Chapter Twelve

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They all sat down for dinner and were enjoying the Gammon that Amy had asked for.
"You know Lou we haven't had this for years".
"I know Grandpa, This is what Amy asked for it's so tender".

Suddenly the Front Door flew open and there stood Tim as if he owned the place".
"Jesus , Not again , can't I have one Birthday Dinner where you dont turn up and spoil it for God's sake".
"Don't take that attitude with me Amy".
"Why not, because it's true every Birthday I've had since you turned up after Mum Died has ended in arguments or fights, and I'm fed up with it Just Leave, GO".
"I'm here for your Birthday whether you like it or not".
"What did I do to be treated like this, you don't do it to Lou only me. You steal my business and all my money, was it you who baited the wolves on my trail ride or beat me and Ty while we were asleep, well was it, did you do those things to me because your the only one who seems to dislike me for some reason".
"I have just cause to hate you because she chose you instead of me".
"What , your blaming me when I was probably no bigger than a bloody peanut , how sick are you to put blame on a child who just wanted to be loved and call you Daddy".
Ty got up and put his arms around her, holding her tight.
"Your engaged, don't tell me it's to this idiot,".
Jack gets up and tells him to go or they'll phone the police as he's trespassing due to the restraining order that was taken out on him.
" You can't order me around old man".
With that final remark Amy runs to her room and walks back out pointing her Glock 15 at Tim " I told you to go, I'm at breaking point here and unless you want me to shoot you I suggest you leave NOW".
Tim's absolutely shocked to see her pointing a gun at him and decides it's time to go, he disrupted the Birthday dinner he wasn't invited too and that's all he wanted to do. So he turned and walked off.
Ty went and closed the door and made sure he locked it.
Amy put the gun on the Table then broke down in tears , Lisa and Lou took her to her room.
Jack was just sat there shocked that his Granddaughter pulled a gun on his ex son in law.
Ty walked over to the table and picked up the gun, he looked at it then showed Jack.
" Amy didn't cock it or take the safety off Jack, she bluffed him".
Jack looked up and then burst out laughing "I thought he was gonna piss himself" and carried on laughing.

Ty took the gun with him back to their bedroom just as Lou and Lisa came out.
"How is she Lou, Lisa"
" A bit shook up, think she let out some of her anger tonight, look after her Ty".
"Always "
"Hey beautiful, that was a gutsy thing to do, No Bullet and the Saftey on".
Amy looked at Ty and smiled, " Think I'd make a good actress".
" Yep, I reckon you could after that performance , Jack can't stop Laughing ".
"Did he know".
" Nope ,not till I showed him , he thought Tim was going to pee
himself ".
Amy started laughing too and then they held each other for a while.
" Amy, something doesn't add up about the attack on your Mum".
" What do you mean".
"Well let's hopothapise , those 3 teen girls who were attacked and raped in your birth year would of had the Rape test done, then given the option to take the pill to stop a pregnancy or not being their choice ".
" But when Marion was attacked she said she wasnt raped and didn't want the Test done, so what if she knew or recognized her attacker, say by smell, aftershave or say by voice or a limp or something and she knew they may identify him but she still loved him".
" You think my own father attacked my mother out of spite".
" Its just a theory Amy , your smart enough to figure it out, come on let's go to bed , big day tomorrow".


Amy was up early doing the chores in the Barn and washing and brushing Spartan and Zephyr.
Amy went back to the house for breakfast which was ready by the time she walked in.
Ty was at the clinic early as he'd arranged to finish early to get ready for Amy's show
Amy had finished the things she needed to do and went on her Laptop searching for anything that may help her identify her mothers attacker.

Realising the time she ran back to the house to get ready for her show at Dark Horse, not long after Ty turned up already dressed. They loaded up Spartan and Zephyr and told Lou, Jack and Lisa they would meet them there.

It wasn't long before they were sat out the front of the ring waiting for Amy to start. The lights dimmed and the Ring lights came on.
Pierre was sat with the family waiting when the music started and Amy in Jean's and a beautiful tulle blouse came out riding Spartan bareback , Amy and Spartan twirling around with just her legs holding her on with her arms out stretched. Her and Spartan came to a stop and then she nodded for Zephyr to come out. She had full control as both horses ran side by side while Amy danced around them and they both followed her lead. Then she motioned for Zephyr to lay down and monovered Spartan to gently move himself along Zephyr's body carefully not to step on him. Once in place Amy climbed up and stood on Spartans back with her arms out and got a standing ovation from her Family.

To be continued

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