Chapter Forty Five

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Amy was on her way to see Ty and was half way there when her phone rang, she saw that it was the Hospital on her dash screen so pressed the answer button. " Mrs Borden"
"Yes I'm here any news on my husband ".
"Yes, He woke up early this morning "
"That's the best News ever, please tell him I'm halfway to the Hospital,  Thank you for calling ".
"Your welcome Mrs Borden "
Amy's speech had improved a lot over the last week, but her speech still had a slight difference.

Amy walked into Ty's room and when she saw Ty awake and sitting up she burst into tears from relief that he's going to be okay.
She waddled over to him and gave him the sweetest kiss.
"Hey handsome I'm so happy to see you awake I was so worried , you were hit three times".
"Amy, what's wrong , your eye and speech aren't how you are normally,  what happened Love".
"Well when I saw you lying on the floor I rushed to you and phoned Soraya for help then something hit my hand hard knocking my Phone away and then I felt something pressed against the back of my head, he told me to stay still and not to turn around,  then he told me to drop the Lawsuit against Val  because nobody threatens the Stanton's, then everything went black.
He hit me with the bat and when I fell onto you I hit the front of my head on the ground , I've suffered something similar to a mini Stroke but I'm getting better every day, and Nugget number 2 is doing alright,  I've got about 2 weeks left".
"I'm glad your Okay, but who was it Do the police know who it was".
"Yes they do, and I knew who the voice belonged to straight away ".
"Ha ha Sooooo, "
"Oh sorry , it was Jesse under orders from Val, but the Bat was his Idea, his way of getting revenge, she asked him to Just threaten me".
"Wow, I didn't know Val could be like that ".
"Yeah, neither did I, anyway they were in court pretty fast as they had loads of evidence and Val got 2yrs Probation and Jesse got 15yrs for Actual Bodily harm and Aggravated assault ".
"Good, I'm happy for him".
"Yeah me too, oh and Vals moving everything to her Place in Florida and selling Briar Ridge, so no more Stanton's".
"That's a relief".
"Yep I'll say, has the Doctor seen you yet ".
"Yes, as soon as they found me awake early morning,  he wants to to do another Scan and if everything is okay I should hopefully be able to come home in a couple of days".
"That's good news because this little one could decide the've had enough of being couped up inside and make a run for it".
They both started laughing at the way Amy put it, then Just sat and talked in between kissing and cuddling.
Two days later Amy turned up to collect Ty as they arranged the day before.

It had been a week since Amy brought  Ty home from the Hospital, it was Sunday morning and they'd been kissing and cuddling for a while, Amy told Ty she was going to have a Shower and got out of bed to get her things together when she felt liquid running down her legs,  Amy looked down and realised that her waters had broke.
She turned to look at Ty who was starring at her, he thought she was so beautiful pregnant or not.
"Tyyyy, my waters just broke".
Ty jumped out of bed and helped Amy clean up, then suggested to her to go have a quick shower ,then he'd take her to the Hospital.
As Ty walked into the kitchen he saw Jack n Lisa having breakfast with Lyndy  "Errr, good morning,  *morning Ty* so could you watch Lyndy please because Amy's waters Just broke and I need to get her to the Hospital ".
"Yes of course,  go , *Well Amy's having a very quick shower ,then as soon as she's ready we'll be on our way".
"Hey Lyndy mummys going to have your brother or sister today, isn't that great".
"Yayyyyy,  when can I see him or her daddy".
"Hopefully later this afternoon sweetheart,  you be good okay".
"Yes Daddy".
Amy and Ty set off for the Hospital in Amy's Truck  Ty couldn't expect Amy to put up with his hard seats and suspension while she is in Labour.

Amy was almost there ready to push, after 4 hours waiting,  she did get her epidural which she was thankful for."Right Amy I want you to push okay, push and hold,  okay relax now the head is there ,on the next contraction push and hold then relax and on the next push the baby out".
The next contraction came and Amy did just like with Lyndy and pushed but little nugget did the unexpected and came right out without stopping.
"Wow Amy, that was some push, Congratulations, Amy, Ty you have a little girl ".
Amy saw the slight look of Disappointment on Ty's face,  she grabbed his hand  "Hey, maybe the next one love".
Amy pulled him down and gave him a kiss.
"I  thought you only wanted 2 children".
"Who told you that, I'll stop when WE agree to stop, for now I'm thinking 2 more, after that we'll talk about it".
"Oh Amy I Love you , children cost money you know".
"Yep, and the Letter I got this morning  or was it yesterday,  anyway that's probably why I forgot to tell you, um, yes the letter was from My Lawyer,  Val coughed up and she paid me 6 million and Grampa got 4 Million,  so it's all over, oh she's going to do an interview for the main magazine that ran the story after that sleassy magazine,  and she's going to apologise ".
"That's got to be a first, anyway I better see if there's anyone in the Waiting room,  is Amy ready for visiting ".
"No not yet  we need to bring the Placenta out and then clean your wife up, so 30 mins or so".
"Okay, I'll give them the news at least".
Ty gave Amy a gentle long kiss and told her he'd be back an in a while.
Ty walked into the waiting area and saw Jack, Lou, Lisa, Lyndy, Tim, Jenna and Georgie and Katie.
It's a Girl Ty shouted as he approached them, there were Congratulations said all round,  Lou asked when they could see her so Ty told them it would be 30 minutes at least and he was going to get a coffee.
Everyone else followed.

Later on they were all in the room passing the newest member of the family around .

Amy and Ty finally got their business up and running again , it seemed that everyone had seen the apology from Val Stanton and they were very busy for a long time. 4 years later Ty got his Son and 3 yrs after that Amy had another little girl , they both decided that 4 children was just right, for now at least. Amy was 31years old and Ty was 33 so there was still time if they changed there minds.
They never had to worry about money and spent a lot of time together which strengthened there bond even deeper.


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