C68: "A whatuite grown baby"

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They follown the movements of the Whati that Lia to with his eyes, amazed and marvelled of his skill; they remained  in silence without doing noise for no desconcentrarla in spite of the pain that caused them this technician of His of blood to his veins. More than one already was  putting  pale, luckily the egg empezo to eclosionar; kamen that was the one who was in worse been sigh of relief.

-Already decent goes to be born- said kamen.

She detained  and looked as little by little in the cascarón did  cracks, all were with a smile witnessing the miracle of the birth; wishing that his efforts did not go in vain.

-crack,crack- the shells of egg fell to the rededor of the same or inside the same, showing little by little when being in his interior. This had figure humanoide but with bestial shots, his head was human save by the horns and the peel; also strangely his skin poseia flakes.
More have to this saw  like a healthy baby of dark skin verdi blue, the other was not hairy and in addition to a small masculine member the poseia tail; the rare of the era his size almost seemed to have two years instead of seeing  recien been born.

His eyes had the look of a fiera did not see  human, being his iris a mix of blue greenish with stains coffees. His peel was a golden intense coffee, and his horns were of a red colour fire.

-Mamy- Shouted the small throwing on Lia, which remain  still more surprised when seeing to this boy grown. She had his doubts approaches on if it was or no healthy so that whatuickly circle Whati in his veins to know.

-Guau!, it will be well that his veins of If they have so many colours?- It said with it amazed scared, the other saw  well so that it gave him a big relief. However before they answered them to her the boy said:

-Papis- Looking to the rest without knowing to who embrace first, the wanted to embrace to all but could not.

-Brother!Very come!- It said michy jumping on the before the parents could do something in front of what mentioned, this papi had a very effective hit direct to his corazon. Causing that all were looking it with tender eyes.

Although michy is not really his herman@, remember that it still does not know  his gender, they share the same type of origin yang by what can call  brothers. To his time michy is not really a son of kamen by this cause, however is treated like one by the since it was an egg; by what were very near between the two.

-That relieve that healthy shipowners!- Lia exclaim- does not seem me that there is at all in you rare, save by the flakes of where inherited them?- It said she a bit concerned that this was a bad sign.

-It can be that the influence of several energies Yang influenciada on the bestial energy doing that it change his form, incentivando the birth of a beast of another type. Although it is it will not be so strong like the original since it does not have the same the ea of blood- said kamen especulando.

- In my memories of line of blood, woke up the remember that the beasts when we arrive to the highest stage of the deity can pulirnos to arrive to be as a dragon but only physically. It is possible that was this what happen him, now same the was something as well as a divine beast recien born- said Yogui.

All looked  the ones to the others in front of this, does not matter that it is his son they go it to love the same; it is well know that the flakes do not indicate at all bad this is everything. If there is something more in the half does not matter them a lot, the only that they want to do is to cultivate together with his son that was born with a high level of martial rank. In both metal and of half level. It does not seem them at all rare considering of the one who was born, and the circumstances in which it did it.

It relieves them know that being his so cultivated body to the pair of them could rise together with the, only has to train not to suffer in this world; it is well that did not be too young to be able to train together with the. To them it concerned them rise without his son, but east throw calmed them.

-Then cual is my mombre - the boy ask, leaving to all restless in front of this situacion; in the middle of all this had not thought in this of the name.

-Give us a moment still have not thought it- said Lia embarrassed- Not even  as it would be correct to give him a surname- east throw was something that had not solved when marrying  between if, Which would be exactly the surname of the family?.

-I think that the best would be Without after all all marry us with her-1 said Dark, was rare that a man will carry the surname of the family of the wife but could suceder. All assisted agreeing, save by the boy that incredibly could understand everything from so early age.

- What seems them Máx?- It said she thinking in max steel, although his surname would be different was not bad masculine name.

Yogui And kamen agreed Isabel a lot on this subject, Dark and neither follown thoughtful to see if it occurred them  one better but could not. It is rare that can combine this name in a form that  to of mockery, having this in account those that thought were esoly descartados.

-Very that it was Max- said the boy when seeing that anybody could contribute at all more, with a smile in his face look to his parents and said:- we Go to cultivate?

-Hardly you were born, no podes expect to grow a bit- said Lia concerned.

-This well for the humans is normal whatu was so, but remembers the is not of the all one; take into account that by his own good it also has to learn to defend . East my do can be really cruel- said Dark.

-mmmmm- Said thoughtful and with anger,  looking to the small with desconfianza-  very very first that teach you the profession for so ensure that you have a good handle on the Whati while you do physical exercise to strengthen the body, once have all dominated began to practise comi struggle- said expecting delay to this precocious boy a bit, had by his physical health ademas.

-Very very ma, will do as you have said me- the small did not see it like a loss, trusted the orientation of his parents after all are wise

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