C28: "As it works the crop?"

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She was still thinking in as they work the things, the normal is that it will take  a lot in cultivating levels in this world, and although she possessed a big whatuantity of these energies still no the entendia and needed to analyse it with luck could dissemble in front of the other and avoid problems.

She knows that Ju of sure feels something by her and although it could do the innocent, idea that liked him a bit, did not feel well play with the feelings. To her it would not like him that they did him this, had not happened a lot of months that it had come to this world and although it had  encariñado with Ju felt that if it went on down this way did not go to happen at all good. Partly because it felt that it was to take out a nail with another, and doubted a bit of cuales were the true feelings; she was conscious that his physical resources, financial and the level of crop are something tempting that they can wake up the interest.

If the knew the truth still would love it?
It decided to do the gila and so that the do not abuse to Dark by tonteras decided to do the experiment in both: Ju that well also went you to call, seems that you had read my mind- exclaim Lia, while with a smile it extended his hand- put to my sides and each one attach one of my hands- asked, Ju was a bit annoying that it did not do this with him only but did not deny  neither said at all he  did not have any right on her.
She on Yogui extended his hands, and Dark put  to his right, whereas Ju to his left. It did to circulate the energias through them, and they felt that his strength was incresong a bit; and she saw that Ju had his veins of Whati blue in his main part, whereas Dark had them entirely green.

She separated the blue energies and greens of the others that felt and the sending through them, and saw like these nureian his bodies, forming as small glasses of this colour. To his time notice a thread of energy of this same colour condensandose in his dantalianes, going big part of these strengths to an unknown place.
She did not know it but when doing this also cultivated his strengths, big splits the related to the mental. Although with a lot of difficulty since his normal mental strength the one who came with her of his world is not the same that in est3 world, by what when saving to Dark with all his strengths attain to condense a thread of this energy in his body. But east was of this world and did not link  well with her, since it did not work the same that  the one who poseia she, finishing is in his dantalian forming an invisible strand. Becoming a species of strength of understanding, but of the mental strength, as if this was an element.

This was not rare to see only that it was difficult to cultivate a no elementary understanding, and the no elementary strengths only could cultivate in conditions very rare and special, and neither speak to find some stone with this element. If it does not go down a deity to leave a trace of this inheritance is impossible that these will find ,  usually these went down to leave elementary stones or by some extreme riots, if the hacian. It was not rare but could not take part with at all more unless it was something familiar, but this only was valid during 500 years afterwards of his ascensión. To avoid disewhatuilibriums.
However one could go down leave the inheritance of his knowledges and ask him to his heir that took part in these subjects after after this date.

Although when doing this had to do it by means of some agreement, because but What would guarantee them that his heir fulfilled it?.

She followed without understanding to where went the energies, with Yogui also happened him, notice that these disappeared in his dantalian siendonsuccionada to another part.

This another part could be the spirit, the soul, the mind, the understanding, the intention, or to forge better his veins in case that they are related to this energia. But this she did not know it, only notice like Ju increase his blue stains a bit, this did it with the enclosed eyes with a complex face and frunciendo his ceño.

Soltó The hands of both, shouted them and put on his Palms his hands extended upwards, and on each one of his Palms extended a sphere of energy of distinct colour;  a green on Dark and a blue on Ju.

Looking to Ju said him:- you have whiles of this in your veins- doing reference to what had on his hand. And it moved his hand in such a way that both Palms will remain touching only his fingers, and deal to form  this ball on Ju; guiding these energies through him looking like these comported  when doing it.

This was like teaching him a martial technician, but of a form that never had imagined neither had listened, and amazed  of this. The did not understand that it was this blue ball, and to that referred  with veins, but understood  that it was this energy when she guided it through him to form is ball.

It is water!- I exclaim the, his Whati this linked to the water, she has to have been speaking of his veins Whati martial, the no entendio of cuales spoke as it had to blood, Whati espiritu and Whati martial; besides that the espiritu are used to to be interwoven to the martial can have only martial but no only espiritu and without mattering that you always would have of blood, while you were alive. Although there weren technical of blood these were circulating Whati with blood being able to be of both types of Whati with her.

She took out his hand of him was still in his world, thinking in his crop and other things related thrilled to know on his veins.

Your have all your veins and dantalian with this-said him to Dark, while it repeated what did with Ju with the to check if it happened the same or no.
Later it would try it with Yogui, but did not do it with the as wise that there was a variant between the beasts and the humans.

Wood? Tierra? Water?, this is Life?!!- I exclaim for if same Ju, and said:-  Because you saved me master?

Lia seeing that also the attainment form is ball said:- they treat to launch these balls against an arbol- while it thought that say him, apart from that it wanted to see if it also exploded as with her.

They thrilled by this new technical launched it, Ju did a hole and Dark repaired it.

Mmmm Will be because it is life no sucede as with the teacher? Penso Dark After remembering like lia had exploded the tree.

Ju Said in his mind to to be missing me strength or understanding so that it explode, remembering the same.

Lia looking to Dark half distressed said:- the life is something very valuable, never owe in the possible leave that it lose  a life- doing reference to the life of him like person. But the entendio that was by his veins, but also that there was something ma served to the feelings that showed.

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