In the world of crop all the beasts were compensated with methods of crop in his lines of blood to compensate the disparity with the cultivadores himanos what with whose intelligence create matrices and pills that allowed them go back strong faster. In addition to what they podian esclavizar to the beasts by means of agreements of blood if they wanted to of eata way the things would have a bit of balance.Lia and Yogui followed with his dual crop along the days. While comian fishes or litigated with beasts, she armed launch deform with bones or launch to litigate, up to now any last him more than two hits and fix it to him to fists to the boxep Callejero, as neither idea of the life had she, him chamuyar to yogui saying things eat: "My spiritual wounds prevent me do movements WhatI" and "do not have the tools to struggle as it has to ". Of not being that she enriched of Whati the things esoly Yogui would take advantage of of what she does not have neither idea of at all.
In these days she was explaining him of the dangers of the human greed and his fears. And definitively I arrive to the after explaining him an enternecedor history of hate, betrayal and venganza. Any resemblance with the novels what read she was only coincidence, said lia to her same laughing a bit of the naivety of the bear for believing him.
In the village do not think that have technical to detect if really we have an agreement or no, and because of my isolated crop what was used to to realise nose what will cost really these perlas blue and red. The best will be to sell the skins and bones pay some cheap accommodation and go out to look like this the market of the current crop. And fingir what uesomos the siervos of some grandmaster of sect with your crop sure believe it to him- said the looking to Yogui already being to some stables of the door of the city- only expect what there is not what pay toll or something like this... - I exclaim she concerned.
They followed the way dissembling, she with cloths throw of skins giving a wild and odd aura. And the bear with mount of skin and bones what of far seems ruda and imponente, but in reality is the best attempt of the ones to join skins of fishes and animal are spines and tripas dry what has conicliado for satisfy like her has something of idea of decoration. It went him holding and mounting layers until arriving to a whatuite decent appearance. But if it does not have taken care in as it mounts undoes immediately.
Ahhh If I finish in a brothel go me to drown with my tongue thought Lia although it did not believe to be able to attain it physically, apart from what she did not believe in the suicide, his thoughts were chaotic and she found whatuite agitated.
In the door of an aldea super remote of the realm Guxi a soldier to policeman, when to the far sees a goddess cirvilinea of peel exotic. It what But called him the attention is what was cultivadora. It will be really a woman the clans cultivadores feminine always travel in groups and are super rare. It does while sintio an aura of the realm of the fire or two but now only sees it to her, the creia what would have been some civil servant llendo to supervise the border place that had made a mistake of way to arrive or what was an inspection surprise and therefore it was in the gone in south of the same. But now the did not know what think. When being more near begins to explore with his Whati espiritu of the water to both noticing what the Whati of them are stronger. And this scare it the cultivadores If espiritu are not thing for desestimar if they offend them and re surpass in rank.
A vos meliodiosa and shy asks him to the policeman.
-Hello..I am a bit lost in my way to the mountain of my sect and asked me if you could help me to go in to this village and find a place to lodge . The problem is that I do not bring mundane material only things that use to cultivate to trade-said she looking to the soil with his lips shivering as if it was being prejudiced. Powerful and shy what rare combination.
The policeman penso for if this has to be the first time what goes out of the sect, that classes of difficulties habra had to happen to finish going back alone. And the with fear of the cultivación that could have she. If it shows friendship podria benefit a lot after all the materials of crop are not cheap if it is honest with her could finish receiving a main prize that by estafarla ademas talvez still follow soltera! Penso With enthusiasm.
There is a procedure to go in and verify what one was not a thief ademas of a cost of entrance but seeing the maybe his situation was something complicated to explain. Podrian Help it of spy only by not presenting papers or something I in this village am whatuite known can help it to go in saying that it is the daughter of a fellow of the family and that have sent it to win experience far. It is used to to happen that they do it like this with his mate hired will not be so odd what was you alone and like me would be something so like a familiar more still- expressed the policeman.
Lia maldecia by inside posed a strategy of damisela in difficulties and went out him round like possible familiar the most likely is that it have to remain home of this stranger and the one who knows that artimañas use apra treat to do that it remain or for estafar the perlas that she and Yogui use to cultivate if it is that they are not common.
Well but like edge I have to go to my sect sooner or later will be well that it was short my estadía, like payment for you only have the materials of crop that have with me but can not give him everything. That such this help me to sell these skins and bones. When it purchase some decent pieces take me out to boast a bit with that I remained me with you a month or two sure your status will go up but is the maximum that I can remain me in addition to that need papers that say that I am not spy to go out to hunt of time in what or show to my sect that am able after all do not think to live of free will share you some that another perla that these- Lia extends a perla blue and a red of a very intense shine.
The policeman sees that both sound of the maximum whatuality and remains pasnado the blue would be him useful to go up to the rank of the earth in spirit and with help of the red his Whati martial sure podria break that brecha and leave to be policeman to purchase some place d civil servant his stops satisfy with this rank podria leave this village accompany it a bit and will strengthen bows if if sect is not only of women maybe apply apra join would not be something far.
But seeing the ease with which these were him showed did him recapacitar and understand that it was aspiring too much. An able sect of largar material like those for safe crop had estandares high. Therefore she had both crops in high places the best that could do, was amugarse with her in his stretch of experience out of the sect and expect for that it remember him in some letter for his be able to ask him give back the favour or that him of several of those perlas like gratitud for being a good fellow. That luck has found econ a beauty on with wealth has to take care it so that in this village no the estafen and so is have true reasons to have to him favours to the . No tempted to the destination weaving plots of hero saving to the beauty but definitively will help it say some situation so gives .
(■□●○Note of the author:Chamuyar is something so like mentir blatantly and can arrive to be something jocoso or cowhatueto according to the situation. It is used to to be of hasty form without improving it a lot like so nomas with the first what cross you by the head○●□■)
xiantian isekai
Aventura-There's why? !!! If I had known that something like this would happen to me, I would have prepared! I would read more about plants, I would have done more survival, I would do taekwondo or whatever! some god out there help! - shouted our protagonis...