The disiples were bowhatuiabiertos in front of the scene in front of them, his four teachers were marrying beside his ancient mate disupulo; they knew that by the positions during the swearing that roles would occupy each one of them. And they felt a bit envidiosos by kamen after all the would do of man and would not suffer a lot of benefiting enough in the relation, varied of them saw like the sky was it for punishing by his greed possibly; all they were laughing of the by this. Never they expected that the grandmaster, Lia, took part taking him out the life to this fun bastard; only it remained them the envy to some whereas the girls were in a cloud imagining things. Varied thought in having a wedding so of beautiful, whereas others imagined the night of wedding that would have between them and sonrojaran with faces perverted; they follown looking to the grandmaster that when seeming did a deal with the sky, expected that it could survive to the challenge that this command him; without knowing what really was happening.The husbands of the were raising with difficulty of the soil, they had suffered several internal burns due to the fact that you Ian some feelings of selfishness or no pure; because of this the sky the punishment. Seeing as it took part them to save them concerned as much as by her as by the boy, but knew that the sky as a lot the lisiaria; but temian by the health of the small in his interior. However they could not do at all to help, they knew that the best was to send his Whati to her to help it to resist this strength; but they still were recovering by what could not help it now same.
Rapidamente She was wrapped by a light that went out of the abdomen, and she left fall to the soil; the other saw this and scared that it had failed and was burning until the death.However in spite of having fallen follow struggling, his face was red and began to fill of sweat; it seemed to be exerting a lot of physical and mental strength.
She began to feel like puntadas in his stomach as if it was pushing something, this remembered him to the puntadas menstruales that aveces was used to to have only that one thousand times peeo; she did not know that it was happening but did strength for what went that it was pushed went out of once.
The light of his vientre empezo to do stronger beginning to blind to the people that will look to her, she was immersed in following pushing with all his strengths that do not notice it; due to the fact that it closed the eyes for more concentration.
The light on his vientre low to his legs and empezo to go down his shine, doing incresongly small; to his time she felt like something escaped of between half of them and scared .
Maybe Abortion?- With fear penso, she cried treated almost without strengths; the other there weren recovered a bit and went to his side to help it. The other together with her noticed that under her there was a liwhatuid, scared of this raised It with care so that it will remain seated; they wanted to know if this liwhatuid meant something bad. However after moving it under his dress went out like an egg filming, and to measure that filmed was doing bigger; this was shining while it grew to the point that arrived to the size of a melon.
She leave to go out of his inner all the energies and the material that needed to sign it, condensandose out of his body with the help of the Whati that of the low sky; if it did not go by this this process had throw little by little until of her went out a small egg which later would grow. However all culminated to this situation, they looked to the egg and sabian that this was his son; sabian that by fault of the contribution of Yogui had been born in shape of egg by what were a bit scared by the future of his son. It will be that it can grow healthy?. Temian That could not survive because of his bestial side, or the bad mix between the distinct types of yangs that conform it.
They already had this from before but when seeing this was worse, at last could incorporate because they took to her and to the egg and gave to his habitacion; the other saw this very amazed there weren heard of rare technicians that allowed to do children without need of a woman. But they thought that it was only a rumour, michy the one who was training by his side in the living room with the glass felt the energies of this birth and went to see that it happened; when seeing the egg and the energies that of the salia knew that this entity was equal to his only that with some small differences. With curiosity followed them wanting to see more than near the egg, they were damaging to the ignoring what sucedía in his surroundings; shut in a world of worry. She only was feeble by the childbirth, by what no peligran his health; they however did not understand because the sky instead of testing it help it to give to light to the baby. Because at the beginning it seemed that it was suffering by the proof, but afterwards gave to light what indicated that it was not suffering more only was being helped for gestarlo; without so much energy like which gave him the sky had not been him possible gestarlo. When seeing the size that took and as it seemed to need still more to be able to be born, understood that she had been in an incresongly weakened state because of this; being able to arrive to kill it. By what were appreciated with what happened, however follown concerned because of his feelings by her; which to that kept in alert and attentive in excess to what she occurred him or no.They were rodeandola in his bed, she had slept and between all were embracing it circulandole his Whati; it was not necessary the embrace only that more than one did it to take advantage of the situation in addition to that was concerned.
xiantian isekai
Aventura-There's why? !!! If I had known that something like this would happen to me, I would have prepared! I would read more about plants, I would have done more survival, I would do taekwondo or whatever! some god out there help! - shouted our protagonis...