C36: "The convivencia complicates "

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They were beginning to tire , one always on call and never attained to take a good rest for walking always alerts. Ju Was the one who was more annoying with this situation, was not accustomed to be so, luckily now the and Dark were to the same level of crop and had learnt new technicians of fight thanks to Lia; but his irritation of fault of rest noticed  more doing him have bad attitudes.
The other did not take  seriously his assaults as they understood his unrest, but deep down pestered ; this caused that Lia moved away of the happening more time with Dark and Yogui that with the since it had gone back  difficult to treat. This situation cause that his humour was worse, the still doubted of if seguia caoccionados by the initial greed in his feelings but wanted it for  her, so it went back to show his jealousies when interactuar she with Dark.

She no longer held is situation and said:- we need to rest although it was shut in some cave some dias- concerned also  by Yogui the one who followed carrying a lot of weight on his backs, however did not pester him in spite of being tired the took it like physical training. And this was true, the was strengthening his body.

it was learning Them Better like using  the energies and the difference between the martial and the spirit, seeing that eata last had like his consciousness, in her could see  reflected that thought. Thanks to this attained to form a green dragon and one blue, and teach like doing them to Dark and Ju although they did not attain it; they received the inspiration to develop new technical. Especially Ju with his launch doing that his attacks had the strength of a river, moving more esoly.

Dark Only learnt to move the stones and the plants to tend cheats to his enemies, but was him difficult incorporate these knowledges in technicians of fight; as a lot if his hits  there weren toughened thanks to the energias of the earth. It unico well Is that it could cure and cure to his allies.

They agreed although seguian alert, when covering the cave podrian sleep calmer while another walked in policeman.

They already were near of one of the mountains have there weren seen time backwards, had travelled during a long period of time, for that then the epoca  of migrations and parking already had finished, by what only would be attacked to go in in the territory of some very dangerous animal. But because of the level of Lia and Yogui would be difficult encontrarselos, she and Yogui were to level 5 of the so much martial fire like espiritu. Because of the odd connection between them Yogui could absorver the Whati of Lia and strengthen faster, for them now the perlas red would not have any use.

Yogui And Lia discovered that podian feel what the another felt, having detected that Yogui was litigating although it could not it see going to where was he. No she neither the sabian because sucedía this, but explored this due to the fact that they considered it useful.

To Dark concerned him approach too much to some small settlement of bandits, or to the same guarida; it is it was put more at the end of the forest but if seguian his distance, in search of some village or sect little by little  acercarian.

In addition to that they are used to to change of place the base from time to time, by what could not know where podrian that.

Although these will avoid them because of his level and the results of the previous fight, they could avalanzarse in group on them if they approach too much; already it was because probably they think that they are looking for the to finish with them, or because when being more near of the base is esoer to finish agotandolos litigating and like this bend them.

Dark Speak of this with Ju to backs of Lia for would not concern, because they did not believe will find neither if they kept  near of the mountains. Since in them they are used to to situate sects and can be dangerous, unless in them there is some mine with village near did not believe a lot of bandits, but these were situated very inside the continent.

They approached to the mountain that before there weren divisas to the far of to little to mediated what happened the days, while seguian incresong his bad genius devido to the cansansio.

Lia treated to take out a smile of them committing some errors to purpose when training between them, and whatueriendoles teach some that another inspired by technician movements of fights of some novel, or encourage.

Knowing that this caused that they walked of better humour for learning. In spite of his bad humour to them liked him see like her smiled or laughed , and any contact body to body between them woke up the feelings, aveces of jealousies and aveces of timidity, being shy when she touched them and being jealous when it touched to the another. Only with Yogui were not jealous, she remembering a game that was used to to play with his brother penso that could improve the things with this type of contact.

The game consisted in approaching  between if as if they went to dance the tango even sosteniendose as if they went to dance, and treat to demolish to the another doing use of the feet. At the beginning you could be sustained of the hands in this pose but afterwards was only breast against breast, hitting patadas the one to the another.

The truth she presented them to him saying him that so taught him of girl to be more agile of legs, and they laughed  a lot practicandolo with her being aveces they the demolished and other times she.

Something that callaba a bit the humours was that if one  lastiman the offered  to masajearlo, concerned because it had  throw badly a muscle. This did it once that saw to Ju strike when practising with launches it and fall, running to shout him the back as it had given  this against the flat.

To Dark amazed him that she did not use the green energies for this, and the launched him one of these balls of energy, and Ju angry wanting to that it followed said him:- although this closes and cure the wounds the feeling of pain follows  and hurts me- looking the and she followed. Dark Half in jealousies fingió lastimaste also doing that from time to time  lastimaran to purpose to call the attention of her.

Although it is true that the pain follows in spite of curing the wounds, both are accustomed to the pain but liked them the form of her to give affection; she genuinamente did it without other intentions, and as a lot if masajearia a leg but any dared to ask in some zone scandals.

They walked walking near of the mountain while seguian half between angry and friendly between them, wishing can in her find some opening.

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