C17: " In the new continent"

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Lia began  to feel patient because of the training of his organ dantañian. By the what yogui the charge on his back, even fix them to him to cross continents with her in this state. The did not want to cross until what she will improve, but she insisted him because of sis fears, by the what when arriving to the coast the rushed to look for shelter and save it, and only devoted  to take care of her during a week of fever something high recovered .

In that then the went up by the ranks of the earth to the enfrentarse to the beasts of. This continent what were some degrees ams high even being able to arrive to the fire during the night luckily the aura espiritu of them them matuvo moved away, doing seem what a new predatory there were arrived luckily where were they was not fixed territory of anybody because of the vicinity of the coast.
The creatures of the water were not something to take airily, but thanks to the fishing yogui could take advantage of terrain and obtain his perlas. And thanks to what followed refinado his whatui to travez of the teacher she already was in the rank what of the earth also. It was been due to this rise of crazy ranks what his fever continued.

The normal is that a cultivadores Cure  when circulating his whatui by his body yogui did not understand because I take them so much in curing .

-It is a worm vudú- said the with face of poker to yogui, to explain him the cause. It did not want to what surpasses of his renaissance and comoexplicar what somebody powerful this patient, references to novels isekai do not fail me in this moment, penso she after inventing the of the worm. In a novel read sobrepeso or maybe varied, never entendio of what treated  well only what was something so like a solitary magica what you jodia the life.

Luckily yogui neither knows a lot dle world of the what lives by the what understood what was something what only cultivadores strong use to be able to weaken to others and take advantage- the trasfondo dle teacher is something what can not imagine- said  yogui.

Ella decidio shelve the subject on the illness rapidamente, fearing what the think more on the subject the will be able to be ignorant like her on the world In the what lives, but the one who knows as it could ñlegar to think.

-Yogui... podrias Take out the skin of those corpses need to improvise me something of clothes...- It said lia. In addition to the marine creatures there were married some what another of the what live in earth before moving  or do something would have to solve some subjects.

Together armed odd half packages of appearance in which they carried perlas bones and skins of animals. Joined using spines and bowels saw  grotesco and algp gore sure did not go to last a lot.
We go to have what go to a populated humani- said the with his looked loss and desesperanzada.

Thought: I do not create to be rare of body, but nose what so civilised was this world. As they dressed the types what hunted to that dragon safe what is an old period, do not create what do them use vestimentas traditional only for being able to cultivate, the one who knows, in his previous world by subjects of morals the clothes used  of determinate way and was bad seen use of another. To measure what was progressing the decades the fashions were changing.

That they see  like the sleeves on places in half age does not want to say that they are in this period, such see was a fashionable tendency. End of the thought

I will go and it will be the what was- said resolved and sad lia- only expect not finishing dead or in a brothel....- It muttered by the low

Yogui Devise them to him to arm cantimploras with some organs natatorios of the fishes and other marine animals what sack during these days.

Sera what In this world was common what the animals speak when cultivating or will be what yogui has something special- penso lia while it looked to yogui.

Well Hour to throw a farol.- Che yogui better does like what no podes speak, for what no you codicien nose that so common are the beasts like your in this earth and because of my illness do not go to be able to protect you- with face would be said mention them thought go falls in my cheat pewhatueñuelo.

-Master while we are not solos do not concern  what will not say at all- need can follow boarded installation with this teacher are a bit friends for the moment, but the best for my crop is to deepen more. My refinado of personal crop... With greedy eyes the seguia looking but for lia saw  more like admiration.

-There is manipulate this bad but can not simply leave me die, separate what can do  what these perlas shine again of some form touching these rocks what shine or aveces the blood of animal-thought  the for her yesterday was treating to clean a perla of blood while it was surrounded of her manipulating to the corpses and gave  account that yogui already had used it and left there. And over time while it manipulated the corpses while the sostenia is was recovering the shine, while it went back to feel that feeling what with the water of the cave.

What gave him to understand what was energia travelled atravez of her somehow and went to the perla. Osseous what the water that had energia whatui?. It does not go me to kill this truth?.- It gave  account she conwhatue was not toxic then and all this time in reality crop.
Baffled asked     while it mounted to yogui by the cansancio.

In a moment while they went by the beach without going in to the near forest saw the exit to a river what connected  with her.

-We follow the course of that rio and sure will give with some aldea- said the.

Tenian Some perlas of the rank waters and others of the earth. She planned to take out the ones of the water what saw  blue and no the brown. Thinking in his appearance without knowing or reason by crop. Always podrian sell the first skins and ask afterwards just in case penso she while it said.
Well It does not go us to be missing food and water while we follow fishing and drinking of the river.

Mmmm Expect do not rain us and that there is a cave or something. I do not have neither idea of as arm a house of branches. Carajo Because no transmigro after doing a training of survival of the NASA or military!!!-penso With anger lia.

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