Chapter Four

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Ty woke up and checked his phone, nothing from Amy, "Shit, she must be well pissed off with me, she's not answering her phone ".
So Ty sent a Text instead to say that he had two days off from the Clinic and to please forgive him, SEND.
Then set off for University.

Jack had phoned the police to see if they could help to find her but they had to give it 24 hours as she was upset and probably just stayed out all night.
Lisa was sat at the table too but couldn't stop giving Lou the evil eye look, trying  to think how Amy must be feeling.
"Oh thank God, I can see Spartan approaching the Tree Line Lisa, Lou".
They all got up and waited till Spartan came through, but was on his own.
"Jack, he looks hurt and look there's, oh my God ,There's blood all over him".
They rushed out to see Spartan limping and he was covered in bite marks.
" Lisa call Scott and the RCMP  these are Wolf bites, I'm going out with my Rifle, try and get more help, you know the direction he came from".
"Lou, phone Scott and get him out here ASAP and then the Police, I'm going to get more help".
Lou knew Lisa was being sharp with her and of course knew why, but did as she was asked.
Lisa phoned her Ranch Hand manager telling him what's happened and they need men, horse's and Rifles, as many as possible. Then she phoned Val Stanton who couldn't or wouldn't supply anyone as they were all busy.
Then she phoned Ty.

Ty was in his class when he felt the vibration of his phone but ignored it due to being in class.
A little longer and he felt his text message go off, again he ignored it, two can play this game he thought to himself.
Half an hour later someone burst into the classroom, one of the receptionists.
"Sorry Sir, were looking for Mr Ty Borden there's an emergency".
Ty's blood drained from his face.
"I'm Ty Borden, What's the emergency".
"It's your Girlfriend".
Ty was out of that classroom so fast he had to run back in and apologized to the Teacher who just told him to go and hurry up.
Twelve men on horse back all armed came from Fairfield and Lou showed them the direction Spartan had come from also telling them that Jack Bartlett was already out there.
Lisa's phone started to ring, she saw it was Ty.
"Oh thank God Ty, Amy's been missing all night and at about 10 am Spartan came limping through from the woods covered in what looks like Wolf Bites, but no sign of Amy".
"What, all night".
"Yes Ty, we tried the police but because of what happened earlier they said they had to give it 24 hours in case she'd just ran off".
"I knew she wasn't pleased about me working" "It's not your fault Ty this has to do with betrayal from within the family, that's probably why she wanted you".
"I'm already on my way back Lisa".
"Okay, see you soon, just take it easy and get back in one piece".


Jack was traveling through the woods trying to pick up the tracks from Spartan, anything, blood, hoof prints, wolf prints, then he heard horses and was so pleased to see Fairfield's Ranch hands approaching. They had a very quick chat then they spread out looking for Amy.

Ty arrived at Heartland and Lisa held him, he looked like he may collapse.
"Come on Ty let's get you inside".
"No I need to find Amy".
"Ty, listen to me okay, there's twelve of my best Ranch hands out there and Jack and there all armed, you can't go out there unarmed, not considering the state Spartan came back.
When they find her she's going to need you more than anyone else, okay".
"Okay Lisa".
"Here, coffee and I've got something stronger if you need it, on its own or in your coffee".
"Maybe a little in my coffee Lisa, I can't stop shaking".
"Okay here".
"So what's happened to cause all this, and where's Lou".
"Lou's probably hiding out in the Barn trying to get a hold of Tim".
"I don't understand Lisa".
Lisa then sat down and explained to Ty what went down and how much had been stolen from Amy including her own business and Investment in the Dude ranch, and Amy's ultimatum to Lou.
"No wonder she was hoping I was going to finish early, I've had enough of Cass and I left a letter to Scott telling him I was having two days off, she never even showed up last night Lisa, I had to stay till 5 am, An 11 hour shift just so she could go out clubbing".
"Scott's in the Barn trying to save Spartan".
"I'll go and give him a hand as I can't really help in the search".
"Thank you Ty, you know how much Spartan means to her".
"Yeah, I do".
Ty went out to the Barn to help Scott and as he approached he saw Tim's Truck, then heard him talking to Lou in the Barn office. Ty sat down on the small bench just outside the window, he got his phone out and went to the recording app. Ty pressed record and placed the phone by the window then put the phone volume to zero and turned off vibrate, then he went in to see Scott.
"So how are you going to cover up this mess Lou, I mean you've broken the law ".
"Ohh No Dad, we broke the law. You more so than me, I've been trying to find Amy's money dad, 68,000 dollars where is it, and while we're talking about that where's her investment of 50,000 dollars, You must of taken it out of the bank because I can't find it and she wants it all back otherwise".
"Otherwise what Lou, what's Amy going to do".
"She's clever dad, very clever, Ty called it something but I can't remember it, something to do with photographic Memory, what she see's or hears she remembers, why aren't you out there trying to find her dad, she's your daughter for God's sake".
"Well, not really Lou, she's why me and Marion split up".
"What, but I don't understand".
"Me and your mother hadn't had an intimate moment for a couple of years, she wanted me to pack up the Rodeo  Curcuit and I said no. So when she got attacked".
"Oh my God, she was raped and Amy was the result".

To be continued

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