Chapter Seventeen

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Jack was sat in his Chair and Duke was by his side. They'd done all the welcome home things, hugs ,kisses , stories,  had a lovely dinner  that was uninterrupted and were all sat in front of the fire.
"Amy, this dog is gorgeous and so obedient ".
"He's an ex Police dog Grampa, he was either going to be retired or put to sleep because he had hip problems so I approached them and said I'd take him and pay his treatment,  they couldn't justify spending that amount of money on him".
"How much was his treatment if you don't mind me asking Amy".
"I Don't mind you asking, I knew straight away that he was just what I was looking for as a pet but also a guard dog, so it was just under $10,000 to have his hips done".
"That was a reasonable price Amy, his wounds are healed and when his fur grows back, you'd never know".
"Thanks Ty, will you keep an eye on his hips for him".
"Of course Amy".

"So Amy, what did you do for Dark horse while you were with them".
"Not a lot Lou, I wasn't in a good way and Pierre saw that straight away,  he would of made a very good counsellor  to be honest. I helped out with chores like everyone else did and he encouraged me to do a little bit of work with the horses, then we'd talk in the afternoons.
I told him I didn't want payment for anything I did  I just needed a change of  scenery and somewhere to think,  eventually he talked me into doing that little show I put on and it felt good , before I knew it I was feeling better and more confident so ended up doing it twice a week and our afternoon talks carried on,  then when I got your call Lou, that changed everything ".
" How do you mean changed".
" well I had two things going round in my head, the first was * Who am I really* and the second was * What did I do wrong *, when you phoned me with the results  I knew who I was, Tim Fleming's Daughter and 100% your sister,  as for the second, I realised I hadn't done anything wrong.
Tim was the one who'd done wrong not me.
So after that and knowing I had a life growing in side of me created by me and Ty,  I had to change".
"Well I like the new you, your the same but more confident and
stronger ". Ty then kissed her on the cheek.
Amy looked at Duke who was now laying in front of the fire fast asleep except for one ear that was listening out.


Amy was at Maggie's visiting Soraya and having a  good catch up, Maggie  allowed Amy to bring Duke in who was laying under the table out the way.
"Have you heard Amy that Ashley and  Jesse are back in Hudson".
" Ohh Great, I wonder if Ash will get her client book back out of storage ".
"AMY, that's terrible but actually true".
They both started laughing.
Hidden slightly over in the corner sat Ashley Stanton watching the one thorn in her side, Amy.
Ashley always thought she was better than Amy because she came from money, but the truth was that Amy was more talented than her which is why when Amy was competing she always left Ashley in her dust and got herself a Hunky boyfriend who would do anything for her.
As Ashley was watching Amy she saw the Engagement ring,  this was news to her as she'd  been away for a few years and only just got back.
She wondered what her brother would think about his Ex being engaged.
She decided to get up and walk over.
"Amy,  it's nice to see you again, how have you been , you know Jesse's back as well, maybe you two could get back together he still fancies you ".
"No chance of that Ashley,  I already have my Mr Right".
Showing Ashley her Engagement ring.
"Oh, and who's the lucky man then".
"Ty, of course, and were expecting our first baby ".
"Oh Congratulations " Ashley tried not to choke on her own saliva. She wasn't expecting that bit of news
"So when's the Wedding ".
"We haven't decided yet but it will be just Family and a few very close friends".
"Anyway Soraya, me and Duke better get back before the family start worrying ".
"Okay Amy, and yes I'd love to be your bridesmaid ".
Ashley was looking round trying to identify who this Duke bloke was as Amy got to the door and called Duke over".
Soraya noticed the look on Ashley's face as the Very Large Doberman came out from under the table towards Amy and they both walked out the door.
As she was approaching her Truck Jesse popped out of nowhere straight in front of her which put Duke on high Alert.
"Amy, I see you have a friend,  Duke right".
" I wondered where the other half of the duo act was, let me guess Ashley told you".
"Well I'm back and wondered if you'd like to go out one night".
"Thank you for the offer Jesse but I'll have to decline".
"Oh come on Amy just one meal".
Amy took her hand out of her pocket so Jesse could see her Ring.
"I don't think my Fiance would like that Jesse".
He looked down and saw her Engagement ring.
"Oh, whose the lucky bloke then Amy".
"Ty of course, four years we've been together ".
"You mean he stole you from me".
"Me and Ty didn't start dating till after I was 16 Jesse so no, he didn't steal me from you, in fact you should be thanking him".
"What the hell for".
"I remember that night very well Jesse, and you were Drunk trying to get me upstairs for something you wanted that I wasn't prepared to give you, now you were 18 Jesse but Me, well I was underage and had you forced me which you would have had to do,  you would of gone down for Child Rape  I mean 15 years is a long time. Anyway Jesse,  me and Duke including our little baby here needs his or her mommy to put her feet up and have a rest".
"Your Pregnant? ".
"Yes Jesse and very happy about it too".
"I don't like the way your Dogs looking at me Amy".
"He's a good judge of character and he  obviously doesn't think much of yours Jesse".
"Look Amy I'm the right one for you, marry me and we'll put the child up for adoption and start again".
"What the hell makes you think you can demand me to marry you, and I would never hurt my baby like that, now leave me alone".
"No, not until you agree to go out with me".
"No Chance".
"I can arrange for Ty to beat me up and have witness's to testify that he attacked me, you'll never get to marry him Amy and he'll be gone for a long time ,  if you marry me I'll have the charges dropped ".
" Either get out of my way or you can deal with Duke or Mr Glock Jesse  final warning".
"Your Armed,".
"Just leave me alone or you'll find out".
"Let's see it then".
"Ha ha ha, Ohh Jesse do you think I'm stupid to pull out a gun in the street for no reason".
Jesse turned and left.

To be continued

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