Chapter Six

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Tim walked out as the Officer's sat down with Lisa, then Ty reappeared from Amy's room.
"That was some mighty good timing Officer's, thank you".
"What do you mean".
"Well the man who just left stole all of my girlfriend's money, a hefty amount to at least 118,000 dollars.".
Lou came in just as Ty was telling them and looked horrified and Lisa was left with her mouth open.
"Apparently Lou her sister thought it would be a good Idea to keep control of her sister's business until she was 18 which she now is, but when Lou was going to transfer everything over she found all her Sister's money was gone from the account.
Now Lou couldn't understand why but Tim is also a partner in her business and unbeknownst to Lou he was able to transfer all of Amy's money to his own account which we only just found out today, in fact about an hour ago and I have it all recorded".
"Can we have the recording".
"Well there's a problem with that as it contains some very sensitive material and if my girlfriend Amy Found out at the moment it would destroy her and everything she thought she knew about herself".
"Okay can you send us the information minus the delicate information".
"Yes I can definitely do that for you".
"Okay thank you, we may not need it knowing Tim Fleming he speaks before his brain has actually decided what he wants to say".
"A bit like digging a bigger hole".
"Yes exactly like that, we'll go and pick him up right now".
"Thank you Officer's".
They got up and walked out.
Lou looked totally confused as did Lisa.
I had to do that Lou because I heard everything and to be honest after what I heard I was sure he'd try to hurt Amy, but listening to what you said I realized you'd been dupped and used too".
"But how's he going to pay Amy back Ty, he took everything from her because he thought it was mum's money and when I told him it was Amy's and she'd worked her guts out for it he couldn't careless".
Well I'm sure you, as you said in the office Lou will transfer the business back to Amy, and I'm sure Lisa can help with a Lawyer to force Tim to sell big river and pay Amy back.
Just then the house phone started to ring and as Lisa answered it she couldn't hear who was on the other end as a large Medic Helicopter passed overhead.
"Okay I can here you now, Okay, oh my God how is she, yes okay we'll get ready to leave as soon as you get back, love you too, bye".
"The've found Amy, but she's in a bad way, it was Wolfs and Jack said that it looks like Spartan was trying to protect her. Her neck is damaged from puncture wounds to her Arteries and she's lost a lot of blood, there also worried about infection. As soon as Jack gets back well leave for the hospital".
The three of them hugged, the recording forgotten for the moment.


When Lisa put the phone down , Lou went to get ready.
Ty whispered.
"Lisa can you and I travel together, I need you to listen to the recording because if Amy finds out I honestly don't know what it will do to her".
"What exactly could be that bad".
Ty motioned with his head to go outside to the rear of the house away from the front where Lou's room is.
" Tim's not Amy's father, when Marion was attacked she WAS Raped Lisa and Amy is the result, Tim told her to get rid of her but Marion refused saying that whatever way she came about ,the child was still a Life that needed love and she was going to make sure she got it, you need to hear all the recording Lisa. Personally I'm glad Amy's here because I love her and the thought that Tim didn't want her hurts.".
"Okay we'll travel together ".

Later they were travelling to the Hospital, Lou was with Jack after Lisa explained that Ty needed to talk to her without Lou in the car.
" Put the recording on if you want Ty, let's get this over with ".
Ty put it on after connecting it to Lisa's audio system.

When the recording finished Ty turned it off and was watching Lisa's reactions, he saw tears running down her face.
"Do you want to pull over for a while Lisa".
She nodded and pulled off the road then broke down , the Betrayal not Just from Lou at Tim's pushing but from Tim himself. Although neither had physically hurt her, they had emotionally and Trust.
Eventually Lisa composed herself and they started driving again.
"Ty, I know your reluctant to let that information out, but I think the police need to hear the whole thing to make sense of it and why Tim stole her money, it's like a glove, you cut a finger off and the glove doesn't fit properly, so you need to make sure that the sensitive information is kept confidential by the Police".
"Okay, that does make sense Lisa, you'll have to let Jack know, it will probably make more sense to him about what went on, obviously only Marion and Tim knew about the reason for Marion's pregnancy ".

They arrived at the Hospital and found Jack and Lou in the waiting room.
"We thought you'd got lost, Amy's in surgery having the bites cleaned and stitched there also giving her a Blood Transfusion plus intravenous Antibiotics, but the Doctor said she's going to be fine, apparently she was saved by Spartan otherwise she would have been Torn apart ".
They all breathed a sigh of relief, now they just had to wait to see her.

Later on the Doctor came through to say they could go and see her, she was still asleep from the anesthetic and was still receiving Blood and Antibiotics through Intravenous injections but would recover.
"What about the wounds, will they be noticable ". Ty knew he had to ask, she would always be beautiful in his eyes but Amy was a young woman.
"The only ones would be her Neck, but with a little concealer they would hardly be seen and time would eventually dull them even more, at least she's alive".
"Thank you Doctor, I only asked because I'm sure she will.".
The Doctor told them the room number she was in and left. They all got up and made there way to Amy's room.

To be continued

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