Chapter Forty Four

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The following day Amy and Ty were still in hospital and Lisa was looking after Lyndy.
At Briar Ridge Val was walking to her office , as Two Police officers were about to walk around the corner, they heard her call out Jesse's name so stayed where they were.
They heard him approaching and one took his phone out and set it to record.
"What now Mother".
"Don't take that tone with me Jesse, Why's my car been moved, well".
"Well I used it last night doing what you asked me to do to the Bordens".
"What, both of them, are you bloody nuts Jesse, Amy's pregnant almost ready to deliver, you'd better not of seriously hurt her, I said frighten them ".
Well I got some satisfaction out if it, I could swear I heard her skull crack like an egg".
"Jesus Jesse what is wrong with you, do you actually have any feelings in your body ,I did NOT tell you to almost kill them , I asked you to persuade them to drop the Lawsuit not beat them up you idiot ".
"Well as far as I'm concerned they both got what they deserved,  he punched me and Amy broke up with me".
"Jesse you were 18 yrs old that's got to be 10 yrs ago and you still hold a grudge. From what I heard from people at that party you were drunk, you were hurting Amy who may I remind you was only 15 years old then and you were trying to drag her upstairs to the bedroom,  so you deserved that punch.
Knock knock, "May we come in, RCMP,  Jesse would you stand up please as your under arrest for the attack on Mr  & Mrs Borden, Valerie Stanton please stand up as your under arrest for aiding and abetting your son in the attack on there persons ".
They were both taken away and charged.

Two days later and Amy was feeling more like herself apart from the bruising on the back of her head and her slurred speech, the effects of the Mini Stroke were wearing off and the doctors had said she can go home.
But she now needed to see Ty so off she went to his room.
"Heyy- Ty, Whou the ell ar- you,  and wphat ar - yyou do ing witf my usband".
"Your husband,  he's my boyfriend ".
"Wphat, get ouwt now".
Amy's speech was improving but she still found it awkward to express herself.
The nurses heard the shouting and came down to see what it was about.
"Hey Amy what's wrong, OH, April what are you doing out of your ward, I'll take her back then I'll come back and explain,  come on April  the've got chocolate pudding waiting for you ".
The nurse managed to get her away from Ty eventually and took her back to her part of the hospital.
Amy went and sat by Ty holding his hand, he still hadn't woken up..
The nurse came back into the room.
"I'm  sorry about that Amy, someone didn't close the door properly and April got out. She's a sweet girl but still needs more counselling,  her boyfriend was driving the car when they got hurt by a drunk driver, her boyfriend was killed and she suffered a lot of head trauma,  she won't accept  that he died and if she gets out she goes looking for him".
"Ohw thart's terr-ible ".
Amy and the nurse carried on chatting for a short while then she went back to work.
Amy texted Lisa to see if she could pick her up about 4 o'clock as it was worse to understand her if she called.
Amy was getting more frustrated with trying to make herself understood so went to the small shop on the ground floor and bought a note pad and pen, she'll talk to Lyndy and give one or two word answers to anyone else but anything longer and she will write it down, doctor's told her it should improve quickly over the next few days and her droopy eye will also recover quickly as thankfully it was a Small stroke and only her face was affected.
Amy also wrote out a note so Lisa could explain to the family why she was using a notepad.
They arrived back at Heartland and as soon as she walked in Lyndy was there giving her mum the best hug ever.
Jack noticed that Amy hadn't said a word since they'd had a hug so asked Lisa if she was alright, Lisa showed him the note and he he nodded, understanding what Amy was on about.
Katie walked into the lounge as Lou had come up to see Amy.
"Mummy,  why's Auntie Amy talking funny to Lyndy?".
"Katie why don't you sit with mommy because Lisa has something to read which hopefully will help everyone understand,  if not I'm sure you're Mummy will explain it to you.
Lisa started to read the little note that Amy had written.  Everyone nodded, understanding her frustration except Katie which was expected,  so Lou tried to explain it in a 4 yr old's language.

They all sat for Dinner and in Lou's usual manner started asking Amy loads of questions without giving her a chance to answer verbally or written,  so Amy ignored her and carried on eating and checking Lyndy was managing her dinner okay.
"Amy, I Just asked you a question ".
"Lou, I'm sure Amy would of answered you had you left a gap inbetween the questions so she could say or write something ".
Everyone started laughing,  even Lou but she was embarrassed so also had a bright red face.
Amy wrote down a question, 'What's happened with Val and Jesse??'.
"Ahhh, yes a lot has happened.  Right, they found him at Briar Ridge sat in her office and he was bragging about what he did to Ty and you, the police stayed outside and recorded what was being said and they arrested them both  apparently Val had no idea what he was going to do, she wanted him to warn you off and to drop the Lawsuit, 
With Jesse they found fingerprints on the Bat, visual identity from a witness and his own confession.
Val was in court quickly and given 2 yrs probation, she asked if she could sell up and move everything down to Florida and continue her Probation down there , the judge agreed and also told her to settleup the Lawsuit.
Jesse was in court this morning and given 15 years for aggravated assault".
Lisa then informed Amy that Val Stanton would go broke if she stayed here in Hudson as her reputation was now ruined.
Amy tried to smile as best as she could.

To be continued.

(Having suffered a small Stroke myself  4 yrs ago I tried to convey just how frustrating it actually is trying to speak and hoping that people understand you, I hope I did it justice.
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