C49: "Found a sect? (1)"

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The ancient disiples of the dark sect approached little by little to where were the and the other, amazed that east was the place where some time was his sect.
By insistence of Lía the group was to where had commanded the explosion she, needed to study this attack that there was throw if it wanted to improve; in addition to that it concerned him that they had survivors injured.

Already almost there was not mountain only an odd hill of materials melted, all the content of the mountain exploded and melted  in this hill was very low but extremely hard. Of her you could do circulate the Whati of corruption,  poison and death that wanted to with something of concentration and did not see you affected for being on her cultivating usually if it rewhatuired it or no; they amazed  when seeing this was a to hill, rather a plateau because of the wide and flat that  could see .

Bowhatuiabiertos Were scared of what Lia could arrive to do, does not be necessary enojarla and it is necessary to have care.
Lia creates a settlement for all just in the half of all this, there was an odd glass projecting in that place and it whatui or analyse to see if it was generated by his cause or been due to the sucedido arose. His wish of aprenderblansgonun little of the situation, luckily the other hunted and cleaned the meats with help of Ju so that all could eat; they saw his face of concentration and left it be. It is better that think in this and no in the throw that it had killed s cientos, did not want to know that it is what could arrive to suceder when it happen this.

They know that the death for her is a sensitive subject, all less kamen but the did not mention at all did not do lacking to do it.

While Lia studied the Whati salient of the glass, used to kamen to experience the adverse effects; of the group was the only that could not leave it flow without killing it so that was perfect for this. The other were jealous but wanted to that she  distragera of all the event, ademas that a better understanding  would allow them avoid or take measures regarding another future event and this was better that disturb with his jealousies. Lia, kamen and michy were inside the camp of earth and bushes studying, while the other were hunting.

The disiples of the ancient sect arrived to this settlement, while they saw the a lot of that all had changed amazed; they were surrounded by which there weren gone out to hunt. All rank metal, 3 teachers and one much more powerful that the other, michy was not the only whose cultivacion had increased devido to the odd circulate of energies that Lia gave to place.

-They throw his arms to the soil and expliwhatuense- Ju shouted, when listening the shock Lia and kamen went out, michy eataba being taken in arms by it acariciandole the neck.
-The disiples bend  in front of the maeestros-said these launching all his conclusive objects to the soil, they sabian that that place was a treasure for his type of crop and had been created by all this rank metal of course. This did them understand that it sucedido was not odd since they were four and two of them were to the intermediate rank of his rank, this was rare, very rare, already were few the ranks metal and less those that will attain to grow to the beak of east and in front of them had 4; two of them having been able to advance and seeing the surroundings understood that his cultivacion was not different to as they cultivated they and that bent to see if these wanted to teach him.

It would not be rare that denied  or that they wanted to kill it, but the irrigation was worthwhile for them take it; between this and be killed and esclavizados by any another what is better? For them and with sense and reason is better to test luck with them that alone, probably would attain to grow by his account but do not know that so possible this go to be.

They did not understand because it was sucediendo this, but kamen if since the cultivated like them. So it said:- Give him to my masters a moment- the thought in explaining them, and twist to his favour is situation. It could avenge of those who there weren wanted to kill it probably, the smiled and the other saw to Kamen and  enojaron to see it so near to these teachers.
They wanted to kill it still more than before but could not purchase to the ire of these teachers, these sabian that the only was a slave because of his marks and did not think that was his disiples and teacher, the era only the one who served them to his eyes or this seemed.

They left  guide by kamen to argue that do, sabian that Lia is not of the type of person that kill only just in case and thought that these people podrian be them utiles; if they recognise them like teachers can command them to go by the things that they need and keep to Liaa save.

-Because they called us master?, I do not understand-Lia expressed his doubts to the rest.

-It treats of not using your normal voice podrian listen you the rest- rapidamente Ju the reprendió

-The most likely is that they want to learn to circulate the Whati dark around ours-kamen clear them- although nose because they will think that they can teach him in this regard, Lia possesses this capacity to help to be able to it train. I suggest this since they need hand of work accept them, but do not concern  I them transmit what of her learnt and no everything; of this way will not go back  so strong and home that they reveal  will not be able to against us, pardon against you- the wanted to put in the pináculo and without wanting to entered   to if same as if already out of the group.

Yogui And Dark saw  in accordance with what the said would be the most intelligent, only ju was not very of agreement but only because it did not want to have to kamen near.

If we accept them we would not have to be something as well as a sect?-lia penso That his group had increased too much and with so many disiples like more podrian call.

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