C80: "The end?"

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She remain   with his son some millenniums was unable to recover his ancient relation, however were near; the real policemen follown to his side and whenever it thought in the moments that lived with them the heart hurt them so that when at last Max marry  she decided to go.

In the wedding Max marry  with several women between them was michy with a his son in arms, however she was not the main wife but one of the daughters of the ex king trascendente "the God of the time" . She however was not sad to be a concubina, she was very favoured  by Max especially for being expecting a second son, and having me given already one man. Besides thanks to the councils of The the women of more played between them and with the so that anybody was shelved in this party faith lust.

Only that the main wife the princess of the time, was the one who more knowledges and technical detained by what had won the place of the main wife. She cried when seeing his son marry, and the policemen also thrilled  with this saying is as if it saw to marry to my children. She denied with the head when listening this.

His son already ahbai grown and did not need it was stronger that all, and thanks to the laws that create in the inferior worlds the things were less wild his caoticas. Although it still will dominate the one who fiera stronger could not act as crazy. Being punished by the sky those that did human puppets, caldero of human crop, paedophiles, etc. there was not form to avoid these laws and were very hard   to weigh  of not being mortal cpmo wanting to do them arrepentir of his actions. Going back invalid to the that dared to violarla more than once.

In this millennium the society leave to be so wild and arrived to develop  to a species of modern era, where everything to went to the school to learn on a profession or the crop. Explaining like profession those that did not rewhatuire whatui to be able to  realise. This did not close the social differences between those who could cultivate and those who no.

The elites were those that if while those that no probably were poor, but thanks to the systems that implemented she they could almenos do rich and be in a provision loves high although it is  was not the nobility.; However it was something very well taking into account as it was all before and she mo can do at all to cure the need of the man to declare  upper to another. But it went by this the society down there would be perfect. In this millennium entertained  managing these things to forget weighed them of his heart however now that was all resolved did not know that do.

-Veb Neither boy ea hour that it appoint you king- said Lia to Máx  when finishing the wedding, anybody surprised  by this after all the era his heir. The only that could be his rival was michy but she was his wife. After doing it look to the policemen and read said:

-I go to undertake a trip on my own and the truth would like him that you went free to go to pursue to his love- with a tone a bit cursi but understood that it wanted to say they had served him pro 1000 years and in this time had not touched woman, were occupied helping them with the management in the inferior worlds or in this that already almost had forgotten  that it felt . They felt  odd know that it feels  but do not know because they know it. I save by Kamen the one who has a wander remember of his sect of when it still was mortal and the was slave. But by some reason any of them was able to remember as they arrived to scalar until this place. Only sabian that attain do this was very difficult.

-Very well my lady said the four- taking into account what she had said them seeing like her had tears in the eyes and left  to his house.

-Nose Because every time that I see it cry hurts me so much the breast- said Ju.

- I nose because the idea  of not following sirviendola puts me so sad that does not leave me rdspirar- said kamen.

- I nose because I want to follow following, but the idea that  enamoré puts me nervous- said Yogui.

- I did not want to that  enamoré and result that it could have enamoured of my, only that like a tarado no actue- they were affected by the law of the sky in them to say what thought and be honest by rewhatuest of her; by what each one expressed as it felt  when seeing it split.

- I do not want to lose it, but having him served all by the same whatuantity of time; having him served of the same way How will be possible to ask him that it look me to my on the other?- It said kamen without being able to avoid express his fear.

- They imagine  that being honest as it is to avoid that we do not litigate us between us do not choose to anybody of between nostros- said Yogui.

- Neither speak, do not want to lose by it fault of something like this- said Ju.

- But then if it accepts the feelings of the 4 would not be it sharing? Really it is so had to something like this?-  It said Dark

Anybody remain  to think in the answer and went after her to his house, she cried in his fourth thinking to that rincón of the world could go to isolate  now that it was immortal; she felt that somebody put  in his fourth and scared  but when it saw that they were his reliable policemen said them:

-What maybe mo joins them that they went to look for the love?!- Angry with them.

- This do- answered them the cuatros approaching to her taken his hand and smiling, when listening this his heart split  of the allergy and began to cry. Ella there were recovered his happiness


(■□●○•In case it interests them, Yogui was born inspired by the throw druida of the wow; in the form of bear. Therefore it is a bear with cuenos, the other is pure imagination of as it would be if something so  humanizar without being a bull•○●□■))

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