C19: "roles invested"

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Lia thinking in the possibility of the crop said , as pueso do to ask him or do what teach me without exposing me. Although touching the perlas of our foods seat it run by my is this cultivate? As it establishes  the base of crop? At least I have dantañian?- yogui When cultivate leave me see like doing and see if there is some form in that it can feel as it is what the these doing, although we are safe different species what has to have a form what can supervise your development and probably improve it- said Lia

A fat drop of cold sweat ran by yogui, I was stealing the crop of the teacher a bit to the refinar my whatui create will be what  enteró and wants to find a better form to stress my bases. It had fear that it have discovered it thinking in that if relation podria weaken if it knew that volume provecho, but if it knows it and is saying him disimuladamente what wants to help it is not this his approval and sample of confidence. Acaso She always knew it and only did  the desesntendida? Or that happened .... Doubting on having pestered to the teacher or have obtained his favour and with fear to leave  to the discovered yogui said: I when you were patient attain to do circulate my whatui by you and so help to recover you since your no podias, when we stop to eat show you- said yogui while it thought in case anything do not crap it.

It is not what can not cultivate only what is difficult devido to my poison , can recover my crop a bit doing some technicians that only work  for my ,create is not very likely therefore I want to ensure me to strengthen  and guairme since nose if some day will be able to recover my level- said lia

The two liars with the need to be but joined the one with the another, a bit by greed and the another little because already of are beginning to understand. It does not know  if some day these two will be fellow but if it can know  that the two are the same are not poets very improved do what can with what have without abusing since his relation is to win win. It wraps it would not leave what the die by her if it sees that the is a mortal danger would do him believe what would use a last resource of super master to buy him time and achieve it. In spite of what mentions him and use it is not  of bad heart always was half like this to describe  by the others maybe therefore his luck was not so bad when arriving to etse world could have fallen on the water and died by not knowing swim or worse. This situacion exceeded it she knows what exists the manipulation and hates to the people what uses it however in this situacion use it but still like this prefers in his corazon find the form of cominicarse sincerely with this bear his only fellow in this world or this expects she that was.

When arriving the late night prenden a fogata although they are put in the forest the creatures of the rank earth were not at all against yogui and in the river although there were were not high levels. It seems what the strongest are in the forest in the deep. Yogui Can read this with his.Sense of whatui mana are so unprotected like any another creature of the forest to the danger what east presents his rank is normal to the others , the have been in movement did not alter of territorial form to his inhabitants maybe one what another if it would send  but by as it went sentian what went of step. They are used to to have animal that attain by it what is not rare for those creatures feel changes of the Whati in his commands, would approach to evaluate the situacion aveces some whose temperament would be very hard could not avoid attack them worse the sure is of the  level of danger was not very high partly because yogui was about to to go in in the deep rank of the earth.

While comian some provisions and  reavastesian fishing later before mounting a new camp in what these began to go down, they were a bit recelosos of the environment podrian cross with some beast but yogui did not feel any in kilometres that was redundante in threat. In the night solian hunt the strongest to the ones of low level but yogui was in an a bit advanced stretch or so level by what seems. They did not have a lot of clashes in his days of treks and fogatas, in which yogui to circulate his Whati by the two at the beginning but now she circulated him to the and the to her in a species of dual crop in which she was seated forward of the both crossing the legs. She inside where the crossed the legs. Expensive face the one with the another, having in contact his hands only.

Ella entendio rapidamente like circulating the Whati in his false dantalian and thanks to the particles time in his body the whatuality of Whati in her was better of the normal and cultivated  faster that a human. To the same level that a divine beast.

This was because of yogui. She stole a bit of his Whati espiritu and martial and gave him back the another little in shape of a Whatwhati purer of the that yogui there were throw refinar in case same and of form swifter. This did that his level went up a lot for yogui although it did not break his neck of bottle of the rank of the earth could feel like his Whati suffered a complete transformation ademas that of some form his line of blood transformed , allowing them wake up although it was low his whatuality for the moment the podria wake up new memories of his line of blood allowing him arrive to big heights.

In this line there were methods of crop for the rank fire and skills that only podian be used with the Whati extra from his line of blood.

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