C60: "How follow?"

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More than one taenia this whatuestion in his mind How follow?, clearly she had reason could not pretend that at all step; this only would give foot to a stronger war of which already there was for capturing his corazon.

She before could not understand them but now there were not reasons to doubt, however also  was complicated due to the fact that they were all in the same posicion; even this kamen added . The only carried in the group 6 months but been due to the occurred was as if at all of this mattered, now was in a position like the other of the group; this pester a lot to the boys but could not do at all in this situation.

On that for Ju and Dark was something really very uncomfortable, they were nachos peel breast and what happened really disturb them; what more them jodia was to have enjoyed that situation. However it was only by the effects of the aphrodisiac same no some inclination, however now were garbled with what happened treating of lidiar with his own emosiin; for the moment they decided to leave to part this not to lose it to her but this would not last them a lot.

Dark And ju could not look because of the horror of what step, neither could look the rest but did not seem uncomfortable for being in this situation; by what said Yogui seems that the would not understand it never and kamen could not oponer objection after all was slave of the other.

It could not do more than swallowing  his opinion, although the most likely is that it already have gone through some equal type of situacion; when they thought it more than one  retorsio of the disgust imaginandose be in this situation. Now they understood better the enojo that expressed them, is not grato that force you to do something that cause you so much dislike; they decided to ignore his feelings by her and those that were between them.

The best now was to see that do to continuation, especially there is a baby that would add  to his group; putting more danger to his situation.

-We go to take care to the baby between all, after all all are the parents-said kamen with a firm resolution. The knew that it did not have voice in the group, the profits that received was thanks to the misericordia of her; by what said this with the hope to go back to join them in this complicated situation.

The were the second time in being abused by her, no longer could ignore the throw that it had been pushed by them; the wanted to take place beside her and maybe can push him. The remembered the moments in which it was latigazo added to the ones of the chamber with a lot of emotion, the remember of his beautiful body had left a big impression.

Baby?Of what speak?-lia Expressed, thinking that they spoke of the possibility that by the occurred  embarasace; maybe all would do  responsible if something so happened owed  to that there is not form to know the one who is the father or no. Or at least this she believes.

They saw that she did not understand at all and did not know like explaining him his situation to her, so they explained him slowly all what sabian. However she did not understand it, said if all are the father are it; cutting the conversation. She thought that the medical knowledge had to be something retarded in this world as so that they think that by energy a baby can be created, although eata in another world this can be truth; although with his so different body could aplicarsele also?

She thought that no the likely is that it have occurred something different to what said that it happened, looking the tatuaje that had in her and like eataba palpitando said  will be that what say in truth step? She did not understand as it could be possible so that denied with the head and  desentendia, only the time will say if it goes out something or no of her; in this case How would have to proceed to continuation?

She was more discouraged because of this already was tensionante the throw previous and this now added , she did not know that do she was beginning to feel things by Ju or Dark before this however was not safe in this regard; she expected to arrive to a resolution however over time.

However now in his situation that mattered if it was enamoured or no, she cried bitterly knowing that the best would be to remain with them in spite of what step; no by her but by the possibility that a baby formed .

She could not ensure the life of this small alone and without protect, she felt  terrible for being it using it with the end to ensure the life of  this small that it could be gestando;  enjuagaba the tears and fixed his cloths. Decidio Go out and follow investigating, the best would be that his strengths followed incresong.

-Maybe it was not good idea but would have to teach the professions that learnt more consciously, could have avoided this with more experts ayudandonos- said Lia with worry.

They sabian that it was truth could not follow of this way, although it was dangerous because maybe it would reveal  now had to  prepare so that it repeat  what step; even in a still main magnitude.

When going out saw several people expecting, in the dream were the emisarios that she won still tied; she scared  to see them and went to carry them something to drink running. She concerned  first by the health of these types that by the hate that had to them in his corazon, she knew that they could not move by as they were tied.

The other saw that they were chained with these tools impressed , sabian that with these wanted to force them to be slaves; then this means that they were esclavizados by her.

Kamen Seeing the situation in which these is not well that keep on being slave however do not think that are free to do what want to ok- said the rest thinking enb3l throw that the also will be father and no guiris of his responsibilities in this regard. After all it did not abandon to michy, sabian that would keep  loyal; by what went up the rank of the in the group. The was cheerful but understood that this was caused due to the fact that now they would have other two, the could not consider a slave being also they and also would be something rare be the father of the son of your master; it was something caused more by the morals because it will win the confidence of the others to the  that serves in whatuestion. Now his chains related to the agreements with them were changing, being the servant of them as deep down they did not want to rid it; the understood this now his agreement was the same that with the one of her but was not so strong as with them.

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