Chapter Forty Two

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Two weeks later Ty took Amy and Lyndy out for the day as he'd been very busy at the Clinic for the last couple of weeks and wanted a day for the family, he'd missed them both even though they had passed each other like ships in the night it was still hard.
Peter and Lou were also spending time together with Katie.
Jack and Lisa couldn't believe how quiet it was and were missing Lyndy zooming around the house, but made the most of it.
Val was in her stables and Chase Powers had turned up a week ago to work with her horse, she made sure she told him all about her version of Amy Fleming Borden and how she was treated by her,, and if he did a good job she would use him in future, she even put it all in her Blog on her Web Page.
While she was continuing to check her horses with the Barn Manager she heard this noise which sounded like a Chainsaw so decided to investigate.
Val followed the noise and stopped dead in her tracks as she saw
Mr Powers chasing her very expensive horse around the Ring with a Chainsaw,  Val Stanton collapsed in a heap from shock straight into a very muddy puddle. The staff called an ambulance and sent Chase off home until Mrs Stanton called him.
Being Hudson , word soon got round about what happened and when Jack and Lisa found out they couldn't stop Laughing..
Ty, Amy and Lyndy got home just after 5.30 and walked in to the house.
Jack took one look at Amy and burst out Laughing then Lisa joined in too.
"Okayyyyy, what's so funny!!!".
"You'd better have a seat,  ha ha ha, then we'll tell you won't we Lisa".
Lisa Just nodded, still laughing.
Amy and Ty got drinks for themselves and a juice for Lyndy, then sat down.

Jack and Lisa explained the story going around Town and what happened to Val Stanton.
Amy and Ty burst into Laughter.
Eventually they settled down and Amy was shocked at what Chase Powers had done,  she thought that he only used those props for entertainment not actual training.

Two weeks later and Amy was 7 months pregnant and still getting bigger.
The Trashy Magazines manager was in a fowl mood after he received the Legal Documents of being sued by Amy Fleming and the Heartland Ranch Owner Jack Bartlett   they were sueing his Magazine for 3 Million each, the Documents explained everything that was untrue and using fake Photographs such as the Syringes,  also printing  before getting there side of the story.  The Reporter walked in and knew he was in big trouble. He was fired immediately,  infact the Magazine would go bust after paying Amy and Jack, he knew there was nothing he could do to defend the allegations.
Val looked at all her mail on her desk and started to check through them, One Letter stood out and seeing it was from a Lawyer she was Curious.
Val opened it and started reading it,  she was being taken to Court for Slander and Defamation of Character due to the things she said to the reporter, Val was in a foul mood and phoned her Lawyer who made an appointment to see her the next day.
She then phoned Jesse to come up but to wear a disguise as the Chief of police mustn't see him.

Four weeks went by without incident and Amy was now 8 months.
Jack calls Amy in to see him.
"Amy, we both had post today, identical envelopes from the Lawyer".
"Oh, do you have mine Grampa ".
"I thought I'd wait for you and we can open them together ".
They both sat and opened their letters then read them, attached to the back of each  letter was a Cheque. 
The owner of the magazine went to court to try and get out of the Lawsuit but the Judge upheld the decision.
Both Jack and Amy looked at their Cheques and each was for 3 Million Dollars from the Magazine.
"OMG, Grampa they paid up".
"Well they had no choice Amy".
Now they Just needed to see what Val would do.
Amy went and showed Ty what Her and Jack had received.
"Well our future is secured Ty, I honestly didn't think it would get any where ".
"After what they wrote and what val said, you deserve it Amy, it was your reputation at stake".

Val Stanton was talking to her Son Jesse and telling him what's happened  and that Amy Fleming was Sueing her , " I want you to deal with her, teach her a lesson that no one messes with the Stanton family".
The following day Val went to see her Lawyer who after going over everything turned round to Val.
" Had you come to me first Mrs Stanton I would of advised you against taking this course of action,  unfortunately for you the Magazine has already paid up after he went to court to stop the lawsuit and it was declined and told to pay up.
So my advise to you is to pay it or risk going to court and doing yourself and your business untold damage".
"What a waste of time you are I expect you to make it go away".
"I cant Mrs Stanton , it's to late , her Lawyer has what you said recorded courtesy of the reporter after the owner tried to use your recording to prove that you misled them, the Judge ordered the recording to be passed to Jack Bartlett and his Granddaughters Lawyer".
Val got up and walked out not happy at all.
She took out her phone and called Jesse, "No luck at the Lawyer's so it's up to you,  Just remember your not supposed to be here so dress accordingly ".

Two days later Amy and Ty went into town late afternoon,  first they went to the bank before it closed and opened a new Savings account and gave the cheque to the Clerk to put it into the new account.
After they'd finished at the bank they went to Maggie's for Diner then spent ages talking and drinking coffee,  decaf for Amy.
They were just getting ready to leave when Soraya called Amy.
Ty told her he'd go and start the Truck and put the heater on as evening's were getting a little chilly now.
Amy had a quick chat to Soraya then said goodnight.
She left Maggie's and headed for the truck out the in the rear carpark,  as she got about halfway she saw Ty laying down on the floor.
Amy got there as fast as she could waddle and got down on her knees,  as soon as she saw him tears were running down her face,  he'd been beaten up but it looked like someone had hit him a few times with something hard like a baseball bat, as she was talking on her phone to Soraya to call an ambulance and police then to give her some help her phone was knocked out of her hand breaking her hand in the process which hurt like hell.
She felt something hard pressed against her head and was told to stay perfectly still , The voice sounded familiar  " No one messes with the Stanton family, you drop the charges or see what else comes your way.
"No chance,  val can pay for what she said. Then she felt a blow to her head and everything went black.

To be continued

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