Chapter Sixteen

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Ring ring ring ring, Amy was phoning the Clinic.
Unfortunately Cass got there first.
"Hudson Veterinary Clinic, Cass speaking".
" Oh hey Cass its Amy can I speak to Ty Please".
Cass didn't hear Scott and Ty walk in,
"Ohh Dear Errr , To be honest with you  Amy he's over at Maggie's with his new girlfriend, as you ran off an left him so he's having a,"Give me that phone now and get your stuff together,  your fired Cass, now get out".
"Sorry Amy, this is Scott, Tys Just stabling a horse we got back with, and don't listen to what that little witch says, she thinks she's being funny but two couples we know split up last week because of the stuff she says, here he comes Amy".
"Cheers Scott, hey beautiful how you feeling ".
"A lot better after speaking with Lou, Ty, you were right about things not adding up about my Mums attack, I wasnt sure but was surprised that we do have the same father".
"I know, I thought she must of known who it was, but her own husband.  Then Tim realized you were the key to identifying him as the attacker,  but no one has bothered with it for 20 yrs so why come after you now, I don't understand his logic".
"I know, let's just hope he leaves us alone now".
"Yeah, that would Suit me fine, I miss you love, any idea when you may be home".
Yeah, at the end of this week we will be a couple of hours away by road, so I'll be coming home as I can't ride anymore".
"What happened,  you fall off, are you hurt Amy".
"No, I'm fine, just in my condition I can't ride for a while, so the three of us will be coming home on Saturday ".
"Okay I'm confused  now,  ' your condition' and Three of you travelling back".
" Ha ha, Spartan,  Me , and the Baby who's about 8 to 9 weeks ".
"What, were gonna have a baby,".
"Yep, that stupid woman at the Pharmacy told me the wrong information, she said wait 2 or 3 days from when you start before sex, today I'm told it should of been 7 days before sex. I hope your not mad at
me ".
"Why would I be mad  at you when you tell me I'm gonna be a father, thank you Amy I'm so happy , I love you,  see you Saturday".
"Love you too, see you Saturday ".

"Whoo Hoo,".
" And why are you so happy Ty".
"I'm going to be a dad".
"Congratulations Ty".
"Thanks Scott, can't wait for Amy to get home on Saturday ".
"Well we need a new Vet or Student to replace Cass, otherwise its going to get busy around here".
"I'll ask around at University while I can, Big Graduation coming up".
"Can't wait to have you on board Ty, and while I think about it be aware that Val Stanton's kids are on the scene again".
"Oh great, that's all we need".


While Amy had been away she fell in love with a Dog called Duke, he was a three year old Doberman Pinscher who had been trained for the Police Force. Unfortunately he needed an operation which they weren't prepared to pay for and he'd either be retired or put down so Amy who loves animals agreed to pay and adopt him.
He was asleep on the rear seat and was almost fully healed, even though Amy was always Armed unless she was working, she thought having a guard dog in the mix was a good Idea, he was well trained,  obedience trained and as soft as a brush, as well as loving. She forgot to mention he would be number 4 coming home, oops.

Amy had sent a text at her last stop to say she was about an hour away.
The Family were all at the house waiting patiently, Jack wasn't actually surprised when he was told that her and Ty were expecting,  Lou had told him after Ty broke the news that she was on the pill but had been given the wrong information by apparently a new employee who thought she knew everything at the Pharmacy after Lou walked in asking who served her little sister.  Everyone knew who Lou and Amy were in Hudson and the girl  immediately said that she served her not knowing what the outcome would be.
Jack was was glued to the kitchen window, waiting for that little puff of dust Cloud that would announce Amy's Journey down the dusty drive.
There it was, but a little bigger than normal due to the Trailer she was hauling behind her, he watched as the cloud got closer then saw the front of her truck as she rounded the final bend to the Ranch.
"She's here".
They all piled out onto the porch except Ty who couldn't wait to wrap his arms around her and went to meet her by the Quonset hut as that was the only place she could park due to the length of the whole rig.
Amy got out and her arms wrapped around Ty's neck as she kissed him, his arms wrapped around her, 
"I've missed you so much Amy".
"I've missed you too".
"You seem different Amy, stronger,  happy".
"I am, I think that when I heard the news from Lou I knew Who I was, and I knew I didn't do anything wrong. Tim was the one who did wrong."
"Families waiting for you".
Amy put a finger up asking for another minute at her family.
"I forgot to mention a forth person coming home as well, his name is Duke and he's my new boyfriend ".
Amy smiled at Ty and winked at him.
"Meet Duke".
Ty was surprised when Amy opened the  rear door and a Very Large Doberman Jumped down, he went behind Amy and then sat at her side.
"Duke this is Ty who I love very much, say hello".
At that command Duke Jumped up onto his back legs and put his front paws on Ty's shoulders,  they were the same height , Ty gave Duke a rub and tickled him behind his ears,.
"Down Duke , go say hi to the family".
Amy pointed to the house and off he went, while they made friends Ty helped Amy put Spartan in his stall with a bucket of food, water and a full Hay Net. They started walking back to the house with an arm around each other.
" Sorry I haven't asked before but how is our little Nugget ".
"Doing fine,  morning sickness has eased but I think that may have been the Stress I was having ".
Amy and Ty started laughing at  Dukes antics with the family, he was on his back with his legs in the air having belly rubs.

To be continued

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