Chapter Forty

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Jack made his way over towards Val, the Stable Hand had got the horse out already and he was all over the place.
He must of been touching 17 Hands high and the the poor Hand could hardly control him.
Amy realised she still had to update her Website so decided to do it now. She logged into it and closed all future bookings for 4 Months due to her pregnancy, but was still available for advice and possible help depending upon the problem. She logged out but could already hear the little pings of messages, she checked those that had come through and they were all wishes for the Future.

"Hey Val, what do we owe the pleasure, this horse is a bit skittish ".
"That's why I brought him here, I have two weeks to get him sorted, Jack".
"Well that's not gonna happen Val".
"Where is Amy , someway to run her own Business ".
"VAL, did you see the sign on the gate, Amy's now on Maternity leave, she did the same thing with Lyndy".
"Yes, but That doesn't apply to me Jack".
Out of the blue Amy's voice came across telling the Ranch hand to put the horse back in the Trailer.
"Im sorry Val but I am not working with Any horses until the baby is born and we've bonded over the first month".
"What,!!!! ,Oh come on Amy surely you could make an exception for me, I have 2 weeks to get him sorted".
"Val, are you asking me to put my Childs Life at risk including my own Life ,if that horse kicked me in the stomach".
"Well you should of thought of this before you got yourself pregnant, it's no way to run a business ".
"This is the way I did it 4yrs ago and it worked and how dare you try to tell me when I can or not get pregnant so please leave Val"
Amy turned around and started walking back to the house then stopped, "Val, I've heard that a Horse Trainer named Chase Powers is supposed to be really good, I remember meeting him when I won the Ring of Fire".
Jack suddenly had a coughing fit.
"Well don't think this is over young Lady, I'll pass it round that you refused to help my horse".
"VAL, do not threaten my Granddaughter , you can see how pregnant she is and still has 3 months to go. Anyway how did you get in, the gatessupposedto be locked".
"Well it was open Jack, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to drive down here".

Amy stormed back in the house and sat down .
"Was she that bad".
"Oh Lisa, she wanted me to make her the exception and work with her Horse putting my babys Life at risk including my own, no way, I told her to leave. Then she starts the threats to make sure it went around that I refused to help her horse".
"Well by tomorrow all those gossipers will have heard it and we need to make sure they see you in Town with Lyndy and your large growing belly, when they see how pregnant you are it will backfire on Val, because then the gossip mill will be saying that Val was expecting you to work with her horse even though your very pregnant, believe me Amy they will turn on her".
"Really, I thought they all stuck together ".
"Normally they do , but a young mother expecting her second child, to them that's way more important and the fact that your not taking any risks".


Jack came walking in with a chuckle in his voice shaking his head from side to side.
"What you Laughing at Jack".
"Something Amy said to Val". Chuckling again.
Then Amy had a great big smile on her face.
"Well she asked for it ". (Laughing )
The following day the gossip mill was in full swing and Amy, Lisa and Lyndy were Just parking up behind Maggie's in the main car park.
"Right Amy let's enjoy a couple of hours in Town".
First call was Maggie's as Amy had promised Lyndy her favourite milkshake, and Amy wanted her favourite decaf coffee.
Lisa already saw at least three of the local ladies known for gossiping in Maggie's and they definitely saw Amy and her baby bump.
"Hello Lisa, Amy, my aren't you getting big, how long do you have to go".
Hi Marjorie, I've got 3 months left, I kept going as long as I could with work but Doctors Ordered me to stop and rest".
"I should think so, if a horse kicked you it could end very badly".
"Thank you Marjorie, its nice to hear from someone who actually understands my position".
"I think anyone who tried to get you to work with there horse must be completely mad, you take care of yourself Amy".
"Thanks Marjorie, take care".
"What did I say, she'll be passing that bit of news round all Day".
Others also came up to see Amy and talking to Lyndy who was loving the attention, they were asking Amy how she was doing knowing what she'd been through, they all had great respect for Amy and how strong she was.
Amy and Lisa decided to do some baby shopping so told Lyndy it was time to go.

Val Stanton was still fuming after her encounter with Jack and Amy but still needed her horse sorted, she looked up Chase Powers Website and was very impressed with him and read the comments about his work.
She phoned him up and he promised to be there the next day.
Val thought to herself that if he was good she'd use him instead of Amy Fleming, then had an Idea about getting her own back.
She anonymously phoned a reporter she knew and said she'd heard that Heartland was turning away horses that needed help and a Mrs Stanton from Briar Ridge was one of those who was kicked off Heartland by a very abusive Amy Fleming also known as The Miracle girl then ended the call. Smiling as she put the phone down.

To be continued

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