Chapter Thirty Four

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Ty Parked in front of the house and he and Amy got out and walked in.
"Welcome Home Amy".
"Thank you Lou, hi Grampa, Lisa.".
"How you feeling sweetheart ".
"Actually I feel fantastic, on top of the world".
Amy did feel great, keeping her in Hospital until her treatment was finished was the best thing her doctor did.
As soon as Lyndy saw her Mommy she ran straight into her arms and hung on to her with her arms around her neck.

The first week Amy was watched by Ty and the family who wanted her to take it easy, after that she was back to her normal routine,  happy to be working again and her regular Trail rides like clockwork.
Everyone knew the Prince had left just after the failed kidnap and was now in France getting his team ready for an upcoming Show Jumping competition.
Tim was back in Hudson trying to keep a low profile and keeping an eye on Amy and Lou, he still didn't understand why he felt this way, but he knew the Danger hadn't passed.
Tim was working at the local Rodeo,  he'd grown a beard while in BC and decided to keep it.
Over the next three weeks everything was good, Amy and Ty were happy, Peter was back from Dubai permanently after selling his company,  he wanted to have a family life especially after seeing Ty and Amy's happy family and how life could be cut so short, Katie was growing and he'd missed a lot of it.
Lou was ecstatic he sold it, they had talked about it and Peter wanted to start his own Consulting business which would keep him local.
Jack and Lisa were also doing well, Jack's Cattle business was doing well and he had Caleb and another Ranch hand now meaning that he could slow right down.
Scott and Ty had decided that due to the increased customers and the good reputation they had to open another Veterinary Clinic the other side of Hudson,  Scott would run that one as he lived in that direction and  Ty would run the original Clinic, they'd need another Vet like Shane and Clinic staff for both.
Amy was really proud of Ty and what he'd accomplished so far.

It had been five weeks since Amy came home and she was now Teaching Lyndy to Ride properly, Lyndy had been on a horse since she was old enough to sit up for herself but now she was old enough to understand what she needed to do. Lyndy was always laughing,  enjoying herself but she was like her mother and took note of what she was told and always remembered. Amy wondered if she would have the same condition she does , a photographic memory, because she never forgot anything.

Tim was in town at Maggie's having Lunch when out the corner of his eye he thought he saw someone,  he picked up his phone and went to his download folder, he looked at the photo to refresh his memory,  was it him, did he really see him. Tim came out of it and put his phone down then carried on with his meal.


Amy and Lyndy had finished Lunch  and washed up, Lou turned up not long after as she usually does to watch Lyndy for her, Amy had one more thing to do then she'd go on her trail ride.
Give Mommy kiss, which Lyndy did  Amy walked into the bedroom and 2 or 3 minutes later she came out heading for the door.
"He's not around you know, not since the Hospital fiasco ".
"I know Lou, it's a habit now and there's still Wolves and other wild Animals out there".
"Very true Amy".
Lou knew what she went to get and didn't blame her really.
"What time will you be heading out on to the trail Amy".
"Err, 30 minutes,  so let's say 2 pm".
"Okay, Just want to track time".
Knowing what time Amy went out would mean that if she wasn't back after 2 hrs or informed her she'd be later Lou would know something was wrong.
Amy was enjoying the solitude ,Just the plodding of Spartans hoofs in the grass, it was nearly 3 pm and she was making her way to the Ridge, her favourite place.
Tim was having a break when one of the women who worked at the Rodeo came over to Tim with two coffees and sat down.
"You look troubled Tim, everything okay".
"Yeah I think so, Oh ,thanks for the coffee".
"No problem ".
"I thought I saw someone earlier who shouldn't be here in Hudson,  he's dangerous and a threat to my Daughter ".
"Who would that be, maybe I know him or seen him ".
Tim grabs his phone and shows her the photo he took from a magazine,  she looks at it then nods her head.
"I went to the Pharmacy earlier and I definitely saw him Tim".
He grabbed her and kissed her on the cheek   "Thank you Emma,  you may have just saved my daughter's life".
Tim ran for his truck.

Amy was getting closer to the Ridge and felt a sensation she hadn't felt for some time,  her head was saying Danger, every so often she thought it, maybe it was nothing but Amy had learn't to pay attention to these little voices, she knew she wasn't going mad, even her Grampa gets them.
Amy pulled her Glock out and let her hand sit in her lap down between her crotch with the saddle Horn infront .
As she turned on to the Ridge she passed the Trees and turned Left to head for the back of the Dude Ranch.

Lou saw a truck barreling down the Drive and stop outside the house, She saw her dad get out and she ran onto the Porch."Dad, why are. "Lou get jack  tell him to bring his rifle , it's Amy".
Then he got back in the truck.
Lou went to get Jack but he was already coming out of his room, with his rifle in his hand.
'"Did Amy go up the ridge Lou".
"Yes she did ".
Jack was gone, Lou looked out the window as the truck left in a cloud of Dust and Grit.

As Amy started down the hill she stopped Spartan and was looking at the person standing in front of her at about 60 mtrs. Amy noticed one arm/hand was out of view but had a good guess at what he was holding .
"Thought you'd gone home".
"I don't like being tricked".
"Ha, no one tricked you your Majesty, we out maneuvered you, we were smarter than you were that's all, no trickery, did you really think that I would have signed the contract without reading it first, I thought that maybe your obsession with me had worn off".
"When I want something I don't give up till I get it".
"Well your NOT getting me, I love one man and that's my Husband and would fight tooth and Nail to stop someone from trying to take what I gave him, so you've been warned Majesty ".
"Well it's to late for that now, I want you to suffer, so if I cant have you then no one will".
"And how do you propose to make me suffer".
"By killing you".
"That doesn't make any sense,  if I'm dead I wont be suffering will I".
"No but your Husband will because he wont have you around ".
"Are you certain about that Your Majesty, Anyway, how did you know where I would be".
"Your Grandfather's house was so easy to get into, a few bugs here and there and we could hear everything ".
Amy started manoeuvring Spartan to her left so she was side on to Ahmed and less of a Target to him,  quietly telling Spartan to calm down as if Ahmed was making Her horse a little spooked.
"You really don't want to do this you know".
"I've thought of nothing else".
"Then it's your funeral Ahmed ".
"No I think it will be yours you little bitch".
Amy saw his hidden arm move.

"Hurry up Tim".
"Whe're here ".
Tim and Jack got out and were heading up the hill .
Both suddenly stopped unable to accept what had just happened.
Everything went silent,  no animals made a noise , even the breeze felt as if it had stopped and someone had turned the Fans off.
They both started running again and crossed the crest of the hill, As they looked down they saw two bodies laying in the grass.

To be continued

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