C30: "Development of feelings (2)"

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She taenia his corazon meido tightened pro this, knew that the concerned  really by her when saying these words. His heart was a bit touched although the could do it by greed what said to have it for the, she knew that it also can be been due to his good feelings. It showed him to him that it was good person, but his manias of desconfianza to etse world put him the doubt of if the could be pretending now this doubt was lower. Only it knew that she was badly mentally that that many of his reasons of alejamiento can not being justified, but even so did not feel  list to approach  to somebody or with right to a happy end what knew is that if it had been still in his world would not have had it or at least no of the all, and besides all to the one who wanted did not finish of the all very and felt fault that it went to be that she if .

Although this world is very chaotic as so that it can suceder this.
Dark Was conmovido by Ju and by her, us baia as it was she but knew that to to be beautiful so that it hide  so much. Although it seemed that she had saved it by interest, in these days notice that she is kind and sure that I save it by fault for causing his death that by his veins of crop. The could see it clearly to the as it spoke and helped to all, although they tricked  of her in his face by as it acted of affectionate with the demas.
In these days she always concerned  by the and his welfare and the one of all, and more than once insisted in cooking for all doing dishes of rich foods. Although they had people that were allocated to this, although she could demand him as I exclaim to serve him never did it and the deal like his ewhatual.

And Ju for real treat it like a brother in these days concerned by his past life of bandit and the consewhatuences of this allowed him happen like a member of her,  teaching him all what needed to know to happen unobserved including technical martial of his family and a daga hereditary. It gave him a familiar treasure.

Although Ju did these things to purpose with the end to like to Lia and show him that Dark would be to good care, the did not know to see this. And The always said him to Ju that concerned  by his future and the one of him,  Dark and Ju, had to Dark was abused by the jealousies of Ju.
And she was very bondadosa and concerned pro the people although it had them fear, by the echos and that they can be cruel loves the solidarity and is attentive.

Ju Discovered this facet of her and  enamoro a bit more,  Dark at last had fellow and felt  warm to be able to have brothers. Porwhatu3 so presented  to the other and treated  in front of the other although it knew that it was a farce to dissemble to Lía, could feel the good feelings of her and of Ju to the.

Ju If good felt something of jealousies of Dark fell him well in addition to that knew that it did not betray them, the loyal era to Ju also although it was not his slave and this understood the one who was due to the fact that the called  his brother. And it gave him it blames the be it treating badly as in this chaotic world was well have to somebody in the one who trust, and doubted of the loyalty of his mates soldered, especially because the era something as well as his boss devido to his crop and rank peo this last was not so upper to the of the others.

It imagined  that they could traocionsrlo saying the resources that carried she s some bandit of the take care for like this steal him and afterwards enjoy of her. It did not know that so much his would be truth and had what went to happen him.

I fear by Lia-said without wanting to Ju in high voice and Dark listen him.

I also fear by her and no only for being my teacher want to take care it she is very special, is really kind did not want to that they take advantage of  of his inexperiencia-said Dark looking to Ju-  that really mo joins us any bond of blood but the two have the necesedidad and the wish to take care of her and this joins us will do today like brothers under the sky take care of her- said Dark with a serious face.

This touched to Ju, Dark wanted him like a true brother. I notice it by what said considered it his brother sworn, felt  aswhatueado of his behaviour to him.

It is truth that could arrive to be his rival of love, but there was something more important that the heart of her and this was his life. The reflexionó in if it was acting like a boy Dark was wiser that the, the understands that this is due to the fact that the forged  more with the dangers of this world. Although the the enfrentó knows that it was only the surface only Dark saw his true cruelty yet still had given him his loyalty and affection.

This is rare that does not seat hate the by the world, closing the eyes in a deep break ju exclaim:- today under the sky swear that you are my brother of fight, fight by his security, fight of life and of death by always without betraying us jamas!- Half shouting at the end what said and his clamour cause a cloud in the sky. Dark Repeated the swearing of Ju and of him sky, of where was the cloud fell a ray on the two one small.

This throw under the law of the sky play of not fulfilling will be punished-said Dark.

The other saw this and amazed them see that these brothers will swear under this norm, was not rare that the cultivadores will play by the law of the sky and is will finish them punishing afterwards if they did not fulfil, was something dangerous if for real you did not put your heart in this is could kill you when playing it, but could survive with a high level of crop if you went against of your word depending of the promised.

They did not know that type of promise there weren throw but seems that they put really his corazon, as the ray neither had affected them.

Lia saw that it fell them a ray and throw them green balls of energy to both, as wise that these cure. She was scared for seeing this scene.

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