Chapter Two

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Tim coughed, "Well I'd been home for about a month and left for the circuit about two days before it happened, so Jack will have to take over".
Jack didn't look happy, they thought it was forgotten but with the internet anything can come back and haunt you.
"I got a call from the police to say Marion had been attacked and I was at the Hospital as fast as I could, Marion kept insisting that she was okay although I did notice concern in her voice when they wanted to perform a Rape Test, she kept saying he never got that far and had given just as much back to him as he tried with her, believe me Marion could fight she was all Cowgirl, so we took her word for it and life carried on and it was never mentioned again".
"Jack's right , I wanted to come home but she said she was okay and to carry on with the circuit, when I got back she was fine".
Jack and Tim got up from the table and went in the kitchen, Lou n Amy could hear them but not what they were saying.
"So what's your plans for tomorrow Amy".
"Get my business up and running full time now Lou, have a long list of things to do".
"So your not going to university".
"What's the point Lou, I'm not going to learn anything more by going to uni. I know what I love and my business is everything to me so that's what I'm going to do".
"But you are so clever and intelligent".
"So what do you suggest Lou, what should I study that I don't want or need".
"I don't know Amy".
"So stop trying to push me into something I don't want, your just like Dad, you said to me that that's what he does, push push push".
Amy got up and went to her room, shut her door and leaned against it.
Amy then heard her grandpa come back into the room.
"Stop trying to push her into something she doesn't want Lou, your going to create a wedge between you. Let her build her business Lou it's what Marion left for her, it's what she's good at".
"She can't Grampa".
"What the hell do you mean she can't Lou, it's her business, it's in Marion's will, Amy was left the business and that's what she's been doing since Marion died".
Jack turned and went to bed.
Lou sat looking worried as she knew Amy was clever and would work it out and then the shit would hit the fan.

In the morning Amy was up early, she was finished with school apart from her graduation and wanted to help Ty with the morning chores as she hardly got to see him nowadays as he was so busy, Amy thought of paying this year's fees for him so he could spend more time with her, after three years of working and not spending anything plus the amount of horse's she worked with she should have at least 90,000 dollars in her account.
Amy logged into her bank account after she'd helped Ty and he went off to Uni.
Amy opened her account and just looked at what wasn't in there,12,000 dollars.
"What the hell".


Amy sat there wondering where all her money had gone. Three years she's worked her but off for $4,000 a year.
Amy looks closer and sees there's only been three entries of $4,000 a year.
She immediately gets her books out and goes through all the horses she's worked with, every payment she was given, $150,000, she then deducted what she has to pay out for Horse food, Hay, Vet Bill's , stable boarding charges, and out of what was left 10% to her Grampa to help keep Heartland going even though he had the Cattle. That left Amy with a balance of $80,000. So she was short of $68,000.
"WHAT THE HELL, Where's it gone".

Jack heard Amy's voice and walked into the office.
"Amy, what's wrong sweetheart ".
"I've been robbed grandpa".
"What do you mean Robbed ".
Amy got Jack to sit by her and went through everything, he followed and agreed that something wasn't right.
"These three payments Grandpa were made to me by the," Heartland Equestrian Connection " what the hell is that, I've never heard about it and why is all MY money going to them. Oh there's another thing Grandpa, you remember when I sold Storm, Nick paid me 50,000 dollars and I was going to put it in my account but I thought I'd support Lou and gave it all to her as an investment in the Dude Ranch, in two years I've not received any investment reports ".
"Okay, I think we need to talk to Lou and see what she's been up to, because stealing from Family is the worst thing to do, this is your business as put in your mother's will so she shouldn't of touched it and if she has, she's broken the Law".
"Can you ask Lisa to come over, I mean she's a business woman and I think it may help, I want MY business back grandpa".

Jack phoned Lisa and very quickly explained to her, she pulled up at the Barn 15 minutes later.

They walked in and noticed Peter was back, he was also an oil business man and Lou's husband.
"Lou, can we all sit around the table please, we have a problem that Amy has discovered and your the only one who has the answers, I really hope you've not broken any Law's Lou otherwise your in big trouble".
Lou knew this was coming but not this fast, she underestimated Amy.
( Peter) "What exactly has happened Jack".
"Well when Marion died, in her will she left her business to Amy because obviously she works with Horses. She's worked her guts out for three years part time as well as doing school to keep it going, when she gets the payment from the clients she gives it with a copy of the bill, food, hay, vet bills, and boarding costs, Lou is supposed to deduct those plus 10 percent from the balance for Heartland and the remainder paid into Amy's account. But Amy is 68,0000 dollars short for three years work. Apparently "Heartland Equestrian Connection" has only given Amy 4,000 dollars a year for three years. That is slave Labour. Ty earns that in a month as a ranch hand. According to paperwork Amy has found she's an employee of this Connection thing and not the Owner, so what have you done with Amy's business and all HER money Lou.".

To be continued

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