C79: "What alive!...The king?"

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She feeling these  energies seeing in his mind as little by little the destroyed the connections between them, she saw as little by little it changed the  memories of them and affected the marks in them that joined them desapareciendolas. It seems that those that trascienden can manipulate the law of the sky. She feeling this gave him the pleasure to reflect in his face his despair and suffering, doing that the will avoid  and regocijara of him it Félicidas.

-Baia baia That good mascotita go to finish resulting- said this man licking the tears while it laughed like an endemoniado. She little by little learnt to handle it although it did not know if it could recover the lost in what it did it, she left  carry by the sadness to be able to  have a streaky and like this the did not give  account of what she to.

She seated to the law of the sky in this world like a strength more than Whati joined to all the other energies but seemed to be incomoleta or feeble, soon saw fragments of her along the inferior worlds and in this world atravez of the energies that there was in her. And without doubting it forced his Union atrayendolas to his body.

This for any one would be something impossible but thanks to the particles time for her will see it, in the world trascendente only can  arrive to manipulate the different laws of the sky at the same time being but powerful what more handles . Being the one who control them all the king, therefore she was able to feel them; thank you  to the contact that there was between her and the she notice that it felt something odd so that it kiss and said:

-You have reason does not have felt to surrender,What pure do after all I?; Say me loved mine How can be a good pet?- She said this acting the more vixen or pure that could, being the more lascisiba that went out him she the distract us with his body with such to attain his aim.

-You think that with acting so will leave his recuerdos intact?- It said the with tone  sarcástico.

- I can not manipulate you, do what want to want to leave a remember of hate to my in them? As to the. You know that this will cause me still more despair no- said she treating to put  in his mind while the laws of the sky little by little moved  in his body and she felt as they joined .

-jajjjwhat That interesting a pet to which likes him be tortured, this is new - said the with emotion for the one of abnormal that asked to be struck  or things so but the suffering sicológico this is difficult to handle and she suggested it to him when the did not think it. Thinking in the despair that this would generate in her began to free juice preseminal- Mmmm with these attitudes give me win to do you my wife!- Knowing that this only was a rank but high in his harem up to now there was not anybody in this place but this woman seemed him be clificada.

She felt as they joined  these laws and something said him that it did him say marry you with me to this crazy thing, she knew that this was a message of the laws of the sky in his body so that said:

-Berry berry the honour to marry me with such powerful king, in truth am worthy of something like this think that would have to give me false hopes and bounce me afterwards; you do not think that this would be cruel. Ah Shit but if him it that goes to happen does not go to be so amused no?- It said she smiling like a maniática.

The was burning in wish is bump  eataba putting in his mind saying him what the wanted to oir but did not know that it wanted to it, the felt  very happy with this pet so that said:

-Very well!Very well!  Casate With me!- While I moved to the energias to his brain to play with his memories and like this can decilucionarla-Eh!?- It said the when seeing the body of her shine the forgot  that it was what was doing to the ewhatual that all the other. The light was still in she a good time until it is disappeared. In her they had marks of tatuajes odd as of letters and a crown of fire and pro throws of words on her.

Soon all the trascendentes approached to the scene where had arisen the true king trascendente to say: What live the king! But soon they saw that it was not king but whatueen.

She saw a lot of people appearing remaining espasmicos when seeing it, and were in white without knowing that do however these  kneeled and shouted him alabanzas after recovering  of the shock. She did not lose the time with them and went to see as it was his family. They did not have recuerdos of her without of them same, save by Max and by michy that at least remembered  between them.

She was sad of  east throw and the only proof that they were joined were the energies that felt to visit by them however, they only sabian that they were related and at all but; she wanted to recover his memories however the law of the sky did him know that this no serious possible. Causing him a deep to weigh.

She to protect to these 6 appointed them part of his real court, doing to his 4 ex real cavalier husbands and to his son and michy his heirs, anybody argued the decisions d and She. After all she poseia co laughed to total on all the law and could esoly finish with them with so only think it thanks to this, however in spite of his efforts the control  that she had on the law was not something that she could give in inherit to weigh that it wanted to.

This was been due to the particles time in her, she big many experienced at last gave  account of if existence. By what only could protect to his loved giving them knowledges of as control the laws of the best possible form, being these the best and more efficient. And so much his heirs like his real policemen were appreciated by the benevolencia that she will teach them this. In the meantime the ex king trascendente was shut in a jail treating remember that crime committed.

Over time the ex king trascendente was freed and left in hands of his concubina those who took advantage of his amnesia to play with the; but no so that they could go back it bad again. Simply to obtain can, and the foolishly remain trapped in the networks that owed him without suffering went back  less than a labourer. The one who knows if it suffer afterwards  by the horrible things that there was throw, however the was not conscious of this, and felt   badly when doing the bad by what the could compensate his evils little by little thanks to this empathy that had developed. But there is not form to know if this suffices to amend what did or no but d moment the things were so.

There weren Many those who enjoyed seeing it so of humiliated by what no it dañarian, in addition to that the whatueen of had prevented them. While it lived she the obvedecerian. His heir leave them clear that to the gave him the same what him sucediera to this calaña; by what was whatuestion of wait. Total being immortal comp are there is not any bad.

All know that if she appointed an heir is that it plans to abandon this place or his place shortly, and all respect the power of his heir even the real policemen those who feel  linked to the deeply. Besides in more than an occsoon put to other trascendentes in his place so that all the other learnt to respect it and have him fear

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