C23: "First litigates in group

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It was Ju Jin looking to the like his eyes looked to his around and took  a break to appreciate what saw in his mind xomo valuing each moment, like this went like the saw the process of learning of Lia while it treated to understand the Whati anybody could see it what she not even speaking achieved the divinity, because of his body and the odd characteristics in that his dantalian formed  and the like the Whati goes through she is that it could see the things of  this way,  as a lot if podian feel the like this flowed by the things, still like this would be them very difficult differentiate the types of energy that they sentian only l feel one clearly could  consider that these there weren achieved the divinity, extending his life thanks to this new form of  understanding of energy every time that increase of level his life increases but this does not do them invulnerable, only when comprising an energy the sufficiently well as to confuse  with her could be more invulnerable, although no dle everything always could litigate with another divinity and weaken.

This was  ignored worse all only when progressing in the cultivacion would know it she without knowing it and without that anybody knew it has all the necessary for even trascender the divinity.
But for now only it is another cultivadora more travelling, in front of the sight of the other is the escolta of this group maybe are children of some noble and therefore it accompanies them so strong cultivadores the throw that they went two desaliento to some small groups hid to attack it there weren several edges between them that podian put them in disadvantage, but the throw that they also have cultivated in espiritu until so high degree the desaliento even some beasts avoided them, considered his stray territory but seeing that these moved  gladden them.

But to measure that seguian way to the capital the level of crop of the beasts subia and this caused that he environment put  taut, as sabian that sooner or later they would have  that content with any of the threats of which had warned  . However I gladden them have a good stretch of tranwhatuility by the way,  had  already transitado by the a month and temian relax too much, sabian what no all the way would be so, like this what when they began to notice changes in his surroundings related to this put  alert.

First they saw what no longer had so many beasts, what indicated what went in to a territory of a stronger beast, what stronger less competition by resources eata allowed  have unless it was carnivorous. And besides the levels of which attained to hunt went incresong, when going The with them was them difficult find preys as they avoided them, and is better so not to be surrounded by them, but very soon gave  account what the things went to worsen.
Ju Gave  account what the perlas what gave him Lia went him to surrender more than what thought and that thanks to them could arrive to have a martial crop of the rank of the earth of level 10 and amazed him this, to other that these did not lose colour so fast like the ones of the market the one who knows if they would have him still more than it what the thought. The calculated as far as felt but was not sure what if it knew was what these perlas possessed a Whati very dense and would be very useful on a long-term bsos.

Lia had learnt to see well in spite of the smokes of colours being able to focus more on one that of another, notice that aveces could control to a type of colour of smoke atraves of her and leave it go out, of this way penso that it could  generate some attack to distance. What ignored is 1ue when treating to understand these energias and circulate them on her, had begun to affect to Yogui, the neither gave  account of this, only felt an odd feeling what did not know like explaining but did not seem to be something bad by what decided to ignore it. It wraps it had learnt to see better to his around and in a radius of almenos 1 metre could feel if there were people near or no because of these smokes and as it arrived him the energy to her, and while seguian in the distance she played with these energies.

She gathered a bit of blue energy in the hand and deal to gather the in a ball, as it came doing in his previous experiments, but this time the deal to compress doing that it circulate on if same; attaining the with a lot of mental effort, such seems that the form in that you think or imagine the things affects the as it forms  is energy she concluded. Now entendia better because Yogui could do the harps imagined  that for the era his hand the energy, in reality is something more complicated that this because the does it by instinct, if it did it conscious would be more powerful, but this she did not know it and neither wise that so much really Yogui entendia or imagined his attack to launch it.

It needs  a bit of understanding , imagination or instinct to attain circulate the energies of the If and the attacks are the resultant of xomo these combine  to give form to what will go out of them or atrave z of them and varies gave there is espiritu or no as it would happen to as have own mind the attack, and to if it has elementary strength or no as the Whati possess a bit of this to be able to conserve in something that damage and if it possesses  this strength go back  still more harmful. Although it could  to arrive to empatar if one possesses a strong understanding of this type of Whati to the enfrentarse with somebody that handles some element, possessing one elementary  strength denser that the another still like this because of the understanding is would not damage him.
Lia wanted to test to launch it xomo if it was a bullet and decided to focus in a tree that was more advance in his way to be able to afterwards check that so well worked, compress the more  that it can and with a bit but of energy by detras so that it is push him compressed the to this also. Not knowing as they work is strengths well of the all, but suspecting did all what put so that it went out well his first attempt, and almost closing the eyes wish in his corazon that went out well.

BOOOM! And the abrol to the that aimed almost that exploded leave in the an enormous hole what more scare to all is that of the tree salio a person, that seemed to have being hiding behind  he to the soil injured.

Because carajo exploded I did not imagine a bomb, will be because I thought in a bullet and like these have gunpowder without wanting to added him explosive power?That it had happened if really it had imagined or thought in something explosive?- Lia had not loaned attention to the body of the subject thought in as improve his attack, and had not thought in as explain because it had decided suddenly explode the tree.

There was not time so that it was still thinking as second afterwards went out a group of people in front of them such seems that a group of bandits expected them more advance all in the rank him it earth of high levels, as they were around 10 did not amaze them see them as with his strength combined podrian put in a corner to Yogui and to lia while they stole to the ptros and afterwards escape those that will survive will deliver  the booty between if, usually the bandits were so went out in groups and afterwards surrendered accounts to somebody stronger of this way podrian cultivate hatsa be stronger if it would have  luck and always would have people in his rows. And poor dle that betrayed the death would be his only longing in the life something that never could obtain in spite of the horror of what went him to do, as no serious more than a dead person in life for ever.

All amazed   of Lia of a hit had attained to demolish to a cultivadora although this was not so far of his rank, to to be because of the Whati espiritu that there is in her. In truth it was a cultivadora extraordinary with reason said that they did not be worthwhile his breath she did not need to do almost at all for lidiar with the ants in front of her, all had  to peel Yogui especially gave a big jump in front wanting to apacarar to several at the same time,
All with his launch or swords were to enfrentarse to somebody. They were more than the worse bandits only the and Yogui were strong all the other were of the rank of the water but of high level of to two podrian arrive to lidiar with one.

Lia fell  of Yogui when this went out Iracundo to peel still did not understand that devils was happening, all were centred in his litigate. Helping one to the another with his movements super coordinated, even between them litigated as if they were one, she saw this and said:

What carajo?-Definitively it did not go to be able to survive in this world, look the easy  that understand  between them to organise  and litigate and the ptros the easy that can arrive to defend  knowing like the others can coordinate. Clearly she could shoot them to his enemies but only if east is desprevenido, she notice to the corpse near of the tree and went  to a side to vomit.

The bandits seeing cheese emboscada had failed treated to follow to in front with the plan but saw that it was impossible, these men were very coordinated and the bear was not easy of lidiar by what decided to escape. This was not them easy since  angry by that they wanted to steal them pursued them at the end only 3 attained it, having failed so miserablemente serian strongly punished by the leader, but would be better enfrentar these reprisals that those that would obtain by betrayers when escaping to avoid it.

Lia went back to the way and approached to the corpse and saw that it had a big hole in his stomach, the type in the soil seguia vomiting blood.
Still it is not died!- I exclaim  Lia with so much blood all gave it by dead person, the frankly almost was it stuck to a thread of life only his wish to attain survive kept it alive.

I have to do something for slavarlo- penso Lia

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