Chapter Fourteen

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They were all sat in the Doctors office  explaining what happened and how Amy overheard the conversation and her world collapsed.
"Well there's no lasting effects from what happened thanks to your quick response young man, physically  anyway. However after my last check up on her she's comatose which could last a few days or weeks, it's hard to say. But I will arrange a Counsellor to see her, it may be before she leaves Hospital or once she gets home.
When you see her, talk normally to her, words of Love, comfort and support,  I will check on her again later, she's in room 157".
"Thank you Doctor ". They all said in unison.

When they walked in Amy was sat up about halfway. Lou looked at her.
"Oh Amy it's so good to see you
awake ".
But when she got to the bed it was like  the lights were on but no one was in.
"Whats wrong with her ".
"Lou, remember what the doctor said,  she's Comatose, she's in her own littleworld at the moment while her brain trys to process what she heard".
Amy was staring at nothing, every so often a nurse would come in and put drops in her eyes, when visiting was over they'd put an eye mask on so her eyelids were closed for the night.
They would all visit her and talk every day taking shifts  it had been 4 days and Ty was getting worried she'd end up in some Mental asylum.
It was almost the end of visiting again for another day when a nurse in her fifties came in, she looked at Ty and
" She'll be okay you know".
"How do you know that, she will probably end up in one of those Hospitals ". Ty had tears in his eye's. The nurse got her pen light and moved it back and forth over her eye's. " No I don't think so,  she's responding to light, I used to work in one of those Hospitals and they had patients who had seen things no one should see, and I saw many walk out back to a normal life, Your beautiful Fiancee had a shock, a bad one and her brains processing it so maybe tomorrow or the day after, keep your chin up , goodnight".

Ty returned home to Heartland and met everyone in the Lounge with a coffee in his hand.
They were talking about Amy and Ty told them about the Nurse and what she said.
Peter was home from Dubai for 4 weeks.
" Look everyone I know timing is bad but I can't hold on to this news any longer, Peter and I are Pregnant ".
Everyone cheered up for that bit of good news and hugs went around.

The next day Ty went to see Amy, when he walked in she had her eyes shut, no eye mask, he sat down and picked up her hand giving her palm a kiss.
"Hey, morning ".
"AMY". His eyes filled up realizing she was back, he leaned over and kissed her.
"I'm so happy your awake".
"I've always been awake just not in this  world so to speak".
"So you could hear us".
"Sort of, I knew you and everyone else was there but couldn't respond,  it was a weird feeling ".
Amy tried to give Ty a Smile, but her heart was still breaking from what she heard.
"How long have they known Ty".
"Not that long Amy, no one wanted to shatter your world or memories,  everyone Loves you so much, how do they get over the consequences,  look what happened when you found out, I, I had to p perform CPR on you to get you breathing again,  I was so frightened Amy, I thought I was going to lose you".
"Did you Know".
Ty's eyes filled up again as he looked her in the eyes and nodded.
Amy moved her hand to his cheek and he put his on top." Thank you Ty for looking out for me and my well
being ".
Amy closed her eyes and drifted off.


While Ty was driving home he honestly thought Amy would blow up at him about knowing,  but she realized that he was Just looking out for her the same as the rest of her family.
When he got back they had another chat, Jack had already arranged for the clients of the Last three horses to be collected leaving Amy with only Spartan.
Ty decided to bring up Marion's  attack and explained how nothing made sense and that she knew who it was and Amy was beginning to think the same way.
"Oh, I don't know Ty".
Ty could see Lisa thinking.
"You know Jack they may be on to something,  you said that Marion was adamant on no tests, not even taking the pill to prevent a pregnancy".
Jack was thinking about it.
"How do we prove it though, unfortunately Marion isn't here to say".

A few days later Amy was well enough to be discharged,  the Counsellor still hadn't been to see her but Amy had been chipper and upbeat about going home.
Ty didn't buy it though,  he knew she was putting on an act for the Doctor and Nurses so she could get out.
Amy was still distant at times, but he thought she may get better easier if she was at home.

"Grampa, Ty phoned,  Amy's coming home later so we need to organize a party for her".
"NO  you don't Lou, not this time, with what she's been through she doesn't want friends asking why she was in hospital,  this is private family stuff".
"Come on Lisa talk him round".
"Not this time Lou, I agree with  Jack, we keep it quiet and gentle  , Ty said he doesn't buy into her chirpyness and she's putting it on so she can get home".
"Oh, okay just a family dinner then".
"This time Lou".

Amy had been home for a couple of days but everyone saw she wasn't really any better,  she'd been to see Dr Virani about something and been on the Phone a couple of times.

The next morning on the third day of Amy being home Ty woke up to an empty and cold bed, he got up and got dressed and knew something wasn't right,  his heart felt heavy as he looked around,  Amy's draws had been opened but not shut fully back up, her suitcases were gone to, then he saw the Letters  one to him and one to Jack, Lisa, and Lou.
Ty walked into the kitchen,  Lisa looking at him, she saw the start of watery eyes. "Ty, what's wrong, where's Amy".
Ty looked up at them all and handed Jack the letter with tears running down his face.

To be continued

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