C5:" An odd situacion (2)"

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While open the fishes and took them out sua few spines, she notice what some of them haved like a perl. Maybe In these river there are oysters, or in this world these gishes are like oysters- penso intrigada- although it can what was something related to the crop- said almost muttering.

She follow Feeding to the bear of to small snacks, east accepted them while the observed in silence. It was crying she there were left the perls in the flat near of the beside the others pieces of cocked fishes, the thinked: - master what so high is his crop for what despise these esteemed perls?- And him them eat.
She when seeing this do not take him importance: nose if in this world of cultivacion I can cultivate, this very what eat them to him and seats appreciated; afterwards it can pay his debt cuidandome tinkes.

Only there were taken out some 5 perlas of the 20 red fishes what fish. In truth I fish a lot, she no wise what these pesces them fascinate feed of the whites and therefore have such loot.
She follow remembering while it cleaned in the river and fed the fire, the bear there were broken big branches of an arbol for this.
She remember to the subjects of that day and the fear what feels, afterwards to see it and shout him nose that followed struggling against the beast, but this time with but haste as if they wanted to be the first in going and take something but that? I notice. Afterwards it saw like these elevated in the air, balls of fire and rays out of the hands of the subjects.

Aaaaah fuck No only is another world if not one magic- exclaim almost happy- but to remember the what notice in his attitudes and reflect. Probably was a enchanted by her, later of ever probably disturb the mana, the one who knows what stinking plans have him, separate she blond in his adolescent was not badly gifted. If whished take something but of her, woukd resist. Remembering quickly as always there are things like agreement of slaves, and the manipulations of algun king. It went to hide in the forest, in the whatwhatue volteaba to see if the seguia; they put in the fight with ardour. Although they were litigating calmly it does some minutes, the one who Syrian what a treasure appear out of nowhere in front of them while they practised his whatui martial (normal).

They at the beginning did not notice that she was only felt that a treasure was appearing, by the what were struggling while looking with his whatui spiritual the origin or the sense of his direccion.

To the not being able to do it listened a noise near.
&*$£$£÷■○♤°}!- A feminine voice cry, when voltearon saw the energia whatui flying of violent way.

That does a girl here!- They said only to notice what in her there were something rare his cloths his forms, never there weren seen peel blond in his life; these eyes cafe the hipnotizaron by a second.
In his back and his around all the types of whatui fluian of odd forms, almost as in vortice to outside, then the whatui spiritual what there weren commanded to explore the hubicacion of the treasure signal to her; to the vortice and the vortice fluia from her.

To to be a divine creature thought- misunderstanding the situacion, believing what a vestia divima there were descended to the in shape human world; his eyes injected  of blood and  apuraron to mstar to the beast. In his hardship ignored it just when she empezo to escape, to the voltear to her no longer saw it.

Knowing what there were escaped to the forest did not follow it, the dragon although it was very bad injured, this even was dangerous and poseia a lot of strength and pursue it with eate to his backs was cortejar to the death.

By the what said will be able to rastearla afterwards have his spiritual impression in nuesttos whatui spiritual, they there weren recorded that type of ondulacion spiritual emitia. Thinking that there weren recorded part of his aura, followed despreocupadoa with the fight.

What there were happened was what there weren recorded in his sea eapiritual, was the confuguracion of the portal to the rastearla looking for the rests of this impresion no the encontrarian! By what to the termimar litigates it no longer found it.

It has to be of high rank!- They said  as they thought what there were hid until his aura with his skills.

We have to go back to the sect, rapido kept the dragon in your stock exchange afterwards deliver it this is but important what praises points of contribution.

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