Chapter Three

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(Lou) "Look I'm not taking all the blame for this".
"Look Lou your my eldest Granddaughter and I love you but how can you say your not taking all the blame, no one else helped you, Oh please don't tell me you were pulled into this by Tim, and if you were, WHY listen to him, he has no Idea what he's on about or the Law".
"He said we had to protect Amy and help her with her business ".
" What you mean is use her to make money, how much has he helped himself to of HER money Lou".
"I don't know ". Says Lou crying.
(Amy) "There's more you owe me Lou, do you remember when I sold Storm to Nick Harwell, well he paid me $50,000 and I was going to put it into my bank account but then I thought of you and that I could show you some support, so I gave You all that 50,000 to invest in Your Dude Ranch and not once have I had an investment report in two years which you promised you'd do.
Oh hang on a minute, is this why you were Pushing me to go to University hoping I wouldn't find out.
I want my business back, plus my $68,000 and on top of that my investment of $50,000 plus interest, and don't take to long Lou or I will personally Sue you Myself, Sisters or not, No one does this to me and gets away with ".
Amy turned and walked out of the Ranch House heading to the Barn, she was spitting feathers she was so Angry with Lou and her so called father for taking advantage of her thinking she was an easy target. She didn't want to call Ty as she was so angry so sent a text instead,
*What time you Finishing today at Clinic, xxx❤❤ *.
Amy went to tac up Spartan, she should get at least 3 hrs of riding in, she wasn't going back for dinner.
*Late finnish again, Cass phoned to say she can't come in so Leaving it all to me with Scott not here, sorry babe xx*
Amy mood just got worse.
*For Gods Sake, Fantastic, see you sometime then !!* She sent, then switched her phone off.

Ty got the reply and looked at it,  He felt bad, they'd hardly spent anytime together in two weeks, infact he knew it was just twice they'd spent any time together and the second time was this morning doing chores all Thanks to Cass who was being a bitch about her shifts because she liked to go out in the evenings which wasnt fair on him and Amy. She didn't even have a boyfriend.

Jack was watching out the kitchen window when he saw Amy gallop off into the woods at high speed.
Now he was worried.
Ty's phone rang and he saw it was Jack.
"Hey Jack".
"Hey Ty, listen when you get back can you take a horse out and try to find Amy, she just shot out the Barn like a rocket and into the woods and I'm worried about her, she's had a real awful day".
"Sorry Jack I'm stuck here till Midnight, possibly early morning and I'm back at Uni at 10am".
"Does Amy know".
"Ahh, that explains the rocket trajectory into the woods, okay thanks Ty, you know this isn't doing your relationship with Amy any good don't you, all these hours, you need to spend time together Ty".
" Yeah I know Jack, I'm going to have a word with Scott about Cass".
"So she's the reason for all these late nights then I assume ".
"Yeah, night Jack".
"Night Ty".


Jack was getting worried, the Sun was going down and Amy still hadn't returned.
"Jack, you coming to bed"
"I can't Lisa not till I see Amy come back home".
"What, she's still out, god I hope she's okay, I saw the speed she came out the barn".
"I think she was hoping Ty would be home soon, but he got lumbered with another late shift and if Cass doesn't show up after her evening out he has to stay till 5 am and back at Uni for 10 am".
"That's not fair on him and Amy and their relationship Jack".
"I know, I told him that and to do something about it".
"So do you think Amy will sue Lou and Tim".
" Oh yes, she won't let it affect her that Lou's her sister or that Tim's her Father she's been wronged and she'll make them pay for it, The best thing Lou and Tim can do is pay up and hand back her business and pray that Amy doesn't take it any further".

Lou was in the bathroom and was listening, she felt bad about listening to her grandFather, but she needed to work out how much her father had stolen from his own Daughter. She couldn't believe she'd turned a blind eye to it, all because she wanted to stay on his good side, he'd used her too.
Jack got a coffee and sat at the kitchen table waiting for his youngest Granddaughter to return, he'd sent Lisa back to bed.

Ty was waiting for Cass to turn up and by 1am he gave up, he sent a text to tell her that she was taking advantage and it was going to Stop, he had a girlfriend who was missing him and it was affecting their Relationship .
Ty also wrote a letter to Scott telling him what Cass was doing and how it was affecting him and Amy. He also said he'd be off for the next two days to spend time with her.

Jack suddenly woke up and looked at the time 5 am. He got up and went straight to Amy's room, it was Empty.
He was still in his clothes so put his boots on and went to the Barn No Spartan either, Jack was more than worried now, he was petrified something may have happened to her.
He rushed back to the house and tried phoning her again. No answer.

Lou walked into the kitchen after hearing all the noise.
"What's wrong Grandpa ".
"Amy's still missing, I've been on to the Police last night but they think it's just an argument.

To be continued

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