C45: "An odd joins to the competition"

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While Yogui, Dark and Ju debated, Yogui already had dressed  and were going back to where was Lia cooking the small cat found  on his legs sleeping, the boy eataba eating with help of Lia :- to see opened so, ahhhh- said him Lia with a smile nicer and relaxed and the tied sonrojado operated with her and sonreia.

Wail have you attacked me before- said him this boy- I could not think well on what was happening at the beginning thought that you were one of which me there weren assaulted; but  that this was not what sucedió however could not reason that you were curing me, toso ea blames of this afrodisiaco- him recriminó

The black balls of your veins were an aphrodisiac poison?- It answered him to them, and this gave  account that it no longer was poisoned and gave  account of the dirt of his trousers, she had cured it of years of envenaniento followed. And it remembered sonrojado like her attained it,  sentia annoying with her but afterwards reflexionó,because it thinks that the aphrodisiac was in the poison?Maybe Did not give  account of what was happening?

She said him:-taking use this to help to circulate that black thing, if you go back you to enfermar will help with this-him extending the aphrodisiac to his hand with a smile

The confused said him:-Maybe know what is this!- And it saw like her shaken the head in negation.

Dark, Ju and Yogui there weren listened all the conversation and understood that she if want to had drugged it and east acted compulsivamente because of this.

The felt  embarrassed of if same and said him:-what anybody explain you on this? Being woman can not walk offering him these things to the men- and Lia scared  gave  account that it had forgotten his façade in front of that type. She detergent put  white of the fright h the other only remained  inmovilizados to the by this.

Your.. Your can not say at all of this Okey! You do not walk saying at all that of to understand on that I am woman this clear- said Lia scared and continued to feed it as it was haciendolo.

The other when seeing this  enojaron:- Because these taking me so much cobfianza with this odd- him recriminó at the same time the three with jealousies. And she half grieved said:- the was hungry and could not trust that it kept  calmed and when seeing that they took  began it to feed- said escudándose his well was badly in what it did, they understood that it did it of innocent and gave him a small tope in the head refunfuniendo that had to leave to be so friendly with the demas, she said them that it knew it and excused for having this personality .

And the other denied with a smile this was something that liked them of her and understood it however sabian that she had  soltado with this odd because it did not see badly in the further of his evil understood. And they understood that therefore really she was not badly, they looked it angry and she it desató saying:- nose that do with the if we leave it go could open the mouth- said Lia concerned and the others three looked it with faces sinoestros and odd.

The had seen the level of all and knew that it was to his merced, so it kneeled  in front of her and exclaim:- I swear in front of the skies be your more loyal slave!- With fear that the kill swear loyalty treating to attract the law of the sky so that the believed and worked.
A small ray defended on the and now had marks as of grilletes in his hands feet and neck. In each one of them there was a small link resulted of this and they understood that the now was in the same bounce that they because of what swear.

The poor did not have another option in his mind and amazed  the have it attained, no always has  luck when doing call the law of the sky and that is came; the break relieved thinking that almenos would not kill it to save his silence.

Lia was not happy in front of the idea of esclavizar to a person, could see the sincerity that it would not go against them when subjecting  to this swearing. She did not understand as they worked these swearings still, but invoke a ray on one same and survive like sample of the honestidad of what said  for her was something surprising; she did not understand that the rays in this world are not like the ones of him of her, which are more dangerous and harmful, by what considered a genuine danger the one who somebody will play of this way. Although it was not so so, due to the fact that they had forms of violar the swearing throw and survive, or of mentir during the same if it is that it attained  invoke it;  she did not know it and the others although by here have listened in this regard they did not know it or understood well, by what also admired a bit to this subject because of his determination.

It does not do fault that are our slave, can see that you are sinsero; I do not understand the details of your situation so that are free to choose what want to do - said Lia denying with the head.

This boy him respondio- am not vegetarian, saved me the life to my and to my small. I have to it to you- looking the firmly.

Dark Felt  identified in front of this situation while it saw that one of the chains of the boy shined and transformed  in links only, marking the change of relation of master servant between them two and seeing this said:

-I think that the best is that it follow with us can help us to achieve money trading things in his sect, and of this form can dissemble when going to the capital- practically podrian leave everything in his hands but concerned him that they steal him and kill it exponiendolo to them  in the process.

Ju Looked it with hate thinking that another like Dark would join  to the group, is situation that saw with Dark before seemed to be repeating just now.

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