C69: "The problems do not come alone"

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The days happen too fast and without that give  explains the parents sees cone his children leave to be boys and turn into women or men.

-It leaves to put this face our son goes to be very- said Ju looking the melancholic and full face of terror of lia, the eyes of her expressed all the fear of protective mother on weighed them of his son.

-I understand that this was necessary to avoid that it suffer to future, but Only was born does a month!- Looking to that boy of intelligent eyes that handled all the energies even faster and better that she. For I satisfy his body was whatuite strong in spite of his size being able to be to the pair of many disiples adults.

-Very son is is your opportunity to win me-susurrandole closely- this already would be your tenth fourth revancha do not want to surrender him?- It said Yogui tricking of the boy that knew that it was being caused for desenfocarlo in the battle. It appreciated to his parents of the private training without that  entere maty have given him. But the day of today would be still feebler of what is.

Assisting the one to the another began to litigate fervientemente, after all lia and Dark were smart to cure them; as his level of curing had arrived to the point that could arrive to regenerate members with the use of some materials no  retendrian at all. However to avoid problems with his mother this would be his first meeting.

She could not more when seeing to his small suffering the clearest childish violence, and  volteó saying to if same; to having known there would be me castrated that class of world of shit is east. It can not  leave maybe to a boy have a happy infancy?!.

She was being forced by ju and Dark to observe to temper the character of her however, luckily only Yogui went out badly injured being the first time that his son wins to one of his parents.

-As it expects  of the future alpha of the pack have a fast and swift progress- said Yogui escupiendo blood with his stomach going out, was cut by all sides and saw him  the bones. However it was good result taking into account that his son attained this so only remaining an arm and some ribs.

Lia cried while it cured them treating to strengthen his mentality by the well of his son, she was not happy with this but his son is very valuable for her; more than his own welfare so that is well learn to have a cold mentality.

-Master- interrupted them some disiples- Ones forgive ask after to go in to the sect, are reacios to be esclavizados but promise to compensate with elementary glasses for leaving them register- said the two seemed to see been strongly bribed to carry out this rewhatuest.

She no wise that were these glasses well, sabian that helped to the cultivadores to control the energies of the natural, or to forge arms and matrices that control it. However for her and his son is useless do not need of this. And thanks to her the other have a good affinity com the elements that surround them although they are not his especialdad. She wise that even depending of the whatuality of these glasses could arrive  to dye a bit the veins of the cultivador so that it can filter these energies to the body and strengthen it of this way.

- It would like me can put my hands in one of these glasses to be able to investigate- muttered she while it analysed the things related to these.

- Well They are so only two does not go to do a lot of damage- said Dark wanting to mimarla. The other assisted in front of this in signal of agreement smiling having the same aim. A bit jealous of not being they those who have suggested it.

After accepting gave him the stone and she was fascinada com this jewel, in her could accumulate energy ,as if of a battery treated , and use it later only that is was limited by the type of jewel. Being this the one who interferes with the type of energy and whatuality. It was almost like which use  to do trainings, but different since his energy is more powerful  and incontrolable.

Lia can do trainings or arms with this esoly owed  his high level of understanding of the energies, the other so only can take advantage of the energy in her for cases of emergency; whereas any another person hardly if it can take advantage of it.

- But of where went out this thing so magnifies? -  I ask  to if same in high voice wanting to can look for more, the other agreed although sabian that  material was not easy to achieve; but it was well can have energies If extra in case of one litigates and the pills of replacement of His are not so good like this. In addition to that there is a limit of those that times can eat them and that these are effective still although this limit was still main for throw them by Lía, these are a lot better that these being the energy that can be obtained still a lot of more. In addition to that Wraps or More can download them thing that usually can not .

They found that they could improve the whatuality of these jewels when loading them, by what put  a bit greedy when noticing this; partly because like this podrian achieve more than these glasses of fast way.

- The disiples day in that the glasses obtained them of that island, when seeming the things in her are throw a chaos. Both main sects fell after a long litigates between them, all because they appeared dragons, a divine beast while they tried  steal resources of one of the sects- said Dark after doing a bit of investigation.

-Divine beast?- It said Lia thinking in that she and Yogui came from of water, will be that the form in that it appeared did them think in that it was one.

-It is odd just one of the resources that is missing of one of the sects treats  of a bear like Yogui-his Said Dark suspecting of Lia and Yogui, because of what listen.

Lia knowing that it was him  for arming said:

-When it escape of my sect I also trip atravez of worlds- said Lia knowing that it existed an upper world to this so that inside his lie there was something for real; by what could say it of firm way.

The other looked it amazed knowing that now it had more felt all, with reason she was so particular his origin was not common. It is possible that have confused it when going down despues  of all she no poseia a lot of level, but to his around was the aura of that place. It was not rare that up there were born in low level or grew to the maximum afterwards. But this did not matter because because of the place in that they were his crop subia too fast, besides this was boosted by the body which had the skill of absorver the fastest energies.

Although it is not rare that happen the normal is that his level was no ma down that the one of the fire however, she when knowing to Ju was in the rank of the earth; in addition to that was that history inconclusa of the poison. What is what really step?

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