Chapter Thirty Three

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Amy's second week was almost over, she was hopefully going home Tomorrow, and couldn't wait to see Lyndy, she missed her daughter so much and all this in and out of Hospital was enough.

Unknown to the family,  the Ranch house had been bugged because Ahmed wanted to know who was where and what they were doing.
Ty was on the phone to Amy saying he was at work all day but would see her at Dinner time.
Ahmed was pleased that Amy was going to be on her own all day and he could put his plan into action.
It had been a busy morning in the Clinic and Scott, Ty, and Shane had all been operating,  but now it was Lunchtime.
Ty decided that he wanted to surprise Amy so was going to use his Lunch hour to see her.


After a struggle the two Nurses had Amy sedated and in the Wheelchair,  they managed to strap her in and threw a blanket around her,  her head was hanging down as they pushed her toward the main doors and the Van that was waiting for them.
They both looked very nervous and the Security guards were a little suspicious about them as they walked from the Lift to the main doors as one recognized Amy after going in her room to grab the prince.
They made there way to the doors trying not to look suspicious but to their horror Ty walked in and saw his wife in the Wheelchair,  he also recognized one of Nurses as one of Ahmed's security guards.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY WIFE " Ty shouted so he could get the attention of the Security guards, but they were already on to them.
They pushed Amy's Wheelchair straight at the guards who were running towards them and barged straight through Ty and ran for the Van which took off.
Ty and two real nurses were straight with Amy.
"She's been sedated ".
The guards and Nurses were asking Ty questions and Amy was taken back to her room.
When the Doctor heard about the attempted kidnapping she understood more about the stress Amy and Ty had been under, so she put Amy under Armed Guard.

Ahmed's phone started ringing,  he expected good news but what he heard didn't go down well at all.
He sent them both to the Airport then he phoned the pilot telling him to take them home as soon as possible.
He didn't need the police interviewing  either of them.
Again they got the better of him. He couldn't trash his office because he'd already done that. Now he really had to think.
The Doctor told Ty he may as well go back to work as Amy would be out for a few Hours according to the injection they gave her , the empty container was left on the bed.
She assured him they would watch over her and the police were on there way , Ty agreed and after giving Amy a kiss he left.


When Ty returned to the Clinic he phoned Jack and updated him on what Ahmed Just tried to do, and the Hospital had Amy under Guard.
What happened at the Hospital was soon all around the Town and it wasn't long before Tim found out.
His mind was full of conflicting thoughts and for some reason the thought of this trumped up Prince trying to kidnap his Daughter or hurt her really angered him.
Tim decided that it was time to go back to Hudson.

Ty walked in to Amy's room and saw her sat up in bed.
"How are you Amy".
"Okay Ty, bit confused as why those Nurses wanted to give me an injection  though, I tried to stop them but little ol me was no match for em".
"It was Ahmed trying to kidnap you, except they ran into me coming in to surprise you at Lunch time and one of the Security guards recognized you from when he removed Ahmed from your room ".
Omg, what is wrong with him Ty, why can't he just leave me alone".
"He's Obsessed with you, but Lisa has found out something about him ,
I'm staying tonight, and once your released I'm taking you home".
"Are you back at work on Saturday ".
"Off till Monday morning ".

Ahmed called all his managers from different  Departments in and told them it was time to pack up and move out back to France.
He knew he wasn't going to get what he wanted, but he didn't like losing either, especially to someone like Amy Borden, he'd make her pay, if he couldn't have her then he'd deny her to her husband.
Tim was already on his way back to Hudson as quickly as he could,  he wasn't sure what was pushing him, but something told him he didn't have time to waste.
He decided to reach out to Lou first.
Lou's phone rang and when she saw who it was she went outside to the side of her car.
"Dad, are you okay".
"Listen Lou, please ,please listen to me it concerns Amy".
"What, you mean, she's in danger from you".
"No Lou, The Prince".
"Yeah we know Dad, he tried to kidnap her".
"No Lou, not the kidnap, he intends on killing her Lou, I don't know why I know, I suddenly had this urge to come back and save her Lou, it's weird, like something is pushing me towards Hudson to save her, but after the way I treated her I don't get it.".
"You been drinking Dad,".
"No I haven't, not since she shoved that gun in my face".
"We are watching her Dad".  Lou hung up thinking he'd been drinking  again".
"Who was that at dinnertime ".
"I'll  tell you after dinner". Lou nodded at Katie and Lyndy,  Peter was back in Dubai for 3 weeks.
After Dinner the girls were asleep,  Lou was staying at the Ranch House tonight.
"So care to explain ".
"It was weird Grampa,  Dad was talking as if he was drunk but he didn't sound drunk, kept going on about something pushing him back to Hudson because Amy's life was in danger from The Prince  he wanted to kill her".
Lou then explained the rest of the phone call.
"I know your sceptical about things we dont know about Lou, but I've had those same things happen to me and I couldn't explain it".
"Like when".
"Do you remember when Amy was missing and  I said to you Amy's  in danger  and I phoned Ty to come home earlier than normal and look for her".
"Yes, you mean with the Bear".
"Yes, It was like I was being pushed to find her, but I knew Ty would be the one to find her".
"Your Talking about Mum watching out for her, possibly Grandma too".
"Yes Lou,I do, But I think you have to have an open mind to receive the information,  anyway Amys home tomorrow".

To be continued

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