Chapter Eight

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"What the hell are you doing here, you weren't invited and your not due out till next week". Jack's voice boomed.
Amy got up and walked to her room, Ty looked at Jack, understanding his movements he got up and followed Amy to her room.
"Where's he think he's going".
"None of your business Tim, he's Just following my Que to check on Amy".
"So what's for dinner then Lou".
"Nothing, it's all gone and why are you here".
"It's my Daughter's Birthday of course".
"Really dad, everyone at this table at this moment knows that's not the case".
"What,,, everyone".
"Everyone except Amy, she's been through enough these last 12 months without you showing up".

"Amy come back and finish your dinner, you don't have to look at him or speak to him, then me and you are going out, okay".
"Okay Ty, I love you so much".
"I love you too".

Amy and Ty walk back in and sat down, then continued to finish there diner with Tim just sat there, no food because there's none left and because he wasn't invited.
Amy and Ty Had Just finished there meal when Lou came out with Amy's Birthday Cake, they all sang Happy Birthday to her but Jack noticed Tim didn't sing a single word and as Lisa had updated Jack with Ty's recording he knew why. Amy blew out the candles and Lou served it out looking at Amy then Tim, Amy nodded to say give him a piece, and they got stuck in.
Eventually Tim had to open his mouth.
"So Amy I didn't see many horses out there business must be bad then.".
Amy's hackles came straight up and she looked at Tim with a look of Venom and hatred.
It's my business and for your information there's 12 Single layer stables around the back and there all in for the night, so mind your own business".
Everyone was shocked at the venom laced voice that Amy used at Tim, even Tim was speechless.
"Right, Jack if you'll excuse us we have a Date to go on".
"Errr, yes that's fine ,have a nice evening both of you".
Amy gave Jack a kiss on his cheek and left with Ty.

"I'm surprised there still together".
"And what do you mean by that dad, There in Love and Ty thinks the world of her".
"Well I mean, those scars on her neck look horrible, I'm surprised she's not wearing something round her neck, and surely Ty must see them".
"Here we go, running her down again, I'm glad she isn't here to hear you say these things, I don't want you on Heartland property ever again Tim".
Suddenly the mud room door flew open and Amy came thundering in walking around Jack, past Lisa, Lou and Peter and up to Tim, the next minute Tim's on the floor still sat in his chair after Amy Sucker Punched him Hard. Amy walked out towards the mud room door shaking her hand and swearing obscenities.


So, do you feel better now my beautiful girlfriend".
"Ohhhh, yes much better, let's go".
"How's your hand".
"Sore but not broken".
Off they went for there date, all Amy's anger gone, she was relaxed and looking forward to there Date.

Back at Heartland everyone was stunned at what Amy did." Well it seems I was wrong about Amy not hearing YOU, she must of caught your first sentence and waited to hear what else you said".
Jack got up to check they'd gone and sat back down.
" Well I certainly have to say this to you TIM, ' She definitely takes after Marion and that looked like one of her punches to me".
Everyone burst out Laughing.
" Now as I said before Tim ,get OFF my Ranch and never come back".
Peter who was big, picked Tim up and showed him to his truck. Tim decided this was going to end in his favour and took a swing at Peter who quickly moved then planted Tim on the ground with one punch, then left him there.
Lou looked at Peter as he came back in. "Has he gone finally".
"No, he's kipping on the floor next to his truck".
"He decided to take a swing at me so I decked him".
Jack started Laughing, " First Amy Sucker Punched him, then you Decked him, he's having a bad evening".
Jack and the others started laughing again.
"Right who's for coffee".

In town it was lovely, nice and warm in the middle of July as Ty and Amy walked through the park, they reached the pond and beautiful fountains that shot upwards out in the middle all lite up, Amy stood there breathing in the fresh air and spray from the Jets of water as they shot into the Sky, she turned round to speak to Ty and saw him down on one knee with a red velvet Ring box open showing a beautiful Diamond Ring.
" Amy, I know your only Nineteen and and I'm Twenty One but I love you so much, Will you do me the honour and marry me, I don't mean now or next year, I mean when your ready".
"YES, Yes Ty I will marry you".
Ty had someone there to take a video and snap shots to show the family If Amy said yes of course.
Ty stood up and put the Ring on her finger, Amy put her arms around Ty's neck and pulled him in for a passionate kiss with her on tippy toes.

When they got back to the Ranch Ty thought he saw a truck parked along the Dude Ranch road but when he looked again he thought he'd been mistaken. He and Amy were all smiles and were kissing on the porch, Amy asked him to wait a minute and went in, when she came out she grabbed his hand and pulled him to her Room shutting the door quietly.
"Amy, I don't know about this".
"Ty, I don't want to do anything, I just want you with me, please".
"Okay, I like the sound of cuddling".

In the morning Lou went to wake up Amy as she wasn't up yet, which was unusual.
Jack and Lisa were in the kitchen preparing breakfast when they heard an ear piercing scream.

To be continued

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