Chapter Forty One

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Val Stanton received a phone call the next day from the same reporter asking for an interview with her about what happened at Heartland Ranch, she agreed and made arrangements for the following day.
Two day's later Amy was enjoying spending time with Lyndy and her horse riding was coming on amazingly,  they went out after dinner and showed Ty. He realised how his daughter was improving faster than he thought.
Amy suggested a Trail ride and Ty thought that was a great Idea,  Amy got her special Saddle,  it didn't have a saddle horn but a smaller seat for Lyndy and Amy's seat behind hers, she handed it to Ty who put it on Harley as it was just going to be Lyndy and her Daddy , Amy had to stop riding  until little nugget was born.

While Ty and Lyndy were out they were having a great time,  looking for wild animals,  Lyndy saw some Rabbits, a Deer and even a Beaver near the River.
While Amy was in the kitchen going through her Website she got a call from Maggie, Soraya's mum, to say that a customer was showing her an Article in one of the cheap magazines about Heartland and the things they were saying could be very damaging  to her and her business.
Amy asked which Magazine it was so she could check up on what they were saying.
Amy tried to see if it was on line but found that you had to subscribe to view it. Just then Lou walked in and put on the table the actual magazine,  Amy noticed the front cover was a photo of the main entrance to Heartland with the sign above.
Amy started reading the story they'd printed which was a pack of lies and photos of  discarded syringes where they said that she sedated the horse's before working with them and that she whipped them to control them.
Then there was an interview with Val Stanton from Briar Ridge who told a pack if lies and how she refused to help her horse and was forcibly ejected from the Heartland Ranch. Then a lot of made up accusations.
Amy was red in the face with anger.
"I'm going to lay down Lou I've got a headache ".
Lou looked over and could see Amy was upset.
Ty got back with Lyndy and walked in to the kitchen.
"Where's Amy Lou".
"She read that article in that trashy magazine,  said she had a headache and was going to lay down,  but she looked really upset".
Ty went to check on Amy but she had  actually fell asleep so went back, poured a coffee and sat and read the article.
When he'd finished he asked Lou if she read it.
"Yeah I did, it's all made up and all lie's ".
"Well Lou this photo of syringes are the sort druggies use not the sort we'd  use for Horse's,  there far to small and we'd have to use about 5 of them. This photo looks like discarded drug syringes they found in some grass. The only true photo is of the Heartland gate. This is Slander Lou from the Magazine and even Val Stanton,  Amy could sue both ".
"That's what I was thinking and for Amy to do a proper interview with a well known Magazine to counteract the damage done to her reputation.  But first thing is to see her Lawyer and Sue the arse off Val Stanton because this is her work and the magazine who never spoke to Amy to check if any of it was true".
"Maybe we could all sit after dinner and help her".
"Definitely Lou".


Later when dinner was about half an hour away Ty went to wake Amy up but found her crying .
"Hey , what's up Love".
"I feel like I've always done something wrong and then it comes back and bites me".
"You haven't done anything wrong Amy, this is all down to Val Stanton,  you can understand why Jesse and Ashley turned out the way they have, you Amy need to sue both the Magazine and Val".
"Thank you Ty,  apologise to Lisa but I'm not hungry at the moment ".
"Okay Love, I'll be back after dinner with Lyndy okay".
"Yes please Ty, thank you".
Ty gave her a kiss and went to have dinner with Jack, Lisa and Lyndy.
"Amy apologizes but she has no appetite Lisa".
"This has to do with Val and that Article doesn't it".
"Yeahh it does, she feels like she's done something wrong and she's being punished Just like before".
"I think we need to all come together and help sue Val and the magazine".
"Lou mentioned doing a real interview with a well respected Magazine ".
"Definitely Ty, and I know which Magazine to do it with ".
"Oh while I remember,  it was Lou who left the gate open, said she forgot to close and lock it, I told her that because she did that Val got in and caused this mess".
"Thanks Jack, Just hope she doesn't do it again ".
"She won't,  I took her key off her".
After dinner Ty and Lyndy went to see Amy and spent some time together.

The following morning Amy was feeling a little better,  but still upset at Val Stanton.
"Yes Grampa ".
"You know this is Val getting back at you for not working with her horse even though you had a legitimate reason for not doing so".
"Yeah I gathered as much, me and Ty talked last night and I know what I'm going to do to her".
"Okay, but leave your Gun at home".
Amy burst out laughing shaking her head, "I'm not that bad Grampa ".
"I know, but it made you laugh though  didn't it".
Amy took her copy of the magazine and went to her appointment with her Lawyer that she made early this morning.
When she sat down in front of her she she showed her the magazine Article   her lawyer read through it. Amy informed her about her husband saying about the syringes being used by drug users and are not used for horses as they are not big enough and the needle length being to small  and has been fabricated.
After the Lawyer finished reading it.
"Well Amy I'm going to serve the Magazine with a Lawsuit for Slander to You personally and the damages for Defamation of Character unless they can prove without question the information is true which we know is not, within 7 days.
I'm also going to serve Val Stanton with the same. It's  nice to see someone standing up against her".
"Thank you so much, I was so worried last night".
"You have nothing to worry about Amy, Val does because I think she acted before having a word with her Lawyer,  he would of advised her against it unless she had actual proof so we will take her to the cleaners , however I think her lawyers will advise her to try and settle out of court, but we need to make her sweat and keep upping her offer, so do not accept anything from her, direct her to me, Okay".
"Yes I will thank you".
"Okay I'll be intouch and dont worry".

To be continued

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