Chapter Twenty Nine

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After Ty's bust up with Scott he left for the Hospital.
Ty had a go at Scott about him being so busy and tired covering shifts and working Late that he didn't even notice his Wife was ill until she collapsed and was rushed to Hospital .
Scott was shocked about Amy and apologized, saying he would get someone.
Ty walked into Amy's room and saw she was asleep so backed out and went to the Nurses Station to see if she'd woken up yet or was still unconscious.
"Hello Mr Borden, Amy hasn't actually woken up yet although she is in a lighter sleep so she may wake up if you interact with her".
"Okay, thank you ".
Ty went back and sat by her holding her hand and unknowingly rubbing circles on the back of her hand.
"I'm not a horse Ty!!".
"AMY!! Omg I'm so happy to hear your voice".
"Hey handsome ".
"Hey gorgeous , how you feeling".
"Mmm ,,much better, what happened,  I remember tying up Spartan and then felt giddy".
Ty told Amy what they guessed happened and then after Jack found her.
"So what's wrong with me Ty, I've felt crap for ages".
Ty told Amy what the Doctor said and told her how much better she was looking.
Ty's phone started ringing and when he looked he saw it was the Hospital,  "Hello, Dr Borden speaking ".
"Sorry to trouble you Doctor Borden but there's a gentleman here saying that he's a good friend of your wife's and he's come to see how she is, he also has a great big bouquet of Flowers, and insists we give him her room number".
" Does he happen to look like he's from the middle east by any chance, only I'm actually upstairs with my wife right now".
"Yes he does Sir.".
"Okay  well he is not a friend of my wife's or of our Family, he actually came to see her a couple of weeks ago because he wanted her to work with his horse, so he is definitely no friend. Would you get Security to deal with him please ".
"Leave it to us Sir".
"Thank you".
"Ty, what's wrong ".
"Nothing for you to worry about,  we want you well and back home,   I've also had words with Scott about how he leaves all Shane's shifts for me to cover, I'm so sorry Amy, I should of noticed you weren't well".
"Hey, you were busy".
"It's still no excuse". Ty then gave her a meaningful kiss.
"So I take it the Prince found out I'm in Hospital ".
"Geez, you don't miss a thing do you.".
Amy started Laughing.
"So why the hell was he trying to see me, I don't know him apart from that horse".
"He is creepy".
"Your telling me Ty  he keeps turning up ,well twice he's turned up at the house about his horse, keeps calling me Miss Amy Fleming but knows I'm married".
"We may have to have a word with Jim".


Amy was allowed home after 3 days  and was feeling normal again but the Doctor was strict on two full weeks from when she was admitted meaning she still had 11 days before she would clear her and would have to continue the full course of medication to prevent it returning which could end up worse than what she had already been through or worse cause a Thyroid Storm. Amy didn't need telling twice, the first time was bad enough. Lyndy was glad to have her Moma back and loved her cuddles with her.
Jack,Lisa,Lou were all pleased Amy was home and getting better every day.
The next four days were tough for Amy as she wanted to go on a trail ride with Spartan, but Ty promised on day seven they would go together,  he realised he needed to give her hope and something to look forward to.

On day seven Ty kept his promise and took Amy out for a ride but not on Heartland,  they took the horses out in her Ram Truck and Rig Trailer to a beautiful spot an hour away where there was a lake and waterfalls and the views were spectacular. They had a brilliant day together,  Just the two of them, even doing some skinny dipping and something even more intimate.
When they returned home and put the horses in the Barn for the night they walked in the kitchen to see Lou,
"Well you two look like you had a great time and Amy , your positively glowing".
"All that fresh air and swimming Lou".
"Oh, well your swimming stuff is still where you left it behind".
Amy looked over and saw her bikini and Ty's shorts still on the back of the sofa, then went beet red, even though they were married Lou could still get her to blush.

The prince was in his office at Hillcrest Stables and wanted to trick Amy Fleming into a contract, he also thought it was time to add more pressure between the couple, he had his lawyer with him and was still smarting after being kicked out of the Hospital.  He'd been back but got someone else to go in when he knew Amy's husband was at the clinic, unfortunately the young girl didn't think twice about letting information out and informed the person that Mrs Borden was back home.
It was 2 days into Amy's second week when a black SUV came to Heartland,  Amy saw it coming past the Barn toward the house, "Please don't be The Prince". Ty who was home stood up and watched, "you look tired why dont you go lay on the bed for 15 minutes ".
"That's an excellent suggestion,  thank you Ty". Amy disappeared as Ty suggested, the last thing she wanted was his Highneses Lust filled eye's roaming all over her.
There was a knock at the door and Ty opened it,  Ahmed had never met Ty before so didn't know who he was.
"Hello, can I help you". Ty was dressed in his as he called it Ranch Hand clothes as he was helping to clean the Barn stables today.
"I've come to see Miss Fleming, could you get her please".
"I'm sorry but Amy is resting as she is still recovering from her illness, can I help".
"No, I don't need some Ranch hand helping me with something that's none of his business,".
Ty bit his tongue, Just as Lou came up the Porch steps,  "What are you doing here, I said Two weeks  not one. Now get out of here and stop Stalking my Sister or we will take further action against you".
" But I have a gift for Miss Fleming ".
"Why are You buying MY WIFE gifts".
"Oh, your the Husband?".
"Yes I am, and I'm a Vet Not a Ranch Hand  so why are you buying a married woman gifts,   My Wife".
"She helped my Horse at the Airport ".
"I remember you shouting to get her away from your horse".
"I'm glad she didn't listen ".
Lou then stepped between the puffed out chests of Ahmed and Ty.
"Ty, please leave him to me". She winked suterly at Ty, he understood but said one more thing.
"You stay away from my Wife, she's fed up with Your unwanted
attention ".
Ty walked back in and went to sit at the Dinner Table in a foul mood.
Amy walk out of there bedroom towards Ty  seeing he was in a bad mood. Jack was sat in his Armchair ready to help with Ahmed if needed.
"Is he still here for gods sake ".
"Why don't you go and say hello, apparently he has a gift for you".
"No thank you,he gives me the creeps".
Jack noticed the tone in Ty's voice.

"Listen here Ahmed,  I do not like your sudden interest in My sister, She is Not interested in you in any way, shape or form, and you do not give gifts like this to someone who you've only met twice talking about a horse".
"Please give her this Contract to sign then I can bring Emir here for her to work with ".
"Take that saddle with you and I will ask her to read this and whether she still wants to work with your horse".
"She only has to sign it, that's it".
"You honestly think Amy would sign a contract without reading it or showing it to our Lawyer first".
He grabbed the saddle and then drove off.
Lou walked in and felt the tension in the air.
Amy got closer to Ty and went to put her arm around his shoulder , Ty's anger was bubbling and as her arm touched his shoulders he flung his arm and shoulder back to knock her arm off, but Ty wasn't thinking and accidentally punched Amy in the face.
Ty turned as Amy's hands went to her face, Blood was gushing from her Nose and coming out from between her fingers.
"What the hell you doin Ty" Jack was stunned.
Ty Just looked at what he'd done and ran out the house, Jack then heard Ty's truck driving away.

To be continued

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