased and she was squeezing his hand, relaxing then squeezing again and this went on for a while, then her thumb started rubbing the back of his hand gently,  he watched her face as her eyes slowly opened then closed then opened and looking around as if to get some focus .
Her eyes then focused on Ty's face and saw like a river of tears cascading down his face.
"I'm so glad your okay". He sobbed, the quilt hitting him again.
"I didn't mean to hit you, it was an accident,  I'm so so sorry Amy,  I let him get to me with his words and alternate meanings or something like that according to Lou".
"Ty, I know you'd never do that on purpose,  that's not who you are Ty".
"I thought I was stronger than that ".
"He got to me too, I tried not to show it".
"Will you ever be able to forgive me".
"There's nothing to forgive, well except maybe listening to Caleb".
Amy managed to pull Ty closer so she could kiss him, to let him know that she still truly loved him.
He slipped beside her on the bed and held her, and she held him.


"Oh Jack, we just had a call from the Hospital ".
Jack had Just walked in, "And what they say".
"That Amy's awake and when they went in to check on her Ty was lying by the side of her and they were asleep wrapped in each other's arms ".
"Thank god for that Lisa, Amy knew he didn't mean to hit her, it was just an accident ".
"I dare say he's been doing some groveling  though Jack".
"I would imagine so. I must say that Prince fellow has been mighty quiet recently ".
"Well I swore to Ty the following morning that I would deal with him   part one is done but part two may take a little longer".
"What did you do to shut him up".
"Well I knew if my Lawyer went in to hand him a Restraining order he would refuse to accept the envelope,  so I thought we'd have to think like him and use a bit of cunning, so I gave my Lawyer the Envelope that he gave Amy with the contract in it, except when he opened it all he'd get was the Restraining order and my lawyer said he looked so excited to finally get his hands on the contract he accepted the envelope ".
"Ha ha ha your to clever sometimes but that was great thinking".
"My lawyer said he could hear him screaming and yelling all the way to the door where they let him out".
They were both really laughing when Lou walked in with the girls, so Lisa brought her up to date on Amy and Ty and how she tricked the prince.

The Doctor had been in to see Amy and Ty, she'd explained that after what happened she wasn't going to release Amy early like last time, this time she wanted Amy in Hospital for the full two weeks so they could treat her and make sure she was okay before being let out, they both explained about the problem they had which the Doctor said she knew about and would be very pleased for Amy to stay in to make sure she's 100% this time.

Ahmed was still in a foul mood about being tricked and was working on a plan to literally Just snatch Amy right out from under there noses, he contacted his source at the Hospital to find out when she would be released from hospital and the best time to do it and his men would go the day before.

In BC, Tim had not touched Alcohol since that night Amy pulled her gun on him, what shook him more than anything was the look she gave him, ice cold blue eyes and her hand holding the gun didn't even shake with nerves. What Tim didn't know was that due to the problems Amy had been through it was the Chief Jim Adam's who suggested Amy get the Glock 15, he even sent her down to the RCMP firing range in the basement for training with their own firearms trainer, he told Amy she was a natural. She hit the middle target every time.
Tim's thoughts were going round and he wasn't sure anymore if he could do the unthinkable. She was a mother herself now, could he do that to his Granddaughter,  he and Marion could of conceived Amy the week before had they been sleeping together,  but now Marion was dead it was just his word, so ineffect there was and never had been any proof he attacked Marion,  the problem Tim realised was his own quilt.

To be continued

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