Chapter Thirty Six

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Lou was pacing back and forth trying to find something to do and sending Lisa nuts.
"Lou, I can watch the girls, there not babies anymore,  go, go to the Hospital ".
Lou turned up 15 minutes later and saw Jack ,Ty and her Dad sat waiting,  Ty was in the middle to her surprise.
She hugged and kissed each on a cheek then sat down.
A few minutes later both Doctors came out and went to sit with Amy's family.
"Hello, I can't believe your wife is with us again Doctor Borden,  let's hope from what we've heard this is now all over for her.
Amy is fine, all repaired and resting in recovery.
Were giving her the last bag of the blood Transfusion we started due to the internal bleeding"
"Will there be any lasting effects from this, I mean after she was trapped in the truck after the rock Slide she suffers from concentration problems".
"No after effects at all Doctor Borden".
"Thank you ".
"I expect her to be with us for 10 days then you can finally  hopefully get on with your life".
"Thank you for everything that you've done for her".
"That's what were here for Mr Borden,  now may I have a quiet word with you, it's nothing to worry about".
"Err yes".
While Ty went with her off to one side, the other doctor was talking to Jack, Tim and Lou.
Lou seemed to be more interested in Ty's facial expressions as she was to far away to hear what they were talking about,  then saw Ty look surprised and put his hand over his mouth. The Doctor continued talking and Ty was nodding his head, they then shook hands and the Doctor clapped him on his shoulder as she walked away.
The other Doctor finished also and said there goodbyes.  Ty walked back over and took a seat, "Was everything okay Ty" . "Er, yes ,thanks Jack, Amy's doing well ".
"It's more than that Ty, What did she say". "Look Lou , it's personal and private, sorry, but I can't say".
"Ohh come on Ty".
" LOU ". "If Ty says its private then it's private,  if Ty asked the same question  about you and Peter would you tell him before peter".
"Err, No " Jack then gave Lou the Look and she realised that she was overstepping the line.
Eventually they had all been in to see Amy and then left for the evening,  Ty really wanted to stay but knew Lyndy would want answers, especially as she was coming up to 4 yrs old, of course it was Amy's birthday first and then Lyndys but she was always full of questions and the Doctors/Nurses said they'd phone if Amy needed him.
When Ty got back they all walked in, Lou saw Peter sat talking to Lisa, 'how the hell did I forget about Peter ' Lou thought to herself,  her memory was getting worse. She walked over and sat in his Lap giving him a kiss.
Jack went to see Lisa and Ty went to see his Daughter who Just as he thought was full of questions about her Mommy.


Amy slept all night, she was on painkillers and would be for a few days  more, doctors were happy with her recovery.  Tim had asked Ty if he could sit with her from early morning  as he knew he'd have to get Lyndy ready for school, Ty appreciated it as he didn't really want Amy to wake up alone.

"Daddy". Even though Amy was a grown woman she always thought that if she got to see her real father she'd always call him Daddy, that's the one thing she'd always wanted.
"I'm here, Ty said he didn't want you waking up alone, he'll get here once Lyndys off to school ".
"Thank you daddy, for trying to help me along with Grampa ".
Amy and Tim had a long talk, he explained about the sudden thoughts he was getting as if someone was talking but not talking to him and how confused he felt, all about his guilt at what happened years ago and how it messed his mind up.
Amy explained her part in figuring it all out, the attack and Nine months later she is born. Why her Mom never told anyone it all flooded out of both of them. There was one question she needed an answer to and decided to Just ask.
"Daddy, why the Wolves ".
Tim looked at her and shook his head, "That wasn't me sweetheart, I may have made out it was, I can't really remember,  my head was a mess but No I didn't do that".
"So, Hunters ".
"That's my best guess".

"Where did you disappear to Daddy, after that night you Vanished".
"That was the night I came to my senses,  your eyes are so captivating Amy, but that night when you pulled the Gun on me and pointed it at my face all I could see was your Ice Cold Blue eyes staring at me, I honestly thought I'd pushed you too far and I was certain you were going to pull the trigger. Even your hand was as steady as a rock, no shake  nothing.
I started driving and just kept going until I had to pull over, I stopped at a dinner, walked in and without thinking ordered a Coffee,  I sat for ages just thinking and had another three cups before I went back to my truck. I tried to sleep but all I saw was your beautiful eye's looking at me.
Eventually I ended up in BC , got a Job with accommodation and started to see a counselor who I told everything to, he was brilliant. Then Life settled down , I came to terms with what I'd done and why, I haven't touched Alcohol since that night here , I Just hope that one day you can forgive me Amy".
"Let's see how things go okay,  You shouldn't be on your own though Daddy, you should find someone ".
"I did Amy, I have someone ".
"Tell me about her".
Well she's half first Nation, She's from the Inuit Tribe in B C, she knows all about you and your gift, she ,sorry her names Jenna, helped me understand your gift and what it really means.
When I started having these dreams or feelings about your danger, jenna explained that something or someone was trying to  warn me, of course she explained that to me as well, so it goes back to Grt Grandma Lucy Parson or further back, then Lyndy, your Mon and now you.
So we could probably say that The Force is strong on the womens side".
They both laughed

"When are you going back".
" Not yet, unless you want me to".
"No, I want us to get to know each other,  but what about Jenna ".
"She said that if I decide to stay, she will come down here once I find somewhere for us to live, are you sure after the things I did you want me to stay Amy".
"Yes, daddy, I do please ".
"Then I'll stay for now, then go see Jenna and see if she wants to move here and I will never underestimate you again ,ever".
They hugged and Tim kissed her forehead.

To be continued

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