Chapter Seven

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Amy returned home and continued to improve,  the nightmares got less until they eventually stopped on there own accord. Lou transferred the business back to Amy with apologies and hugs and how sorry she was for letting their father control her.
Tim was sentenced to 6 Months as a reduced sentence after he did infact sell Big River and paid Amy back every dollar plus interest.
Amy secretly paid off Ty's University fees so he didn't have to work so much at the clinic which didn't please Cass at all. When Ty tried to find out about who paid his fees the only thing he could find out was that it said Benefactor.
Ty had his suspicions, at first he thought it may be Jack, then Amy or maybe Lisa, but he was grateful because he spent more time with the love of his life.
Amy started taking trail rides again but always staying in the open landscape away from the woods.
Amy was thinking to herself  as she usually does on horse back.
She couldn't get it out of her head why there were so many Wolves in one place unless it had been baited. Everyone knew that it was her favourite Trail, was she set up.
Did somebody set it so she'd get attacked including Spartan.
Or was it Hunters who wanted there fur, it was a stupid place to put it, anyone with any sense could see it was a Trail ride by the wear and tear on the ground.

Amy was arriving back at Heartland and saw Ty helping Jack, Jack loved it when he and Ty got to work together,  he was like a son he never had. Amy waved as soon as they saw her and they both waved back.
" She looks happy Ty".
" Maybe on the outside Jack, I'm not sure about inside ".
" She's getting there Ty , We just need to encourage her, it's her Birthday in a few months so we will make sure this is a good one, no Tim".
" When does he get out Jack".
" The week after her birthday  thankfully ".
"Grandpa,  any chance we can talk".
" It's  okay Jack, I can finish this bit off, it's  good she wants to talk".
"You sure Ty".
" Yes, you go".
" Yes Amy, in the house okay".
"Yeah that's fine".
They both sat down  with a drink.
" So what do you want to talk about sweetheart ".
"Well as you know when riding I tend to zone out if it's clear and Spartan knows where he's going ".
Laughing Jack nods, "yes, I think we all do that sometimes ".
" Well I was thinking back to the Wolf attack and there's no way you'd get that many in one place, especially down this far from the mountains,  I think it was baited either by Hunters which I also think unlikely but probably someone who knows my favourite Trail ride".
Jack sat there thinking about it rubbing his face. " Just give me a minute Amy and I'll answer you ".
Amy sat drinking her coffee looking at Jack who was obviously having a problem with answering this whether not to worry her or hurt her feelings.
Just then Ty walked in and saw the look on Jack's face and did a turnaround and went back out.
" Yes, the answer is  Yes it was baited Amy, and by someone who knew your favourite Trails,  they checked 2 other trails you use and they'd been baited too".
Amy was sat in shock at what she just heard, and again that question came from her Lips  "WHY".
"What have I ever done to deserve this ".
Jack pulled her up and hugged her as tight as possible without hurting her.
"I'm  so sorry sweetheart,  I wish I Knew, when it happened they checked everything for prints, anything to Identify  who did it and they came up blank".


Amy and Ty were closer than ever, Ty had more spare time with Amy and she was building up her client base, word was spreading and she was getting a steady income which she dealt with herself after what happened. The Doctor was right about her scars fading but honestly Amy wasn't bothered about them.
While out on a trail ride amy made sure she was in the open and always made sure she was armed, she'd purchased herself a Glock 15 as something with only six bullets would be of no use with a pack of wolf's, this helped her feel safe knowing she could protect herself,  while out she saw someone working with two white stallions without halters or ropes and was mesmerised by how he danced with them. She watched from the top of the hill for at least 30 minutes then noticed he had seen her and called her down using an arm guester.
Amy was a little apprehensive but remembered that she was armed so rode down to see him.
His name was Pierre and was from an act that trained and showed their talents called Dark Horse.
Pierre made Amy some Tea and they sat talking about Horse's obviously.
Amy explained about what she does  and asked him what it was called that they were doing.
" It's called Liberty Training Amy, getting the Horse to connect with you and gaining Trust, a horse will usually follow you if it doesn't see you as a threat. Why don't you come and have a try".
Amy went with him and followed his que's and the horse's did exactly as she asked.
Eventually she excused herself as she needed to get back for her Birthday Dinner at home then her boyfriend was taking her out afterwards.
Pierre wished Amy a Happy Birthday and told her he'd be here for two more days.
Amy went on her way and as soon as she had a signal she phoned home to say she was okay and on her way back.

Amy arrived back at Heartland and brushed Spartan then put him in his stall with a big net of hay.

"Hello, everyone".
"Happy Birthday Amy".
"Thank you, I'm going for a shower then get myself ready for my date after dinner".
"Okay sweetheart". Jack kissed her gently on her cheek.

They all sat down for Dinner and began talking, Amy was explaining about Pierre from Dark Horse and there Liberty Training, and shows they put on to show what they can do.
Amy mentioned how it may help her gain a horse's trust with the ones she works with, which would help her identify there problems.
Just then the door opened and a familiar voice Spoke.

To be continued

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