C15: "in the meantime in another universe..."

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In a place moved away of all the creation in if an entity saw xomo two universes connected  because of impossible factors.

- The mankind always finds the form to entertain me in my infinite boredom, was whatuite difficult to separate both universes without destroying both realities- said  so same the be- go to influenciar a bit in both worlds for what this situacion no suceda again and depaso calm the hearts of the humans involucrados- said while a light salia of the same and travelled to the earth and another to the world where was lia in the another universe.

In the earth

Like this what because of the psychological problems of this toxic relation went back  monk of a convent of shut, there is daughter having so many pesces by here...- The mother what there was throw to move to the police  by worry  callaba and intristecia. They did not allow a lot of visits to the convent by the what would take in being able to put in contact with her.

Almost they put prisoner to the ex of her accusing it of femicidio, ademas of what did it by pure racism to the boyfriend what she had. One of the causes of what his engagement will not work was been due to this and to the throw of what she was but immature what the.

By what lived with her happy do not go them to sue but want to what compensate me a bit, by his fault perdi my employment- the ex of demanded them to them. The did not hate it, they litigated  due to the fact that no  entendian well, but she was a good person, and in spite of what finished enriching for his adentros with this to do  monk., she respected and body day what could not work his relates. Weigh that they followed viendose by fault that she was something obsessed with the, but little by little went him  happening almost all his delirio was because of what the gave him stability or peace sew what his family did not do so what the was comprehensible with her.

In spite of what if family was a chaos  whatuerian, was bad between if it encouraged his bad habits between if and were racist.  And it wanted to what she by his beauty stuck to a rich. It was not of the all a genial more what of name,  no seentendía the emotions of affection what she devoted them they what only sabian look want to.

Varied in this family were badly faith the head, but when knowing it she went back  less immature but still was not sufficient to be able to him be a good company and besides the already was tired of not being able to have a normal and happy relation, and being able to enamorar  somebody more mature and without líos what went to choose the.

In a principle gave him time and opportunities but the is not God.

The light what was to the earth erase of them the recuerdos doing as if all had not happened vinculandole to the a better work in place of the old.

The problem of the extrañamiento and grudges only disappeared. The family siguio so chaotic and superficial until separating  between if without anybody what take care of the adults of elderly. Regarding the ex encontro to a more mature woman, although it was crazy of possessive jealousies was less irritante what Lia. The same the did not remember it by the what finished living the same what with the with her. The creia what could find a woman with the what not being able to understand and can progress together understanding the one to the another. It what The wanted to is something so like a woman expecting the blue prince in his thoughts.

Happening of long moments of solitude to moments of fleeting engagements. At the end I attain to form a family but still like this divorced  and in spite of the differences between husband and woman. They were a family no only of title.

Regarding the brothers of the only if brother finish having a happy end already what reasoned on his attitudes and the change, but to his sister insisted him what eataba well in his errors so many parents like friends, the parents because they did not want to what she felt  Badly to Be bad and the friends. By envy maybe or for wanting. Be upper, which brought him several division and sufferings never could understand what was badly in her until his final.

In the world where was Lia

Yogui Already can see the ptra coast very near will be able to  go already- said the with hopes to an if. In spite of what  there weren moved away enough of his initial point even wanted to escape the but far possible.

If but it will be better to expect another little in the night is used to to be dangerous when it go out a bit but the sun the dangerous creatures in the ocean of will reduce whatuite- said I, although it would be the best to expect to that the continents will connect , but lately the feeling of danger of this upper creature to the disappeared and felt a lot of hambre for advancing ais what also was anxious for going.

Suddenly a light cayo on the
-Master!- Cry yogui scared by what saw

-so what I never exist eh- said  like this same lia without what yogui heard when seeing everything on the what step in the so much happened earth present and future- that well what the was happy almenos a bit but what with me- said crying in his thoughts.

His family did not surprise him at all the what saw was such cual the him there were predicho except his brother thank heaven one of his brothers saw the light at the end of this darkness.

This light in the body of lia offered him a ridiculous whatuantity of energy whatui espiritu, due to the fact that I achieve brought a variety of information or emotions to when going in encontacto with the whatui  formed a source of energy espiritu terribly rich and powerful.

The entity podria have throw this aproposito or no, there is not form to know anyway ignores  on his existence. For her God gave him relief to his corazon, and without knowing what his whatui spiritual went up until the rank fire in spite of what his whatui martial seguia under his trip restarted .

Yogui When seeing what his teacher desató his can espirual to the rank fire said- so what could free his technician of camuflaje a bit- almost whispered thinking what the shine was devido to a tactics of camuflaje of whatui.

It is possible for her with the particles time in his body the brecha enormous between both whatui without damaging it forming so in her his own perla spiritual.

Although she poseia whatui espiritu deep of the degree waters still had not formed his perla and was very possible what never will form it. But devido to this intervention the energetic density finish in signing it, because of the characteristic unicas of as this was formed, now his body was but resemblance to the of a person of this world, now could form his dantañian thanks to the perla being this situated inside this new organ.

The throw of what this existed cause what this organ began to form  in her consuming the energias the one who whatui martial what circulated in her leaving the in the initial rank of the water again.

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