C27: "slave?"

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Yogui Explain him that now it was linked the bandit to her by means of the blood, due to the fact that she had saved it also him devia the life. She no entendio the throw that him devia that now they were master and teacher the mark in the hand of the bandit was more than obvious his teacher could understand it when seeing it and when saying him these few things.

Lia penso feels  in debt with me and this of bond of blood has to be something moral related to that I said him blood? Penso Half in doubt.

If it has amnesia pobrecito and only knows that it owes me his life, does not have to matter his past of thief will teach him and redeem his accounts, said  to if same while it looked it.

I ask  if really it will be cured or no tambien, so it said:

-Come, seeing that everything in you is dark can you apodar, Dark if so want it, if it seems you a good name adopt it regarding the surname if you want to give you mine Sum-said mintiendo giving a surname that to his seem was of this world- unless Ju loan you his but nose  if this was correct or no- finish to say while it looked to Ju.

When listening that Dark would carry his surname as if it was his brother or husband,  enojobybrapidamente accept to give him his. Without explaining him that like slave this was not necessary, and a mark like the one of the hand of the slave appeared smaller in the doll of Lia so that I do not notice it.

Only it saw the hand of Dark shine and look it thoughtful but as it did it during little time decided to ignore it.

If it has your surname does not do it your brother?-Lia ask doubting of what Ju said.

This cause that Ju put  green of the anger, because it already was throw already carried his surname, technically had recognised it like brother, but the no serious time so bad in spite of being his slave could separate it of her of this form and so not leaving that to future interpose  reasoned.

If of I throw now it is my brother, would have to leave it to my care, I will explain you as follows by letters once are in your sect.  And also you could come to visit us to see as it walks if you like- said Ju a bit angry by the idea that fence to see to Dark and no to him. Partly it wanted to ensure to keep the contact with her, besides if it went  with her could finish happening things between them. And although it is possible that his sect have it predestinada for somebody important also can that no, and if it is like this still can that until it arrive the day leave it play and does not want to this almenos if there is hope wants it for him and for any another.

Ella reflexionó partly regretted  leave the contact with Ju, but now also was Dark that seemed that it could trust she. But prpers having said that it was of a sect of women could not insist in that it followed with her, Ju was doing him a favour as far as she explained him when seeming. And although it was a bit so the another part were jealousies.

I do not think that my sect leave me have contact of this type with the outside, especially if they are men, if there is some form to keep contact without that they know believe me the hare- said Lia partly to be able to shut and keep contact with them, did not know if there is some way but if there is it would want to that it allowed him keep in some safe surroundings without having to expose, but the one who knows that it went to happen.

Ju Gladden  and Dark relieve  that his master did not ask it for the but when seeming, the era she by what had said. Luckily the traders did not hear it.

In the future you do not speak  of your sect  so openly until arriving to the city, do not go to be that they have  to sell the throw of your existence- said Dark
And ju gave  account of his error knows that it Wraps does not understand of these things and by his fault had spoken it almenos this Dark is wise.

She approaches to Dark and takes  him the hand and sends energia to the to see like this when doing this the  sonroja and Ju puts  jealous.

It seems that it is tpdo very there are not internal wounds- said Lia.

When seeming use this technical curativa to review to Dark, with all the what step she even followed with the thought of his welfare this conmovió to Dark annoying to Ju doing that it could one bad expensive.
To Dark gave him a horse and his weapon and formed  with the group in his trek, seguian apurados fearful of the bandits Dark was concerned that they knew that it still followed alive and pursued them with more enthusiasm for lidiar with the by betrayer.

Dark Approached to Lia wanted to know because I save it, Ju saw this and also approached because it did not want that he  related a lot with her. It did not want that the take advantage of her, without knowing cuales went the real impressions of him.

Lia seguia in his world after it sucedido following analysing the energies, had noticed that the veins by where circulate the energies vary of person to person. This notice it while it cured to the people, some tenian veins bigger that others, others the tenian like cut, others with small traces of colour like which saw in the world what more him odd was Ju.

She when curing it the first time had seen his veins like the ones of Yogui only that these were a bit different to the in as they happened energy,  and now when reviewing his condition these were green.

There were Seen veins with small traces of colour, and entendio that this was related with the energies of this world, these  were absorbed more esoly if it had  more than these zones that if no. She checked it commanding disimuladamente energia of this type through them and seeing like these fortalecian the body or went directly to the dantalian in this type of form doing that a small thread of this will remain in the.

This caused  because of his Whati thick took in being absorvido, allowing that it form  in the dantalian of his patients a small glass spirit, which would allow them purificar this type of energies in the future.

This took too time to realise in the cultivadores, rewhatuired a high level of understanding attain it, this would work as if it was an elementary glass in the allowing him control said element, although no so strong as if really it possessed it.

This was well since these glasses were rare generally. Although of where had proceeded Lia there weren many, these took in forming  and were whatuickly apacarados by main disciples of strong sects. By what seldom were seen in the market.

She saw to Dark near and wanted to check as they worked these better energies through the, and went to ask that it gave him his hand when I notice that Ju push it; the saw that she look it with a smile and extended his hand, not knowing that it pretended to do interposed . The wanted this smile for the.

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