C52: "Endemonic Sect (2)"

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The time happen and some disiples there weren gone back with aldeanos, at the beginning they were not very convinced of the reasons to bring them; but when seeing that it was true more than one relieve . Especially because practically the there weren forced, Lia  enojó when knowing it and any damage that had cured them to him saying:- only I have this to pay them by his work- showing litigate useful for the cultivacion- while they do not have to attend his works does not matter me that they practise the cultivacion, also understand if they want to remain or no; only they take the journalism pay after capacitar to a disiples or two. All the aldeanos  were amazed by so good deal, was a good ga5nfa; for I satisfy it could  learn some technician of cultivacion while they were beside them. Anybody denied  and even cried by such profit that gave them , only some that were separated of his family wanted to can go and go back; she said them that they brought them if it seemed them well.

Like this it was as they also came handmade and carpenters, and little by little seemed more a village that a sect devoted to the cultivacion; to the other did not pester them since they called less the attention. Some disiples brought plants and minerals of his trips knowing that there was one of his teachers that seemed to interest him, by what the trips of the disiples to the take care increase; and little by little they could sell the perlas without alerting to anybody. In addition to achieving manual of profession beside his materials of preparation, even had manual of crop that any embezzled of an auction and afterwards him them ofrecio; although no this related to the dark is a good contribution to the sect. And like Lia gave them rare pills like payment was really a big profit, all the disiples wanted to do of this reward; although it was atraves of kamen that gave them to him.

Without giving  explains the months happened and they really there weren founded a sect, the rumour of her extended  and more than one presented  to treat to see as it could attain his registration; at the beginning they were not so many but little by little the number increase. This Was concerning them although they did all what could already there weren called the attention, however because of the trainings around the sect was rare that will arrive to find them; and whatuickly the rumour of an elitist sect formed .

While Lia had improved the capacity to produce pills thanks to now possess the correct materials, these helped to extract the Whati and combine it; she helped  of this to understand better like extracting the Whati of the plants contain it and convinarlo.  She really did not need of a caldero to arm pills, but with help of east the energies of the pills did not mix  with the ones of the outside; of this form increased his whatuality a monton. Also I notice that the oven of refinery for arms and of pills had some resemblances, only that varied in the form and places that could extract the Whati; with the one of forge she could forge better glasses that those that she previously forged. Something that notice is that the blood, meat and bones  pued and use in this type of forge and surprised him; the difference is that the same that generated a pill of strengthening of blood in forges it went back  a red glass. One attracted If of the life and used knew to confess , whereas the another used Whati of the earth and mineral; she was happy to follow creating while  it analysed these things.
Little by little Dark learnt to forge pills with help of her, although the technician that used was not the best little little  autoperfecciono; especially doing use of the caldero. To his time also learnt to use the caldero to forge, however did not have so good results as when forging pills. Yogui Also had learnt to handle it, although his speciality was not the Whati of the earth the handled well the one of the air and the fire; thanks to the educations of Lia this last  there were added.

The always handle well the air, but thanks to the knowledges given by Lia on the others Whati although it could handle them elements was not so well as for the fire; by some reason over time dominate it. In his memories of blood even had woken up technical related to his handle, but rewhatuired of a good handle of the air to be able to use them; the was excited of this.

Thanks to that it could handle it it could use one of the two calderos however was esoer forges it, did not rewhatuire to be so skillful in the handle of other Whati for will dominate, through the fire subjected  to the Whati of the earth and manipulated it to him facilmente; of  this way increased his performance and produccion; however still desconocían the use of the glasses that so much the like Lia created.

Because of these studies a lot of disiples learnt to forge pills and glasses of them, although I take them long do it; and his whatuality also was a lot of worse.

For I satisfy lia was the only that guided to somebody with doubts,  the other did not want especially because many times they asked like excuse for cowhatuetearlos; they could tolerate the attempts of the disiples but that also will try it the disiples went back them reacios to interactuar with all to his around.

They left everything in hands of kamen, only wanted that they brought them what needed; like materials of forge or enchantments. They were angry because of so much atrevimiento, when seeming as they were long beside between them some uncomfortable tumor propagate ; because of this rumour was that they began to receive cowhatueteos of disiples man.
Lia studied as they worked the things and ignored the attitudes of the rest, she was in his own world; almost that it forgot  to sleep and when the to always  was studying out of his room. More than once they had to load the, the well is that never it did it without that they were one of them near by what do not pester them; they knew  that it only went down the policeman due to the fact that it was with them.

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