Chapter Nine

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When Jack and Lisa got to Amy's room they couldn't believe what they were seeing, both Amy and Ty had been beaten in there sleep. Lisa then noticed the Ring on Amy's finger and pointed it out while Jack was phoning for an Ambulance and the Police.
"Oh my God, they got engaged last night and someone's done this".
Jack looked and checked there pulses which were both strong. "I've got a dam good Idea whose done this especially after she hit him last night".
"But can we prove it Jack".
Just then they heard Amy groaning that her head hurt, she opened her eye's and saw three pairs of eye's looking at her.
" This isn't what it looks like Grampa I Just needed Ty to hold me".
"Hey, it's okay, your old enough that you don't have to explain everything Amy, don't touch your head okay, there's blood everywhere".
" You and Ty were attacked in your sleep".
"He's Okay Amy and the Ambulance is on its way".
"Argh, my head hurts".
"Yeah, what happened".
"Ty, how you feeling".
"Hey Jack, like I've been in a boxing ring".
"Don't touch your head okay there's blood everywhere, Amy's the same I'm afraid".
"She's passed out Ty, from the pain I think".
"Hey Ty".
"Hi Lou".
"Looks like congratulations are in order for you and Amy".
"Yeah, it was a brilliant evening till this".
"Did you see anyone around when you came home Ty".
"Yeah I thought I saw a truck parked down the Dude Ranch road, but when I looked again I couldn't see it, thought I'd imagined it".
Ty then passed out again. Jack checked there pulses and they were fine. Jack was trying to think what they'd been hit with then thought of the butt end of Tim's rifle.
" I reckon Tim may of used the butt of his Rifle, Lisa".
"Thank God he didn't shoot them both".
"That would of made to much noise, and I think this was his payback for Amy punching him".
"But he asked for it grandpa, those things he said".
"I know Lou, but he's a very bitter man which is weird because he caused all of it, this is all his own fault Lou, and he's trying to pin the blame on anyone else".
They then heard the Sirens, and Lisa said she'd let them in, while Lisa and Jack went out Lou took photo's of Amy and Ty and of the room , she hoped the police would but sometimes it's best to do it yourself and that's what she did, some of the draws had been pulled out and other stuff to look like a burglary, but why in only Amy's room and why leave her engagement ring behind.
The police walked in and saw what had happened, they very quickly took photo's of the bed and Amy and Ty then called in the Paramedics to look after them, within twenty minutes Ty and Amy were on there way by blue lights to Hudson Hospital with Lisa in the back with them.
Lou was explaining how it looked like a Burglary but only in Her sister's room and they left her Engagement ring on her finger.
Jack was talking to the other officer about what happened the night before and how Amy heard what her father said.


Amy and Ty arrived at the Hospital and taken straight into A@E, both were still unconscious, they were sent down for MRI Scans and other checks.

Jack explained how some of the injuries looked like the but of a rifle to the Officer and how Ty thought he saw a Truck on the Dude Ranch road.
The police finished up there inquiry then left Jack and Lou to Join Lisa at the Hospital, he also suggested locking doors at night Just in case Tim tried anything else if they couldn't pin it on him.

Ty and Amy spent four days in hospital with head injuries from a severe beating, both had concussion but the police couldn't proof who it was and Tim's rifle was clean. There was a truck parked where Ty thought he saw one but the tires were brand new with no unusual markings due to wear.
Lisa talked Jack into getting a new Lock for the mudroom door that was more robust.
Lisa picked up Ty and Amy from hospital and saw them holding each other tightly with Amy's head on Ty's chest.
They arrived back at Heartland and went inside to an overpowering, CONGRATULATIONS, Lou had organized an impromptu Engagement Party for them which cheered them both up greatly, Just what they needed.

Everyone went to bed and Ty and Amy were sat in front of the Log fire on the sofa talking quietly.
"Let's go to bed"
"Okay love, I'll lock up the new locks on the Door thanks to Lisa".
"Yeah that's definitely a good Idea".

Jack gets up and walks into the kitchen to see Ty had already made coffee.
"Morning Ty, coffees ready,  nice".
"Well I thought I may as well get a head start and I know how you like your coffee first thing".
"How's Amy doing Ty".
"She's not to bad but very restless at night, so I just hold her and let her know I'm there then she seems to settle down and drop off into a deep sleep".
"But how are you doing with all this, are you sleeping Ty".
"Yes Jack, thank you, once Amy's in a deep sleep I'm gone too, so sleeping is good".
"Okay, well if it gets too much say something and I will have a word with Tricia and see if a bit of counselling may offer Amy some help".
Ty puts his finger up to Jack and walks to there bedroom as Lisa describes it even though there only engaged, he checks on Amy and closes the door quietly then comes back to Jack.
" What's wrong Ty".
"I'm worried about her Jack, especially after the attack in the bedroom, although having that door locked certainly helps, Amy can't understand why".
"You mean the way he treats her I take it".
"Yes, she can't make any sense why he treats Lou so different to the way he treats her and it's breaking her heart Jack. I heard her talking to herself while she was brushing her hair".
"What was she saying".
" She kept saying, 'why can't you Just be my dad', 'what did I do wrong', I can hear the hurt in her voice".
"I think I need to speak to Tricia before this gets to much".

To be continued

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