C6: "a bear with human intelligence"

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She notice what the bear  sit to meditate, this scene subrealist the was delirious of the laugh.

-ah Clear when it arrive saw to these two subjects handling swords in the sky against that beast- exclaim in that then penso what was a world magico and that they were magicians; but when seeing as they circulated the energias in the bear with the surroundings, and like these hinder in the in multiples files as if they went in by several pores. Clearly it is but seemed to the relatos in the histories xiantianas, where the xultivo goes in by the meridoanos and things so- tinked, clearly has to have human intelligence, to having escaped sure had not persisted his hunting. In spite of thinking like human, even is a vestia by it what his instincts him arian persist in awhatulla prey what the desafio.

She was constern, clearly posed 25 years, but when going in in this world the first what saw was a girl and this girl was she. Wise what when seeing  so of small beasts but big the looked like an appetizer, a small  bite what does you rage so not have good end.

I hold the tooth of the bear and empezo to rasgar the skin of the arbol but near; and it empezo to rayar with the tooth until leaving a groove.

-In the novels are used to to rub sticks to do a fire, if I give him a fish baked probably was him but facil to chew- his idea was not so bad, in spite of what the bear closed his wounds; his bica even eataria sencible by it what she podria reinforce his bow with the one of this way.

I take several cloths aracnidas and ojas dry and did them a ball; afterwards I place them on the sticks what was treating of haver friction for what these prendieran lumbre.

The bear in this moment there were finished of probe because of the fright, being a powerful martial artist no podia allow the offend it. Maybe wasn't so bad follow it, would arrive to high levels of his crop; what maybe until confront the call trivulacion divine and rise of rank. All the races poseian this capacity, however his reason  there were decide  so much in his line of blood as in strength ; that now birthing  with the same rank what a human by the what were ideal to be hunted in the crop.
They know due  to his line of blood what  go up of rank the humans dessestirian. As his spiritual power was enormous and alrtistas martial common no posses  face up to these types of attacks. To weigh  be a fourth rank of whatui normal something what already gave fear for cultivadores normal, his sea spirit was of range deep by the what estoss avoided it. However this sia sos cultivadores sixth rank there weren decided hunt it to cultivate cons or perla spiritual. When cultivating sea spiritual one the development , in this were something of his sea normal tambien, by the what he so would break his beak of bottle and go up to the sept rank while strength his spiritual sea whati. A perla of this style podria use by a pair of cultivadores without problems with this end, was a real ganga thus the cultivated used have his zones of house of this animal. Almost they bred them dropped  up of rank but no a lot, so would have an invaluable resource in the what avoided his revival like beasts all powerful. They were raraa the beasts what podian produce both types of Qui and but even this type of perls. As ayudaabn to strengthen the soul and everything. A lot of sects him them there weren ingdniado for control  the territories where even remained of them, hunting  of this form and so increase the power in his rows.

crepitar Or if it attain it !- It exclaimed she when seeing the small fire, add firewood avoiding drown it the mayoria were small branches and skins or sticks hardly thick.

This is a technician of elementary manipulation?! penso The bear ao vee like there were throw to arise the fire, the artists with command on algun element were rarospero the there were; being able to have to multiples elements even. The bear taenia the eyes habiertos of the impression, rapidamente bend  for recognition  like teacher. The subject in front of the podria be eccentric, and apesar of what did not speak the same language was clear what east looked for to form a link with the.

Although it was not a master tamer, or no sabai on spiritual agreements or of blood. Even adi was powerful deguro was in the realm earth! But clearly woukd see his realm with if technical of whatui spiritual!.

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