C42: "Dark and Ju"

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While Lia and Yogui following in the camp, a few kilometros more advance Dark and Ju competed by whatuantity, whatuality and size of the fish in the lake; and to his side a dead lizard that more before there weren won. The rank of east was equal to the of them and suspected that it was the strongest as they had killed it between the two any could boast of east to Lia; by what would put it with the supplies for the way.

They played  pranks and treated  to throw to the water and when this sucedía instantly were attacked by several fishes that lived in the lake. It was esoer to take out a big fish so but also dangerous, they were in his world causing a lot of noise and scandal by his litigate; to the far listened them some small explosions and imagined  that it was been due to they which was some aveces his "trainings" put  very intense.

They litigated  and trained of this form of step; it was odd at the same time that seemed friendly by moments was not it due to the fact that it was his loving rival.

While they litigated in one of the nenufares of the lake formed  a dark flower whatuite beautiful; it was a violet with puntitos luminous as of brillantina, in front of them was as small stars when seeing this thought automatically in Lia and litigated by her. It litigates it it was hard but at the end Ju attained  do of her thanks to the technician to of the water, and is plant in spite of having Whati of life was not easy for Dark control it and was difficult to do of her. It was speaking for his adentros knew that to Lia sure would like him.

They did not know that that lake was to a few whatuilometros of a sect. This commanded each true time to his disciples to train to the forest to obtain experience of fight, being the lake the place but dangerous and moved away of this.

By this cause was that there were not near settlements was a whatuite dangerous zone because of the whatuantity of animal rank fire but all were but feeble that they by which almost no them moswhatueaba.
It gave the casualidad that some direct disciples the strongest,  there weren put of agreement to go to hunt to the king of the lake, That crocodile, but when they saw to this rank fire  downhearted was like treating to litigate against two crocodiles but a lot worse by his capacity to litigate and improvise; they did not have the confidence to be able to defeat them in addition to that it is rare that have two teachers of such together rank probably there is more near.

They decided to go back to the dry inform since it would be a potential danger for this; in addition to that they did not know if detain the competition until knowing that it was happening. The most likely is that they were of step and to be like this only would have to expect to that these will leave  to realise it although the prize and the aims debian be changed because of this.

They  there weren bear after seeing litigates it of Dark and Ju against the crocodile by what did not see his competition of fishing neither the one of the flower that occurred afterwards. Only  to the far listened noises of litigate but imagined  that these teachers were hunting or that they were his mates disipulos enfrentando some animal.

In the meantime near of where was Lia the sounds of litigate them were incresong to the point that long columns of smoke of were forming and the explosions were incresongly violent.

-Already it suffices, they go  to finish killing these boludos-said lia looking the chaos of this fight; which went in increase.

Generally if Dark and Ju litigated never carried his litigate to such extreme no only by the gifts of the but to have strength to litigate in case to suffer some attack. But when seeming is time were not knowing measure and Lia was to detain them angry and concerned; Yogui still followed inconciente in the soil by what  she decided to close them the camp so that it seemed a hump of earth with bushes.

Yogui Was in his form of bear and no the human due to the fact that shortly east went to wake up  of his hardship, but Lia did not know it and neither saw like this litigates like a possible danger so that headed to she mentalizado as them recriminarle to Dark and Ju his oversight.

Yogui Was sacudiendose because of his wake up partly because of the noises and in another part that already had surpassed this hardship; Lia already had moved away of the camp when the woke up and saw  too shut in the camp. Because of the noises incresongly estruendoso or strong penso that was them in danger, and did not know what Dark and Ju would take in going back or if already there weren gone back to help it; but when deal to move  could not because of this transformation that suffered his body was adolorido and fill  of worry and anger. It knew that eataba so of shut due to the fact that Lia covered the camp to take care it, did not know because it is technician of crop there was him throw so much damage only closed the eyes and empezo to circulate his Whati rapidamente in a desperate attempt to recover faster his mobility.

She already was to few metres of the scandal when it saw that they were not Dark and Ju those that were litigating but a group of people that surrounded to a poor man, which was sangrando covered of blood surrounding with his arms to a small animalito.

She saw that this animal seemed a cat but had a mane of spines as if it was a lion, horns, wings and in his tail had like a ball of pinchos and by all she there was small pinchos also.

She remained  almost at all by this creature, and notice like this subject treated to protect it of the other doing use of his body, as to the other did not matter them that one of his atawhatuesdiera in that creature.
She ignored if they were treating to kill them to the two or only to the and did not matter them what with this creature will go through what his attacks were ais of neglected. She  conmovió however of the cares that the showed, she did not know if take part or no since it was she alone; but it could not leave it die besides the attitudes that showed when taking care that creature did him think that sure it was good person; and that by some cause had to these people in his against.

Ella penso in acting and ojoka attain intimidate them because of his level and with attacks to the long. This man cheese inconciente in the flat doing a ball on this rare animal, protegiendolo so of the attacks with his own body. She no longer could remain analysing the situation or took part or left it die and could not do  this.

In the meantime Ju and Dark gave  account  that the noises of his litigate seemed bigger and noticed that there was another to the far. By what concerned  and rushed to go back carrying achieve all his things. It was likely that one of the experiments of Lia for comprising the Whati finds given that result by what did not think that she was in a true danger, by what were slower to his meeting due to the fact that they were loading things.

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