C54: "Agitating the waters (1)"

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The sects noticed the trainings hid in some place that suspects  is where finds  the sect that by all sides heard , however did not have throw movements to avoid cause them; or almenos to if it was until the envoys of a big sect fell.

They broke  the trainings rapidamente without concerning him of the problems that would generate or no, beside them advanced all the other rapidamente; they looked forward to to take out some provecho of the situation.

In the meantime Ju empezo to notice that they facilitated  the trainings that the planted, and concerned by the reasons of this warned to all that it soon could have a confrontación; very soon all positioned  expecting some instruction.

They expected not having to litigate today, would treat to arrive to some agreement possibly; as it was them his main worry no alerted it to him and left it sleeping in his room. She surely will wake up if it is that there was a commission, but possibly wanted that no  involucrada to avoid expose the in the worst of the casoa; they put  elbow to elbow leaving to kamen as I protect.

To be necessary the distract us to Lia  so that it did not see  involucrado, they were safe that with three teachers of the rank metal podrian deter his invasores of a no hospitable deal.

Very soon the sect saw  surrounded  transeúntes, whereas the peasants in her had escaped after a time will review if all follow well or his services were not necessary; there weren a lot of curious in addition to groups of  sects beside the envoys. More than one was to the threaten to steal some treasure in case that it will initiate one litigates in both edicts, others looked forward to to see a peaceful resolution and can posit to learn; there weren many that only expected to see a bit of action in the half and did not interest them any prize or profit that could have to his around. There weren All  class of people and intentions acechandolos, an odd tension could feel  in the air; all asked  What sucedería to continuation?

The ranks of the envoys were of the metal to the start, however his faces saw  trusted as if they would not have to be faced with three of a main rank; without saying a word launched some glasses that brought with them causing some big explociones. Breaking with them several trainings and afterwards both shouted:

-Endemonic Sect Accuses you  to steal the holy technicians of forge and enchantments of our island metal, devuelvelas rapidamente and maybe consider to leave it happen!- Clearly this was only an escusa because of the envy that produced the things that create Lia  to this sect, and wanted to put his hands on what generated or allowed to develop them; luckily they did not know that it came from of her and they thought that it was something from a book which was not extrañó. 

It is not rare that somebody find an inheritance that allow to generate so much, however what if it is rare is that it generate so much varied and rapido; like this xomo they had showed it by fault of his disiples imprudent which call a lot the attention. They sabian that had a big fight by in front, when seeming these envoys were the feeblest link of this faction if or would not dare so much; although it also could be a farol.

However when seeing what was happening more than a greedy in the viewers of moved and attacked, and when seeing this the envoys laughed and expected to see that sucedería to continuation; not leaving clear if it was truth or no. The sects were careful in case that it was lie the of the big faction, or that it was somebody doing happen she looking for obtain a profit or two; in case that the situation worsen would join  to the plunder and the destruction.

Whatuickly Yogui, Dark and Ju beside the disiples began to peel with the invasores to his around, causing several explosions and deaths by each rincon; all they were litigating with big collect as there weren many with the one who lidiar to his around.

Both sides began to suffer drops, but thanks to the pills and trainings of Lia any of the sect had been knocked down; Dark and Ju saw  forced to distribute the pills nerserker that had with them with the other. Of this way position with but advantage, the enemies when noticing  the trainings curativas surprised ; the emisarios especially and rushed to go to break it.

But they did not do it launching glasses as with the ones of shield throw by ju, was as that they wanted to averiguar as they worked while the deshacian; this cause them a lot of anger to Dark and Ju however was better lidiar with the small potatoes fritas before that with these fat fishes. But podrian put in a situation too desventajosa, kamen was going and coming with his.inistros And almost was not litigating; michy informed him with his connection as it was the so that did not concern him abandon it for aydar.

However it preferred to reserve his energies for an emergency anyway the would not do the difference thought, although his level and the one of very was of the fire; with so many teachers of several ranks his rank no longer mattered. In the moment that remained  without Whati would be knocked down, sode had ordered him use his Whati to protect it in case to be necessary; because of his chains the could not desobedecer and although it had another option the would not take it was a bit reacio to die.

To be by the does while would have escaped, anyway already had benefited  enough with being to his side; the felt  satisfied d Eli that attained and did not want to die. But if it did it it would die happy to having had such advance, the never had arrived to where was of not being by them in the first place; so partly it could not escape because it had to them to him.

If it escaped probably it would do it with her, partly by orders and in another to pay him; but it knows that this could not  the can not influenciar in his devotion. And by as she is probably do not escape having to his wanted friends litigating, the only could help to the disiples giving them enchantments or pills that had by here saved; at least so would give  gone back the fight of more than one of them thanks to having a tool salvavidas to his disposicion.

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