C25: "Refleccionando things"

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Lia gave  account of it dedastrozo of his situation, thanks to the cultivación dual that realised with Yogui his level went up much more of what any one could, for satisfy his If it was thicker of the normal and everything because of the particles time in his body, what she ignored, had fear of this super skill to cultivate did not understand because but the energy happened esoly by her and was succionados rapidamente, now was slower that before but if it concentrated  in the exercises with Yogui could attract the surrounding energy to a speed aterradora, for satisfy she left this Whati thick in all the what touched armours people perlas, only that they did not notice it, and she learnt to control that so much it left to go out but even so was difficult to avoid that the perlas will recover his colours because of the contact with her only realentizaba what took in filling  of turn. These perlas would not have to go back to fill  peeo was been due to as it was his body that these did it.

She had fear now same his rank and the one of yogui so much in espiritu like martial was fire, in whatuantity to be able to but even no poseian handle of any element by what was not totally consolidated   his power. When controlling  an element the Whati grouped  of another form something seemed to the thickness that she had allowing them to the cultivadores be stronger, she and yogui were almost so strong as if they had them but the same eataba concerned. If it follows so goes to arrive to the divinity without not even know litigate, as it can  survive so? , although his plan was to hide that happens if it can not because they pursue it or the nuance possesses his fail, or there is not form to hide  by the eternity his rank calls a lot the attention is in the highest that can arrive  or at least in this continent by what informed .

To measure that his can increase all expected that she of litigate extraordinary, although some will avoid it also will feel  more attracted due to the fact that being so strong the resources that with her could bring would go out the penalty. By what would not see with bad eyes sacrifice members of his group with such to subject to a cultivadora so strong, after all there is a limit of energy that a cultivadora can use, and also this the cansancio that the ejetuar the technical will cause him.

In addition to that for being strong does not mean that it can litigate, there is those who have a lot of crop and so only are regulatory or alchemists, these are the true fat fishes to steal but this if serious an exception find to one without being custodiado by a powerful strength.
Doing that she was one of these types only that when seeing that she does not know at all surely attracted it. Luckily it learnt a bit with Yogui but is not the same only knows to agitate well launches it the Whati still does not know it  handle well and when it launches it never is  harmful, How is that Yogui does these harps?.

Something that also knew was that of the island of where  there weren gone out there weren a lot of materials to cultivate elements like the water the fire etc but are difficult to find and learn  in addition to that rewhatuires  of some rank to be learnt.

Generally they find  deeply buried and only some powerful can extract them.
Therefore it is that that earth  has the limit of the earth for his cultivadores but would be all a lio.

Although anybody knows of the training by which is like this, if they know the limit as the same island pushes them to outside apartir of the rank 5 of the whatui of the martial earth.

Thinking that it would have to do  in case of bandits, although they did not have so many due to the fact that it is the period of migrations feared  have bad luck, did not arrive to any conclusion. More than following practising secretly, thanks to that formed  a when dantalian and the cultivacion dual with Yogui attain to comprise and feel better the Whati in her and in his surroundings maravillandose  of  this, and asking as they will work the things from a physical point of view or chemist. Without arriving to any conclusion of his meditations with the stray look in the infinite, feeling little by little as flowed the Whati by the plants the soil and the people that had near, wanting to perfect this capacity of perception for like this can cater the danger, although with great difficulty it progressed, seeing little by little better the Whati without having what close the eyes for this seeing like nuves transparent of distinct colours moving  to travez of everything.

The sight the marrana and hampered him see with clarity what had in front of  her for satisfy she needed lens although luckily mo of a lot of graduation by what could dissemble his myopia all this time, although  without knowing it was recovered  because of his cultivacion. But never  percató of this due to the fact that it followed com the idea that it needed them, will be that in this world exist lens? It thought of time in what luckily it did not rewhatuire a lot of graduation only to read or see of very far words. But for the moment it had not needed it by what do not notice his recovery. Although she see  younger that before, never had crossed him  that also it would have  regeneradp of other things like his virginity.

A red point in his arm that seemed a bite that she already had ignored reflected it, this only had been seen by Ju Jin and understood by the while it was in his cas because aveces took out the rowers of long sleeves because of the heat or broke them because of this,  and the the corregia as no seguia the standards of label. She only thought that they were very strict regarding norms and felt  very upset that they are so rigorous in his vestimenta and cruel with the form in that they live. The mankind gives disgust pued and be incredibly beautiful and loving but prefer to use the creativity to damage. Or almenos if there is those who no can not avoid do it been due to as they are the things in this world where the law of the jungle is the bread of each day.

And she like woman has it more difficult that world but cruel, Is so difficult   to obtain peace acaso?

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