Chapter Five

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Yes Lou, and your the only one who knows apart from me, she gloated on her, her miracle girl she used to call her. I told her to get rid of it, it was made from a vile act but she said no Lou, she said I wasn't man enough to give her another child which she desperately wanted, but we were on the out, I wasn't going to give up what I liked".
"Why, why did she want you to give it up dad".
"She was afraid I'd get killed".
"And you nearly were weren't you".
"She Loved you dad and she wanted you around, I wanted you around, your so selfish do you know that".
"We still have to stop her from trying to get her business back Lou".
Just at that point Ty came back and sat down listening.
"You can't stop her it's hers, mum left it to her because she has mum's gift with Horses, without Amy that part of the business is useless and dead to us, a complete waste of time and effort and I'm going to give it her back, but you, you've got to replace her Money that you stole, I wondered where it had disappeared to, is that why you pushed and pushed until I gave in, just so you could steal it".
"I was having money problems and why should she get all that money when she's not even mine but her father is a vile rapist".
"Because she earned every penny of it, it wasn't Mum's money, it was Amy's money".
"Doesn't matter as far as I'm concerned".
Ty just sat there in shock, he knew this would destroy her if the person she thought was her father didn't really want her and had just been using her.
"I have to get her Laptop and her usb, oh and that hardrive thing she uses".
"I told you she has that memory thing, she could just start again dad, your digging yourself a bigger hole dad".
"Well with any luck they'll never find her or she'll be dead like I wanted in the first place if Marion had done what I asked".
"How can you say something like that, you know how mum felt about life and she would never ever have done anything like that, Amy was a life growing inside her, it wasn't Amy's fault what happened, and I'm glad to call her my sister".
"Well I'm going to get her Laptop and stuff".
Ty grabbed his phone and ran as fast as he could to the Ranch House while stopping the recording app.
He ran in and straight to Amy's room, grabbed everything and asked Lisa to hide it all in her and Jacks bedroom as Tim wanted to steal it.
"Can you see Tim Lisa".
"He's arguing with Lou by the office, look your tired aren't you, yes. Go, pretend to be asleep in Amy's room and I'll hide these in our room, quickly he's coming".
Ty ran into Amy's room pretending to be asleep but he put his phone on record again just in case.
Tim burst into the house seconds after Lisa sat down.
"Where do you think your going".
"Amy's room".
"Well Ty's asleep in there, he just did an 11 hour shift and a morning at Uni.".
"Well I need to go in".
"NO, you do not, get out now".
"You gonna make me Lisa".
"No, but these RCMP officers will as they ,COME IN OFFICERS, this gentleman was Just leaving weren't you TIM".

To be continued

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