Chapter Twenty Six

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Ty and the family were sitting in the Hospital waiting patiently for news of Amy's injuries, Ty was placing the blame on his own shoulders because Amy wanted to earn money for things the baby needed,  which Ty realised was Just as much his Responsibility, but he never even gave it a thought.
Jack was trying to help Ty by pushing the blame back to someone else,  Bob, if he hadn't tried to interfere in Ty and Amy's relationship this wouldn't of happened at all.
Ty had heard that Bob went even further after he left by turning off the Receiver and Transponder in the Radio shack to stop Vets from leaving and getting messages and phone calls.
Ty thought about it and knew Jack was right, most of this was Bob's fault.
Ty promised himself that however long it took he would keep an eye on him and get revenge,  Legally of course.
Eventually the Doctor called them through. He asked them all to take a seat.
"Your Fiancee Mr Borden certainly lives up to her name  *Miracle Girl *.
She is such a Lucky young woman.
Her injuries given the circumstances are minor but she does have two, one could of left her paralysed ".
"What do you mean Doctor,  I thought it was her head that was injured ".
"That was minor compared to what we found , we were concerned about the blow to her head and of course below that is her neck which we found to all intense and purpose was Broken".
"Now thankfully it's a fracture and nothing has moved or damaged any nerves as far as tests show at the moment ,  there Operating now to secure the fracture and sort out the split to the top of her head, as I said she is a miracle. I will let you know when you can see her, so please be patient".
"Thank you Doctor ". They all voiced.
"OH, I almost forgot,  Baby is fine".

Amy spent a week in hospital and discharged as long as she wore the Neck brace, Amy didn't mind although  it did limit the plans she had with Ty now back in her bed, but she knew she had to follow the rules if she wanted her life back to normal. The family were a little worried as Amy wasn't depressed or showing any signs of the accident.
Amy was infact perfectly okay,  she never told anyone that she never felt alone in the truck,  she felt someone was with her the whole time and kept her calm, Amy thought that maybe it was her mum, she had always felt her nearby since she died.

Lou came in the kitchen,  "where's Amy grampa".
"She's down by the Pond with Ty, talking".
"Is she okay, I mean there's  no.
"Lou, I know what your on about but she's fine, I had a little heart to heart and from what she said  without really saying anything I know what she's on about, so leave it before you turn it into something else".
"Okayyyyy ".
Amy and Ty were talking about there experiences,  Amy in the truck and Ty with the old lady on the plane, Amy told first and that's why she's been okay with everything. 
Ty told next, but left out the baby's name, "Amy have you thought of a name for a Girl by any chance".
"Yes, probably the same name the old lady mentioned".
"Do you mind telling me".
"Of course I will  Lyndy Marion Fleming Borden".
Ty breathed in sharply.
"You Okay".
"Yeah, that was the little girls name in the dream and what the old lady mentioned when she said she liked it, then disappeared".
Amy laughed gently, "So what was the old ladys name".
"This is so weird Amy, And I have a feeling you know who she was my Horse Spirit Guide".
"Come on ,Name".
"Okayy, Lucy Parson, now tell me she was a ghost, go on".
"Well, I dont think of Great Grandma Lucy as a ghost, more like a Guardian Angel".
"What, so you do know".
"Ty, my family on the womens side have always been spiritual, it goes hand in hand with with the Horse Whisperer side. I Just take it as normal I suppose. I'm  sure Grampa sees Lyndy sometimes you know, the way I catch him looking into nothing".
Amy laughed again, "I'll find a photo of Lucy and I bet it was her".
"Okay your on, $10".

Later at dinner they were all eating when Amy looked at Ty, "You gonna pay up".
"I haven't seen the photo Yet".
Amy put a photo down in front of him and Ty looked  pulled out $10 and handed it to Amy.
"This is so damed weird". They then carried on eating.
Later Jack asked Amy about the bet.
Amy of course being very open minded told him all about hers and Ty's weird happenings.
Jack didn't seem surprised about it himself either.

The following morning at breakfast, Ty had gone to the Clinic and Amy had noticed that Jack, Lisa, Peter and Lou had been having meetings.
"Amy, Grampa was saying that you had found a way to build a house and cut the cost by half, could you elaborate on it for us please ".
"Yeah, I don't mind".
Amy explained to Lou and Peter about sourcing the Wood from the forests as a lot needed thinning and most of the Tree's were straight and the right size.
This fascinated Peter so he looked at Jack nodding his head. He then kissed Lou and went to work.
"So what's the deal".
"Amy, you should be the one with Ty and your children to live in the Ranch House, I mean you work with Horses, I Don't, me and Peter don't need a Ranch  it would be a waste.
We've been talking to Grampa about building a  bigger version of one of the cabins with 3 bedrooms etc.
That way it stays in theme and that's where my business is, it was just the cost and Grampa mentioned this Idea you had to save half the price by using our own Timber  so what do you say".
"Well I'm for it, I need to talk to Ty obviously.  I mean, I've always dreamed of living here in the house, it's what Mum always promised me would happen,  sorry Lou".
"No need Amy, I probably wouldn't be here if Mum was still with us, I'd be in New York".
"Your Mum always said that you should inherit the Ranch Amy because of the work you do, Lou's more a business woman, although you've surprised us with your business knowledge".

To be continued

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